mlagility /
danielhn's picture
Update with new graphs and data
history blame
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from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st # pylint: disable=import-error
import graphs
from streamlit_helpers import add_filter, slider_filter, Collapsable
page_title="ML Agility tracker",
# dashboard title
st.title("ML Agility tracker ⚡")
def add_faq() -> None:
Displays FAQ using Collapsable sections
faq = Collapsable()
"Why is this so empty?",
"Because the FAQ of huggingface website still needs to be written. "
"We don't use the same FAQ as in our internal dashboard."
# Add all filters to sidebar
with st.sidebar:
st.markdown("# Filters")
# Get all reports of a given test type
REPORT_FOLDER = "reports"
reports = sorted(
[f for f in listdir(REPORT_FOLDER) if isfile(join(REPORT_FOLDER, f))]
# Select and read a report
selected_report = st.selectbox("Test date", reports, index=len(reports) - 1)
selected_report_idx = reports.index(selected_report)
report = pd.read_csv(f"{REPORT_FOLDER}/{selected_report}")
# Convert int parameters to int/float
for p in ["groq_chips_used", "params"]:
report[p] = report[p].replace("-", 0).astype("int64")
# Add parameter filter
st.markdown("#### Parameters")
report = slider_filter(
[report], "Select a range parameters (in millions)", filter_by="params"
# Add author filter
report = add_filter(
# Add task filter
report = add_filter([report], "Tasks", label="task", options=None)[0]
st.markdown("## Summary Results")
cols = st.columns(2)
with cols[0]:
st.markdown("""#### Workload origin""")
with cols[1]:
st.markdown("""#### Parameter Size Distribution""")
graphs.parameter_histogram(report, show_assembled=False)
st.markdown("""#### Benchmark results""")
baseline = st.selectbox("Baseline", ("x86", "nvidia", "groq"))
graphs.speedup_text_summary(report, baseline)
graphs.speedup_bar_chart(report, baseline)
# FAQ Block
cols = st.columns(2)
with cols[0]:
st.markdown("""## About this workload analysis (FAQ)""")
# Detailed data view (table)
st.markdown("## Detailed Data View")
# Add columns that do not exist yet
report["gpu_chips_used"] = 1
report["cpu_chips_used"] = 1
# Using 3 significant digits
report["groq_estimated_latency"] = [
"-" if x == "-" else "{:.3f}".format(float(x))
for x in report["groq_estimated_latency"]
report["nvidia_latency"] = [
"-" if x == "-" else "{:.3f}".format(float(x)) for x in report["nvidia_latency"]
report["x86_latency"] = [
"-" if x == "-" else "{:.3f}".format(float(x)) for x in report["x86_latency"]
renamed_cols = {
"model_name": "Model Name",
"author": "Source",
"params": "Parameters",
"groq_estimated_latency": "GroqChip 1: Latency (ms)",
"nvidia_latency": "NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB: Latency (ms)",
"x86_latency": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) x40 CPU: Latency (ms)",
"groq_chips_used": "GroqChip 1: Chips Used",
"gpu_chips_used": "NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB: Chips Used",
"cpu_chips_used": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) x40 CPU: Chips Used",
report.rename(columns=renamed_cols, inplace=True)
selected_cols = list(renamed_cols.values())
graphs.results_table(report[selected_cols]) # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object