import gradio as gr |
from typing import Dict |
import asyncio |
import os |
from src.control.controller import Controller |
from Levenshtein import distance |
from src.tools.list_tool import delete_duplicate_styles |
def run(config: Dict, controller: Controller): |
""" |
===================================================== |
Global variables |
================ |
""" |
controller.clear_docs() |
title = "<h1 style=text-align:center;display:block;font-size:4.5em;color:#08a2d2;font-weight:bold;margin-top:4%;padding-bottom:1%>GenProp</h1>" |
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft(primary_hue=gr.themes.colors.blue, secondary_hue=gr.themes.colors.orange)) as formatdoc: |
gr.Markdown(title) |
gr.Markdown("<p style=color:#08a2d2;font-size:1.5em;padding-bottom:2%;text-align:center>Par Hexamind</p>") |
gr.Markdown("") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
pass |
with gr.Column(scale=10): |
""" |
===================================================== |
Input and style components |
========================== |
""" |
gr.Markdown("<p style=font-size:1em;>Vous êtes chargé de produire une proposition commerciale</p>") |
with gr.Accordion("Charger votre proposition", open=True) as input_acc: |
input_files_comp = gr.File(file_count="multiple", file_types=[".docx"], label="Document") |
with gr.Accordion("Appliquer les styles", open=False) as style_acc: |
templates_radio = gr.Radio( |
label="Templates", |
choices=config['templates'], |
value=config['templates'][config['default_template_index']], |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
options_btn = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=config['options'], |
label="Options", |
interactive=True) |
with gr.Accordion("Mapper les styles de liste", open=False) \ |
as list_acc: |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
list_style_comps = [gr.Dropdown(visible=False, interactive=True) |
for _ in range(config['max_styles'])] |
with gr.Accordion("Mapper les autres styles non présents dans le template", open=False) \ |
as newstyles_acc: |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
newstyle_comps = [gr.Dropdown(visible=False, interactive=True) |
for _ in range(config['max_styles'])] |
log_comp = gr.Textbox(label="Journal des modifications", visible=False) |
output_styles_files_comp = gr.File(file_count="multiple", file_types=[".docx"], visible=False) |
with gr.Row(): |
run_style_btn = gr.Button("Appliquer le template et les modifications de style", visible=False) |
clear_style_btn = gr.Button("Annuler les modifications de style", visible=False) |
""" |
=============================================== |
Generation components |
====================== |
""" |
with gr.Accordion("Compléter automatiquement la proposition", open=False) as gen_acc: |
generate_option_btn = gr.Radio( |
label="Automatically generate a draft based on your own database", |
choices=["Auto generation", "No generation"], |
value="No generation", |
interactive=True, |
visible=False, |
) |
db_list_comp = gr.CheckboxGroup( |
label="Base de connaissance", |
info="Ces documents constituent la source de référence. Désélectionner pour qu'ils ne soient " |
"pas pris en compte lors de la génération automatiqueF", |
visible=True, |
interactive=True, |
) |
db_reset_btn = gr.Button("Effacer la base de connaissance", visible=False, size="sm") \ |
with gr.Column(visible=True): |
gr.Markdown("<p style=font-size:1em;text-align:center;>A des fins de démonstrations, la base de connaissance est alimentée depuis Wikipedia</p>") |
wiki_fetch_btn = gr.Button("Rechercher les pages Wikipedia", visible=True, size="sm") |
wiki_list_comp = gr.CheckboxGroup( |
label="Sélectionner les pages à ajouter dans la base de connaissance", |
visible=False, |
interactive=True, |
) |
with gr.Column(): |
wiki_add_to_db_btn = \ |
gr.Button("Ajouter les documents sélectionnés à la base de connaissance", |
visible=False, size="sm") |
add_close_btn = gr.Button("Close", visible=False, size="sm") |
with gr.Row(): |
db_add_doc_btn = gr.Button("Ajouter de nouveaux documents", visible=False, size="sm")\ |
output_files_comp = gr.Files(file_count="multiple", visible=False) |
generate_btn = gr.Button("Générer", interactive=True) |
clear_btn = gr.Button('Nettoyer', visible=False) |
rerun_btn = gr.Button('Relancer', visible=False) |
""" |
=============================================== |
Verification requirements components |
====================== |
""" |
with gr.Accordion("Générer la réponse aux exigences (en cours de développement)", open=False, visible=True) as exigences_acc: |
input_csv_comp = gr.File(file_count='multiple', file_types=[".xlsx"], label="Fichier d'exigences (xlsx only)") |
with gr.Row(): |
verif_btn = gr.Button("Générer la réponse aux exigences (en cours de développement)", visible=False) |
output_csv_comp = gr.File(file_count="single", file_types=[".xlsx"], visible=False) |
gr.Markdown("") |
gr.Markdown("") |
gr.Markdown("<p style=font-size:1em;>Vous êtes administrateur de GenProp</p>") |
with gr.Accordion("Gérer les templates", open=False) as gestions_templates_acc: |
templates_radio_modif = gr.Radio( |
interactive=True, |
label="Templates", |
choices=config['templates'], |
value=config['templates'][config['default_template_index']], |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
add_template_btn = gr.UploadButton("Ajouter un template",file_count="single", file_types=[".docx"]) |
delete_curr_template_btn = gr.Button("Supprimer le template sélectionné") |
with gr.Accordion("Gérer la base de connaissances (en cours de développement)", open=False): |
pass |
with gr.Column(): |
pass |
""" |
=================================================== |
state variables |
=============== |
""" |
wiki_source_var: [str] = gr.State([]) |
wiki_db_var: [str] = gr.State([]) |
my_files_db_var: [str] = gr.State([]) |
db_collection_var: str = gr.State("-1") |
""" |
=================================================== |
Input and styles functions and listeners |
======================================== |
""" |
def input_csv_fn(input_csv_): |
if len(input_csv_) > 1: |
raise gr.Error(f'Please upload only one file') |
else: |
input_csv_ = input_csv_[0] |
if not input_csv_.name.endswith('.xlsx'): |
raise gr.Error(f'File {input_csv_.name} is not a xlsx file, please upload only xlsx files') |
else: |
controller.set_input_csv(input_csv_) |
update_ = { |
verif_btn: gr.update(visible=True), |
} |
return update_ |
input_csv_comp.upload(input_csv_fn, |
inputs=[input_csv_comp], |
outputs=[verif_btn], |
show_progress="full") |
def input_csv_clear_fn(): |
controller.clear_input_csv() |
update_ = { |
verif_btn: gr.update(visible=False), |
} |
return update_ |
input_csv_comp.clear( |
input_csv_clear_fn, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[verif_btn] |
) |
def generate_requirements_excel(): |
controller.generate_response_to_requirements() |
output_path = [f"{controller.excel_doc_path}/{f}" for f in os.listdir(controller.excel_doc_path)] |
update_ = { |
output_csv_comp: gr.update(value=output_path, visible=True), |
} |
return update_ |
verif_btn.click(generate_requirements_excel, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[output_csv_comp],show_progress="full") |
def input_files_upload_fn(input_files_): |
for files in input_files_: |
if(not files.name.endswith('.docx')): |
raise gr.Error(f'File {files.name} is not a docx file, please upload only docx files') |
else: |
continue |
controller.clear_docs() |
controller.copy_docs(input_files_) |
update_ = { |
newstyles_acc: gr.update(open=True), |
style_acc: gr.update(visible=True), |
run_style_btn: gr.update(visible=True), |
clear_style_btn: gr.update(visible=True), |
list_acc: gr.update(open=True), |
} |
newstyles_update = newstyles_fn() |
update_.update(newstyles_update) |
return update_ |
input_files_comp.upload(input_files_upload_fn, |
inputs=[input_files_comp], |
outputs=[style_acc, newstyles_acc, run_style_btn, clear_style_btn, list_acc] + newstyle_comps + list_style_comps |
) |
def input_file_clear_fn(): |
controller.clear_docs() |
update_ = { |
options_btn: gr.update(value=[]), |
log_comp: gr.update(value="", visible=False), |
output_styles_files_comp: gr.update(value=[], visible=False), |
newstyles_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
style_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
gen_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
output_files_comp: gr.update(visible=False), |
run_style_btn: gr.update(visible=False), |
clear_style_btn: gr.update(visible=False), |
list_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
exigences_acc: gr.update(value=""), |
} |
newstyles_update_ = newstyles_reset() |
list_style_update_ = newliststyle_reset() |
update_.update(newstyles_update_) |
update_.update(list_style_update_) |
return update_ |
input_files_comp.clear( |
input_file_clear_fn, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[options_btn, output_styles_files_comp, output_files_comp, log_comp, newstyles_acc, list_acc, |
gen_acc, style_acc, run_style_btn, clear_style_btn, exigences_acc] + newstyle_comps + list_style_comps |
) |
def misapplied_styles_fn(): |
res = controller.retrieve_number_of_misapplied_styles() |
return res |
def newstyles_fn(): |
update_ = {} |
update_.update(newliststyle_reset()) |
update_.update(newstyles_reset()) |
different_styles, all_template_styles = controller.get_difference_with_template() |
all_template_styles_names = [style.name for style in all_template_styles] |
list_styles_to_update = controller.get_list_styles() |
get_label_list = lambda i: f"style: {list_styles_to_update[i]['list_style']}" |
list_style_update_ = { |
list_style_comps[i]: gr.update(visible=i < len(list_styles_to_update), |
choices=sorted(all_template_styles_names, key=lambda x: distance(x, list_styles_to_update[i]['list_style'])), |
value=None, |
label=get_label_list(i)) if i < len(list_styles_to_update) else '' |
for i in range(config['max_styles']) |
} |
update_.update(list_style_update_) |
different_styles = delete_duplicate_styles(list_styles_to_update, different_styles) |
adapted_template_styles = [] |
for i in range(len(different_styles)): |
adapted_template_styles.append([style.name for style in all_template_styles if style.type == different_styles[i]['style'].type]) |
get_label = lambda i: f"style: {different_styles[i]['style'].name}" |
newstyles_update_ = { |
newstyle_comps[i]: gr.update(visible=i < len(different_styles), |
choices=sorted(adapted_template_styles[i], key=lambda x: distance(x, different_styles[i]['style'].name)), |
value=None, |
label=get_label(i)) if i < len(different_styles) else '' |
for i in range(len(different_styles)) |
} |
update_.update(newstyles_update_) |
return update_ |
def newliststyle_reset(): |
update_ = { |
list_style_comps[i]: gr.update(visible=False, |
choices=[], |
value=None, |
label='') |
for i in range(config['max_styles']) |
} |
return update_ |
def newstyles_reset(): |
update_ = { |
newstyle_comps[i]: gr.update(visible=False, |
choices=[], |
value=None, |
label='') |
for i in range(config['max_styles']) |
} |
return update_ |
def templates_fn(templates_): |
controller.set_template(templates_) |
update_ = newstyles_fn() |
return update_ |
templates_radio.change(templates_fn, |
inputs=[templates_radio], |
outputs=[newstyles_acc, list_acc] + newstyle_comps + list_style_comps) |
def newstyle_fns(src_index: int): |
def newstyle_fn(newstyle_): |
controller.update_style(src_index, newstyle_) |
return newstyle_fn |
def change_list_style_fn(src_index: int): |
def change_list_style_fn(list_style_): |
controller.update_list_style(src_index, list_style_) |
return change_list_style_fn |
def add_template_fn(template): |
controller.add_template(template) |
update_ = { |
templates_radio: gr.update(choices=[t for t in os.listdir(config['templates_path']) if t.endswith((".docx"))]), |
templates_radio_modif: gr.update(choices=[t for t in os.listdir(config['templates_path']) if t.endswith((".docx"))]), |
} |
return update_ |
def delete_curr_template_fn(template): |
controller.delete_curr_template(template) |
update_ = { |
templates_radio: gr.update(choices=[t for t in os.listdir(config['templates_path']) if t.endswith((".docx"))]), |
templates_radio_modif: gr.update(choices=[t for t in os.listdir(config['templates_path']) if t.endswith((".docx"))]), |
options_btn: gr.update(value=[]), |
log_comp: gr.update(value="", visible=False), |
output_styles_files_comp: gr.update(value=[], visible=False), |
newstyles_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
run_style_btn: gr.update(visible=True), |
list_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
} |
return update_ |
add_template_btn.upload(add_template_fn, |
inputs=[add_template_btn], |
outputs=[templates_radio,templates_radio_modif]) |
delete_curr_template_btn.click(delete_curr_template_fn, |
inputs=[templates_radio], |
outputs=[templates_radio, options_btn, log_comp, output_styles_files_comp, newstyles_acc, run_style_btn, list_acc, templates_radio_modif]) |
for src_index, newstyle_comp in enumerate(newstyle_comps): |
newstyle_comp.input(newstyle_fns(src_index), inputs=[newstyle_comp], outputs=[],show_progress="full") |
for src_index, list_style_comp in enumerate(list_style_comps): |
list_style_comp.input(change_list_style_fn(src_index), inputs=[list_style_comp], outputs=[],show_progress="full") |
def clear_style_fn(input_files_): |
controller.clear_docs() |
if input_files_: |
controller.copy_docs(input_files_) |
controller.set_template() |
update_ = { |
options_btn: gr.update(value=[]), |
log_comp: gr.update(value="", visible=False), |
output_styles_files_comp: gr.update(value=[], visible=False), |
newstyles_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
run_style_btn: gr.update(visible=True), |
list_acc: gr.update(open=False), |
templates_radio: gr.update(value=config['templates'][config['default_template_index']]), |
} |
newstyles_update_ = newstyles_fn() |
update_.update(newstyles_update_) |
return update_ |
clear_style_btn.click(clear_style_fn, |
inputs=[input_files_comp], |
outputs=[options_btn, output_styles_files_comp, log_comp, newstyles_acc, list_acc, run_style_btn, templates_radio] |
+ newstyle_comps + list_style_comps |
) |
def run_style_fn(options_btn_): |
print(f"options activated : {options_btn_}") |
controller.apply_template(options_btn_) |
log = controller.get_log() |
new_docs_path = controller.generated_docs_path |
output_paths = [f"{new_docs_path}/{f}" for f in os.listdir(new_docs_path)] |
print(f"output_paths: {output_paths}") |
update_ = { |
log_comp: gr.update(value=log, visible=True), |
output_styles_files_comp: gr.update(value=output_paths, visible=True), |
run_style_btn: gr.update(visible=False), |
} |
return update_ |
run_style_btn.click(run_style_fn, |
inputs=[options_btn], |
outputs=[log_comp, output_styles_files_comp, run_style_btn] + newstyle_comps, show_progress="full") |
""" |
===================================================== |
Generation functions |
==================== |
""" |
def generate_option_fn(db_collection_): |
id_ = controller.get_or_create_collection(db_collection_) |
update_ = { |
db_collection_var: id_, |
} |
return update_ |
def wiki_fetch1_fn(): |
""" |
fetch the wikifiles interesting for solving the tasks as defined in the input doc |
""" |
update_ = { |
wiki_list_comp: gr.update(visible=True), |
} |
return update_ |
async def wiki_fetch2_fn(): |
""" |
fetch the wikifiles interesting for solving the tasks as defined in the input doc |
""" |
wiki_interesting_files = await controller.wiki_fetch() |
print(f"wiki_interesting_files: {wiki_interesting_files}") |
wiki_files = wiki_interesting_files |
update_ = { |
wiki_list_comp: gr.update(visible=True, value=[], choices=wiki_files), |
wiki_source_var: wiki_interesting_files, |
wiki_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=True), |
} |
return update_ |
async def wiki_add_to_db_fn(wiki_list_, wiki_source_, wiki_db_, db_list_, db_collection_): |
""" |
adds the wikipages to the db source |
""" |
wiki_to_add = [wiki for wiki in wiki_list_ if wiki not in wiki_db_] |
db_list_ += wiki_to_add |
wiki_db_ += wiki_to_add |
wiki_source_remaining = [wiki for wiki in wiki_source_ if wiki not in wiki_db_] |
async_upload_and_store_tasks = [asyncio.create_task(controller.wiki_upload_and_store(wiki, db_collection_)) for wiki in wiki_to_add] |
await asyncio.gather(*async_upload_and_store_tasks) |
db_not_empty = 0 < len(db_list_) |
wiki_to_add_not_empty = 0 < len(wiki_source_remaining) |
update_ = { |
wiki_db_var: wiki_db_, |
wiki_list_comp: gr.update(value=[], choices=wiki_source_remaining), |
wiki_add_to_db_btn: gr.update(visible=wiki_to_add_not_empty), |
db_list_comp: gr.update( |
visible=True, |
value=db_list_, |
choices=db_list_, |
label="Database content"), |
db_reset_btn: gr.update(visible=db_not_empty), |
generate_btn: gr.update(visible=True, interactive=db_not_empty), |
} |
return update_ |
def generate_fn1(): |
update_ = { |
output_files_comp: gr.update(visible=True) |
} |
return update_ |
async def generate_fn2(db_collection_, db_list_): |
output_files = await controller.generate_doc_from_db(collection_name=db_collection_, |
from_files=db_list_) |
update_ = { |
output_files_comp: gr.update(value=output_files, visible=True), |
} |
return update_ |
""" |
===================================================== |
Generation listeners |
==================== |
""" |
wiki_fetch_btn \ |
.click(wiki_fetch1_fn, inputs=[], outputs=[wiki_list_comp]) \ |
.then(wiki_fetch2_fn, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[wiki_list_comp, wiki_source_var, wiki_add_to_db_btn]) |
wiki_add_to_db_btn\ |
.click(generate_option_fn, |
inputs=[db_collection_var], |
outputs=[db_collection_var])\ |
.then(wiki_add_to_db_fn, |
inputs=[wiki_list_comp, wiki_source_var, wiki_db_var, db_list_comp, db_collection_var], |
outputs=[db_list_comp, wiki_list_comp, wiki_db_var, |
generate_btn, wiki_add_to_db_btn, db_reset_btn]) |
generate_btn\ |
.click(generate_fn1, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[output_files_comp])\ |
.then(generate_fn2, |
inputs=[db_collection_var, db_list_comp], |
outputs=[output_files_comp]) |
""" |
===================================================== |
Clear and rerun functions and listeners |
======================================= |
""" |
def clear_fn(): |
update_ = { |
input_files_comp: gr.update(value=None), |
output_files_comp: gr.update(value=None, visible=False), |
clear_btn: gr.update(visible=False), |
rerun_btn: gr.update(visible=False), |
} |
return update_ |
clear_btn.click(clear_fn, |
inputs=[], |
outputs=[input_files_comp, output_files_comp, clear_btn, rerun_btn]) |
return formatdoc |