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  1. app.py +2 -1
app.py CHANGED
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ if __name__=="__main__":
  img_out = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Output Image", visible=True)
  with gr.Accordion("Instruction", open=True):
- gr.Textbox("In NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090, [step 1] takes about 4 minutes and [step 2] takes about 1 minute.", show_label=False)
  gr.Textbox("At [step 1], put the desired source image and write the source text that describes the source image. If it is difficult to describe, you can use a noun such as 'a dog' or 'a woman.' Then decide on the number of desired personalized embeddings.", show_label=False)
  gr.Textbox("After [step 1], you can check the personalized results with different optimization steps and select the optimization step. First, check if the image at step 1000 has a subject similar to the source image. In the paper, we use the 1000 step for optimization almost.", show_label=False)
  gr.Textbox("At [step 2], write the derised target text. Then, refer to the generated personalized image in the bottom left and choose an optimization. If the desired image is not obtained, try another random seed.", show_label=False)
  img_out = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Output Image", visible=True)
  with gr.Accordion("Instruction", open=True):
+ gr.Textbox("In NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090, [step 1] takes about 3.5 minutes and [step 2] takes about 1 minute.", show_label=False)
+ gr.Textbox("In NVIDIA T4, [step 1] takes about 8 minutes and [step 2] takes about 1.5 minutes.", show_label=False)
  gr.Textbox("At [step 1], put the desired source image and write the source text that describes the source image. If it is difficult to describe, you can use a noun such as 'a dog' or 'a woman.' Then decide on the number of desired personalized embeddings.", show_label=False)
  gr.Textbox("After [step 1], you can check the personalized results with different optimization steps and select the optimization step. First, check if the image at step 1000 has a subject similar to the source image. In the paper, we use the 1000 step for optimization almost.", show_label=False)
  gr.Textbox("At [step 2], write the derised target text. Then, refer to the generated personalized image in the bottom left and choose an optimization. If the desired image is not obtained, try another random seed.", show_label=False)