Harsh12's picture
Update app.py
import streamlit as st
import joblib
import pickle
import pandas as pd
# Load the model from disk
model = joblib.load('rf.sav')
# Load the model from disk
with open('scaler.pkl', 'rb') as file:
scaler = pickle.load(file)
st.title('Rossmann Sales Prediction App')
st.write('This app takes in the several input parameters and predict the sales for a particular day of a 1115 rossmann stores.')
store = int(st.number_input('Store Number (select between 1-1115)', step=1, min_value=1, max_value=1115))
# st.write('Store Number is', store)
week_days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
week_days_mapping = {'Monday':1, 'Tuesday':2, 'Wednesday':3, 'Thursday':4, 'Friday':5, 'Saturday':6, 'Sunday':7}
week_days_input = st.selectbox('Select the day of the week', week_days)
# st.write(week_days_input)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
promo = ['yes', 'no']
promo_map = {'yes':1, 'no':0}
promo_or_not = st.selectbox('Promotion was opted or not?', promo)
with col2:
school_holiday = ['yes', 'no']
school_map = {'yes':1, 'no':0}
school_holiday_or_not = st.selectbox('Is there a School Holiday?', school_holiday)
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with col3:
year = st.number_input('Enter the year:',step=1, min_value=1973, max_value=2025)
with col4:
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
month_map = {'January': 1, 'February': 2, 'March': 3, 'April': 4, 'May': 5, 'June': 6,
'July': 7, 'August': 8, 'September': 9, 'October': 10, 'November': 11, 'December': 12}
select_month = st.selectbox('Select the month', months)
days = st.number_input('Enter the day number for which you want to predict:', step=1, min_value=1, max_value=31)
stores_type = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
stores_type_input = st.selectbox('Select the type of store', stores_type)
assortment_type = ['basic', 'extra', 'extended']
assortment_type_map = {'basic':'a', 'extra':'b', 'extended':'c'}
assortment_type_input = st.selectbox('Select the assortment type (variations in the product)', assortment_type)
customers = st.number_input('Enter the expected number of customers', step=5, min_value=5, max_value=7500)
comp_distance = st.number_input('Enter the distance in meters to the nearest competitor store', step=1)
comp_open_since_month = float(st.number_input('The month is which the nearest competitor store was opened (1-12)', step=1, min_value=1, max_value=12))
comp_open_since_year = float(st.number_input('The year in which the nearest competitor store was opened', step=1, min_value=1973, max_value=2025))
competition_open = (12* (year-comp_open_since_year)) + (month_map[select_month] - (comp_open_since_month))
if stores_type_input == 'a':
store_type_value_b = 0
store_type_value_c = 0
store_type_value_d = 0
if stores_type_input == 'b':
store_type_value_b = 1
store_type_value_c = 0
store_type_value_d = 0
if stores_type_input == 'c':
store_type_value_b = 0
store_type_value_c = 1
store_type_value_d = 0
if stores_type_input == 'd':
store_type_value_b = 0
store_type_value_c = 0
store_type_value_d = 1
if assortment_type_input == 'basic':
assortment_b = 0
assortment_c = 0
if assortment_type_input == 'extra':
assortment_b = 1
assortment_c = 0
if assortment_type_input == 'extended':
assortment_b = 0
assortment_c = 1
if st.button('Predict Sales'):
final_dict = {'Store':store, 'day_of_week':week_days_mapping[week_days_input],
'promotion':promo_map[promo_or_not], 'school holiday':school_map[school_holiday_or_not],
'year':year, 'month':month_map[select_month], 'day':days, 'store b':store_type_value_b,
'store c':store_type_value_c, 'store d':store_type_value_d, 'assortment b':assortment_b,
'assortment c':assortment_c, 'customers':customers, 'Comp Dist':comp_distance,
'Comp_open': competition_open}
final_df = pd.DataFrame([final_dict])
final_df_scaled = scaler.transform(final_df)
# st.write(final_df_scaled)
# st.write(final_df)
sales = model.predict(final_df_scaled)
st.write('The sales for this particular day of the store you selected is:', sales[0])
except Exception as e:
st.error('There is something wrong, please enter the correct inputs', e)