Case-Study-1 /
Julian-Hans's picture
added attribution example, created local pipelines, implemented as a proof of concept
history blame
2.58 kB
# external imports
import time
# local imports
from blip_image_caption_large import Blip_Image_Caption_Large
from phi3_mini_4k_instruct import Phi3_Mini_4k_Instruct
from musicgen_small import Musicgen_Small
def main():
# test image captioning
image_caption_start_time = time.time()
image_caption_model = Blip_Image_Caption_Large()
test_caption = image_caption_model.caption_image_local_pipeline("data/test3.jpg")
image_caption_end_time = time.time()
# test text generation
text_generation_start_time = time.time()
text_generation_model = Phi3_Mini_4k_Instruct()
#TODO: move this to a config file
text_generation_model.local_pipeline.model.config.max_length = 200
#TODO: move system prompt somewhere else, allow for genre override
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an image caption to song description converter with a deep understanding of Music and Art. You are given the caption of an image. Your task is to generate a textual description of a musical piece that fits the caption. The description should be detailed and vivid, and should include the genre, mood, instruments, tempo, and other relevant information about the music. You should also use your knowledge of art and visual aesthetics to create a musical piece that complements the image. Only output the description of the music, without any explanation or introduction. Be concise."},
{"role": "user", "content": test_caption[0]["generated_text"]},
test_text = text_generation_model.generate_text_local_pipeline(messages)
text_generation_end_time = time.time()
# test audio generation
music_generation_start_time = time.time()
music_generation_model = Musicgen_Small()
music_generation_end_time = time.time()
# calculate durations
image_caption_duration = image_caption_end_time - image_caption_start_time
text_generation_duration = text_generation_end_time - text_generation_start_time
music_generation_duration = music_generation_end_time - music_generation_start_time
total_duration = music_generation_end_time - image_caption_start_time
# output durations
print(f"Image Captioning Duration: {image_caption_duration}")
print(f"Text Generation Duration: {text_generation_duration}")
print(f"Music Generation Duration: {music_generation_duration}")
print(f"Total Duration: {total_duration}")