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# global
import string
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import nltk
from sklearn.utils import resample
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.layers import TextVectorization
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from keras.utils import pad_sequences
# local
from utils import Doc2VecModel
punct = string.punctuation
stemmer = nltk.stem.PorterStemmer()
eng_stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english")
class Preprocessor:
"""Responsible for preprocessing case facts."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
def _nltk_tokenizer(self, text: str) -> List[str]:
Tokenize a given `text` using the RegexpTokenizer from the nltk library.
- text : str
A string containing the text to be tokenized.
- tokens : List[str]
A list of tokens generated by the tokenizer.
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r"\w+")
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
return tokens
def _tokenize_text(self, text_column: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
"""Splitting `text_column` into tokens.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains text that needs to be tokenized.
- tokenized_text : pd.Series
Contains tokenized version of `text_column`.
tokenized_text = text_column.apply(self._nltk_tokenizer)
return tokenized_text
def _convert_to_tagged_document(
self, text_column: pd.Series
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[TaggedDocument]]:
Convert `text_column` of specific to TaggedDocuments.
- column : pd.Series
Contains the list of tokens of each fact.
A tuble containing the following items:
- tokens_list : list[str]
Contains all tokens of each case in the `text_column`.
- tagged_docs : list[TaggedDocument]
Contains TaggedDocument object for each case.
tokens_list = text_column.to_list()
tagged_docs = [TaggedDocument(t, [str(i)])
for i, t in enumerate(tokens_list)]
return tokens_list, tagged_docs
def _vectorize_text(
self, doc2vec_model: Doc2Vec, df: pd.Series, tokens_list: List[str]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Convert values of `tokens_list` to a vector.
- doc2vec_model : Doc2Vev
Trained Doc2Vec model.
- df : pd.Series
This will use only to get its indicies for the new generated dataframe.
- tokens_list : List[str]
Contains all tokens of each case.
- text_vectors_df : pd.DataFrame
Contains the vector representaion for each case.
text_vectors = [doc2vec_model.infer_vector(doc) for doc in tokens_list]
text_vectors_df = pd.DataFrame(text_vectors, index=df.index)
return text_vectors_df
def _anonymize_case_facts(
self, first_party_name: str, second_party_name: str, facts: str
) -> str:
Anonymize case facts by replacing its party names with "_PARTY_" tag.
- first_party_name : str
Represents first party name or petitioner name.
- second_party_name : str
Represents second party name or respondent name.
- facts : str
Represents case facts.
- anonymized_facts : str
An anonymized version of `facts`.
# remove any commas and any non alphabet characters
first_party_name = re.sub(r"[\,+]", " ", first_party_name)
first_party_name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]", " ", first_party_name)
second_party_name = re.sub(r"[\,+]", " ", second_party_name)
second_party_name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]", " ", second_party_name)
for name in first_party_name.split():
facts = re.sub(name, " _PARTY_ ", facts)
for name in second_party_name.split():
facts = re.sub(name, " _PARTY_ ", facts)
# replace any consecutive _PARTY_ tags with only one _PARTY_ tag.
regex_continous_tags = r"(_PARTY_\s+){2,}"
anonymized_facts = re.sub(regex_continous_tags, " _PARTY_ ", facts)
# remove ant consecutive spaces
anonymized_facts = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", anonymized_facts)
return anonymized_facts
def _preprocess_text(self, text: str) -> str:
Preprocessing & cleaning `text` including:
- lowercasing
- removing quotation marks
- removing digits
- removing punctuation
- removing brackets, braces, and paranthesis
- removeing stopwords
- stemming tokens
- text : str
Text need to be processed (cleaned).
- processed_text : str
A preprocessed version of `text`.
text = text.lower()
# remove quotation marks
text = re.sub(r"\'", "", text)
# remove digits
text = re.sub(r"\d+", "", text)
# remove punctuation but with keeping '_' letter
text = "".join([ch for ch in text if (ch == "_") or (ch not in punct)])
# remove brackets, braces, and parantheses
text = re.sub(r"[\[\]\(\)\{\}]+", " ", text)
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
# remove stopwords and stemming tokens
tokens = [stemmer.stem(token)
for token in tokens if token not in eng_stopwords]
# convert tokens back to string
processed_text = " ".join(tokens)
return processed_text
def convert_text_to_vectors_doc2vec(
text_column: pd.Series,
train: bool = True,
embeddings_doc2vec: Doc2Vec = None,
) -> Tuple[Doc2Vec, pd.DataFrame] | pd.DataFrame:
Converting `text_column` to vectors using `Doc2Vec` model
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains the case facts.
- train : bool, optional
Defines whether the model will be trained or not. (if True, Doc2Vec will be trained |
else, Doc2Vec will used the passed `embeddings_Doc2Vec`). (Default is True).
- embeddings_doc2vec : Doc2Vec, optional
Trained Doc2Vec model will be used for generating embeddings of `text_column` if
`train` is False. (Default is None).
1. A tuple contains the following:
- embeddings_doc2vec : Doc2Vec
Trained Doc2Vec model.
- text_vectors_df : pd.DataFrame
A DataFrame contains `text_column` vectors if `train` is True.
2. text_vectors_df : pd.DataFrame
A DataFrame contains `text_column` vectors if `train` is False.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `embeddings_doc2vec` is None.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `embedding_doc2vec` is not an instance of Doc2Vec
tokenized_text = self._tokenize_text(text_column)
tokens_list, tagged_docs = self._convert_to_tagged_document(
if train:
doc2vec_model = Doc2VecModel()
embeddings_doc2vec = doc2vec_model.train_doc2vec_embeddings_model(
text_vectors_df = self._vectorize_text(
embeddings_doc2vec, text_column, tokens_list
return embeddings_doc2vec, text_vectors_df
assert (
embeddings_doc2vec is not None
), "`embedding_doc2vec` argument must be not None."
assert isinstance(
embeddings_doc2vec, Doc2Vec
), "`embedding_doc2vec` argument must be an instance of Doc2Vec to infer vectors."
text_vectors_df = self._vectorize_text(
embeddings_doc2vec, text_column, tokens_list
return text_vectors_df
def convert_text_to_vectors_tf_idf(
text_column: pd.Series,
ngrams: int = 2,
max_tokens: int = 10000,
output_mode: str = "tf-idf",
train: bool = True,
text_vectorizer: TextVectorization = None,
) -> Tuple[TextVectorization, tf.Tensor] | tf.Tensor:
Converting `text_column` to vectors using `TextVectorization` layer.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains the case facts.
- ngrams : int, optional
Defines the number of n-gram (Default is 2).
- max_tokens : int, optional
Defines the number of max_tokens of `text_vectorizer` (Default is 10,000).
- output_mode : str, optional
Represents the output vectors type whether it is "tfi-df" or "binary" or "count"
(Default is "tf-idf").
- train : bool, optional
Defines whether the model will be trained or not. (if True, TextVectorization
will be trained, else, TextVectorization will used the passed `text_vectorizer`).
(Default is True).
- text_vectorizer : TextVectorization, optional
Trained TextVectorization layer will be used for generating embeddings of
`text_column` if `train` is False. (Default is None).
- if `train` == True:
A tuple contains the following:
- text_vectorizer : TextVectorization
Trained TextVectorization layer.
- text_vectors : tf.Tensor
A Tensor contains `text_column` training vectors.
- otherwise:
text_vectors : tf.Tensor
A Tensor contains `text_column` testing vectors.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `text_vectorizer` is None.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `text_vectorizer` is not an instance of TextVectorization.
if train:
text_vectorizer = TextVectorization(
ngrams=ngrams, max_tokens=max_tokens, output_mode=output_mode
text_vectors = text_vectorizer(text_column)
return text_vectorizer, text_vectors
assert (
text_vectorizer is not None
), "`text_vectorizer` argument must be not None."
assert isinstance(
text_vectorizer, TextVectorization
), "`text_vectorizer` argument must be an instance of TextVectorization to infer vectors."
text_vectors = text_vectorizer(text_column)
return text_vectors
def convert_text_to_vectors_cnn(
text_column: pd.Series,
max_tokens: int = 2000,
output_sequence_length: int = 500,
output_mode: str = "int",
train: bool = True,
text_vectorizer: TextVectorization = None,
) -> Tuple[TextVectorization, tf.Tensor] | tf.Tensor:
Converting `text_column` to vectors using `TextVectorization` layer.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains the case facts.
- max_tokens : int, optional
Defines the number of max_tokens of `text_vectorizer` (Default is 2000).
- output_sequence_length : int, optional
Represents the dimensions of the output vector (Default is 500).
- output_mode : str, optional
Represents the output vectors type whether it is "int" or "binary" or "tfi-df".
- train : bool, optional
Defines whether the model will be trained or not. (if True,
TextVectorization will be trained | else, TextVectorization will used the
passed `text_vectorizer`). (Default is True).
- text_vectorizer : TextVectorization, optional
Trained TextVectorization layer will be used for generating embeddings of
`text_column` if `train` is False. (Default is None).
- if `train` == True:
A tuple contains the following:
- text_vectorizer : TextVectorization
Trained TextVectorization layer.
- text_vectors : tf.Tensor
A Tensor contains `text_column` training vectors.
- otherwise:
text_vectors : tf.Tensor
A Tensor contains `text_column` testing vectors.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `text_vectorizer` is None.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `text_vectorizer` is not an instance of TextVectorization.
if train:
text_vectorizer = TextVectorization(
text_vectors = text_vectorizer(text_column)
return text_vectorizer, text_vectors
assert (
text_vectorizer is not None
), "`text_vectorizer` argument must be not None."
assert isinstance(
text_vectorizer, TextVectorization
), "`text_vectorizer` argument must be an instance of TextVectorization to infer vectors."
text_vectors = text_vectorizer(text_column)
return text_vectors
def convert_text_to_vectors_glove(
text_column: pd.Series,
train: bool = True,
glove_tokenizer: Tokenizer = None,
vocab_size: int = 1000,
oov_token: str = "<OOV>",
max_length: int = 50,
padding_type: str = "post",
truncation_type: str = "post",
) -> Tuple[Tokenizer, np.ndarray] | np.ndarray:
Converting `text_column` to vectors using `glove_tokenizer`.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains the case facts.
- train : bool, optional
Defines whether the model will be trained or not. (if True,
Tokenizer will be trained | else, Tokenizer will used the
passed `glove_tokenizer`). (Default is True).
- glove_tokenizer : Tokenizer, optional
Trained Tokenizer layer will be used for generating embeddings of
`text_column` if `train` is False. (Default is None).
- vocab_size : int, optional
Represents the number of supported vocabulary of the Tokenizer,
any token not in this vocabulary will be treated as an out-of-vocabulary
token(OOV). (Default is 1000).
- oov_tokens : str, optional
Represents the token of an out-of-vocabulary token (Default is "<OOV>").
- max_length : int, optional
Defins the output vector's dimension. (Default is 50).
- padding_type : str, optional
Defines the padding type of the vectors, if the vector size is less than
`max_length`, the rest of the `max_length` will be padded with 0 (Default is "post").
- truncation_type : str, optional
Defines the truncation type of the vectors, if the vector size is more than
`max_length`, the extra of the `max_length` will be truncated (Default is "post").
- if `train` == True:
A tuple contains the following:
- glove_tokenizer : Tokenizer
Trained Tokenizer layer.
- text_padded : np.ndarray
An array contains `text_column` vectors.
- otherwise:
text_padded : np.ndarray
An array contains `text_column` vectors.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `glove_tokenizer` is None.
- AssertionError
If train is False and `glove_tokenizer` is not instance of Tokenizer.
if train:
glove_tokenizer = Tokenizer(
num_words=vocab_size, oov_token=oov_token)
text_sequences = glove_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(text_column)
text_padded = pad_sequences(
return glove_tokenizer, text_padded
assert (
glove_tokenizer is not None
), "`glove_tokenizer` argument must be not None."
assert isinstance(
glove_tokenizer, Tokenizer
), "`glove_tokenizer` argument must be an instance of Tokenizer."
text_sequences = glove_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(text_column)
text_padded = pad_sequences(
return text_padded
def balance_data(self, X_train: pd.Series, y_train: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
Balancing `X_train` and `y_train` to distribute the targets in `y_train` equally.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains the case facts.
- y_train : pd.Series
Contains the training targets.
- shuffled_balanced_df : pd.DataFrame
Contains the new balanced dataframe with shuffling indicies.
df = pd.concat([X_train, y_train], axis=1)
first_party = df[df["winner_index"] == 0]
second_party = df[df["winner_index"] == 1]
upsample_second_party = resample(
second_party, replace=True, n_samples=len(first_party), random_state=42
upsample_df = pd.concat([upsample_second_party, first_party])
shuffled_indices = np.arange(upsample_df.shape[0])
shuffled_balanced_df = upsample_df.iloc[shuffled_indices, :]
return shuffled_balanced_df
def anonymize_data(
first_party_names: pd.Series,
second_party_names: pd.Series,
text_column: pd.Series,
) -> pd.Series:
Anonymize `text_column` by replacing `first_party_names` and
`second_party_names` wit "_PARTY_" tag.
- first_party_names : pd.Series
Contains all first party names needed to be anonymized.
- second_party_names : pd.Series
Contains all second party names needed to be anonymized.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains all texts needed to be anonymized.
- all_anonyimzed_facts : pd.Series
Contains anonymized version of `text_column`.
all_anonymized_facts = []
for i in range(text_column.shape[0]):
facts = text_column.iloc[i]
first_party_name = first_party_names.iloc[i]
second_party_name = second_party_names.iloc[i]
anonymized_facts = self._anonymize_case_facts(
first_party_name, second_party_name, facts
return pd.Series(all_anonymized_facts)
def preprocess_data(self, text_column: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
Preprocessing & cleaning all texts in `text_column`.
- text_column : pd.Series
Contains all case facts.
- preprocessed_text : pd.Series
Contains all texts after being processed.
preprocessed_text = text_column.apply(self._preprocess_text)
return preprocessed_text