swarms / playground.py
YvesP's picture
initial load
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass
import param_
from settings import Settings
from drone import Drone
class Playground:
This is a cylindrical 3D-env where blue drones defend a central zone from the attack of red drones
the playground manages also the interactions between foe-drones such as the firing
perimeter = Settings.perimeter
perimeter_z = Settings.perimeter_z
groundzone = Settings.groundzone
env: object
blue_drones: [Drone]
red_drones: [Drone]
def __post_init__(self):
# creates the fire matrices
self.blues_have_fired_reds = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.blue_drones),
len(self.red_drones)), dtype=int)
self.reds_have_fired_blues = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.red_drones),
len(self.blue_drones)), dtype=int)
# how long the drone needs to have the other in target
self.blue_shots_to_kill = param_.DRONE_MODELS[param_.DRONE_MODEL[True]]['duration_to_neutralisation']
self.red_shots_to_kill = param_.DRONE_MODELS[param_.DRONE_MODEL[False]]['duration_to_neutralisation']
self.blue_shots_to_kill //= param_.STEP
self.red_shots_to_kill //= param_.STEP
# how far can a drone shoot
self.distance_blue_shot = param_.DRONE_MODELS[param_.DRONE_MODEL[True]]['distance_to_neutralisation']
self.distance_red_shot = param_.DRONE_MODELS[param_.DRONE_MODEL[False]]['distance_to_neutralisation']
def reset(self):
self.blues_have_fired_reds[...] = 0
self.reds_have_fired_blues[...] = 0
def get_observation(self):
return self.blues_have_fired_reds / self.blue_shots_to_kill, \
self.reds_have_fired_blues / self.red_shots_to_kill
def step(self):
determines who has fired who, and who is dead in the end
:return: Tuple with list of Blue and Reds dead. (if a blue or a red is dead, the sequence is over)
# gets who has fired who in this step
blues_fire_reds = np.array([[blue.fires_(red) for red in self.red_drones] for blue in self.blue_drones])
reds_fire_blues = np.array([[red.fires_(blue) for blue in self.blue_drones] for red in self.red_drones])
# if the foe is no longer seen, the count restarts from 0
self.blues_have_fired_reds *= blues_fire_reds
self.reds_have_fired_blues *= reds_fire_blues
# and the count is incremented for the others
self.blues_have_fired_reds += blues_fire_reds
self.reds_have_fired_blues += reds_fire_blues
# np magic : first find the list of duos shooter/shot, keep the shots (only once)
red_deads = np.unique(np.argwhere(self.blues_have_fired_reds >= self.blue_shots_to_kill).T[1])
blue_deads = np.unique(np.argwhere(self.reds_have_fired_blues >= self.red_shots_to_kill).T[1])
# tell the drones that they are dead
for drone_id in blue_deads:
for drone_id in red_deads:
# consider only living drones
blue_drones = [drone for drone in self.blue_drones if drone.is_alive]
red_drones = [drone for drone in self.red_drones if drone.is_alive]
bf_obs, rf_obs = self.get_observation()
bf_reward = rf_reward = 0
remaining_blues, remaining_reds = len(blue_drones), len(red_drones),
blue_shots, red_shots = len(blue_deads), len(red_deads)
if blue_shots + red_shots > 0:
print('someone is killed: {0} blues and {1} reds'.format(blue_shots, red_shots))
return bf_obs, bf_reward, remaining_blues, blue_shots, rf_obs, rf_reward, remaining_reds, red_shots