monitoringInterface / util /
HugoHE's picture
initial commit
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import os.path
# from sklearnex import patch_sklearn, unpatch_sklearn
# patch_sklearn()
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift
# values: a two-dimensional array, m number of n-dimensional vectors to be clustered;
def modified_kmeans_cluster(values_to_cluster, threshold, k_start, n_clusters=None):
if n_clusters is not None:
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init="auto", random_state=0).fit(values_to_cluster)
return kmeans.labels_
n_clusters = k_start
n_values = len(values_to_cluster)
assert n_values > 0
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init="auto", random_state=0).fit(values_to_cluster)
inertias = [kmeans.inertia_]
while n_values > n_clusters:
n_clusters_new = n_clusters + 1
kmeans_new = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters_new, n_init="auto", random_state=0).fit(values_to_cluster)
if terminate_clustering(inertias, threshold):
kmeans = kmeans_new
n_clusters += 1
return kmeans.labels_
def terminate_clustering(inertias, threshold):
# method: compute relative improvement toward previous step
assert len(inertias) > 1
improvement = 1 - (inertias[-1] / inertias[-2])
return improvement < threshold
def cluster_existed_features(network_folder_path, classes, layers_indexes, taus):
appendixes = ["_correctly_classified_features.csv", "_incorrectly_classified_features.csv"]
product = ((i, y, appendix) for i in layers_indexes for y in classes for appendix in appendixes)
for i, y, appendix in product:
start_time = time.time()
# load data for class y at layer minus i
features_file_path = network_folder_path +"Layer_minus_" + str(i) + "/class_" + str(y) + appendix
df = pd.read_csv(features_file_path)
index_values = df["index"].to_numpy()
values_to_cluster = df[df.columns[3:]].to_numpy()
if len(values_to_cluster):
# specify path and then load existing clustering results
k_and_taus = dict()
taus_existed = []
clustering_results = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=["index", "true_label", "pred_label"])
clustering_results_path = network_folder_path + "Layer_minus_" + str(i) + "/clustering_results_class_" + str(y) + appendix
if os.path.exists(clustering_results_path):
clustering_results = pd.read_csv(clustering_results_path)
for col in clustering_results.columns[3:]:
k_and_taus[col] = clustering_results[col].max() + 1
# update the existing values of tau
taus_existed = [float(key) for key in k_and_taus.keys()]
# remove existing tau from list existed_taus
taus_new = [tau for tau in taus if tau not in taus_existed]
# iterate every tau to cluster the given data
for tau in taus_new:
# fix starting searching point
k_start = 1
bigger_taus = [x for x in taus_existed if x > tau]
if len(bigger_taus):
tau_closest = min(bigger_taus)
k_start = k_and_taus[str(tau_closest)]
# start to cluster
cluster_labels = modified_kmeans_cluster(values_to_cluster, tau, k_start)
clustering_results[str(tau)] = cluster_labels
k_and_taus[str(tau)] = max(cluster_labels) + 1
clustering_results.to_csv(clustering_results_path, index = False)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print("file:" + "Layer_minus_" + str(i) + "_class_" + str(y) + appendix + ",", "lasting time:", elapsed_time, "seconds")
def features_clustering(features, taus, nb_clusters):
start_time = time.time()
values_to_cluster = features
if len(values_to_cluster):
# specify path and then load existing clustering results
k_and_taus = dict()
taus_existed = []
# if os.path.exists(clustering_results_path):
# clustering_results = pd.read_csv(clustering_results_path)
# for col in clustering_results.columns[3:]:
# k_and_taus[col] = clustering_results[col].max() + 1
# else:
# clustering_results = pd.DataFrame()
# update the existing values of tau
taus_existed = [float(key) for key in k_and_taus.keys()]
# remove existing tau from list existed_taus
taus_new = [tau for tau in taus if tau not in taus_existed]
clustering_results = dict()
# iterate every tau to cluster the given data
for tau in taus_new:
# fix starting searching point
k_start = 1
bigger_taus = [x for x in taus_existed if x > tau]
if len(bigger_taus):
tau_closest = min(bigger_taus)
k_start = k_and_taus[str(tau_closest)]
# start to cluster
cluster_labels = modified_kmeans_cluster(values_to_cluster, tau, k_start, nb_clusters)
clustering_results[str(tau)] = cluster_labels
k_and_taus[str(tau)] = max(cluster_labels) + 1
# clustering_results.to_csv(clustering_results_path, index = False)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
# print("clustering time:", elapsed_time, "seconds")
return clustering_results