neural-acoustic-distance /
Martijn Bartelds
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import os.path
from typing import Optional
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import streamlit as st
import torch
import transformers
from dtw import dtw
from scipy import signal
from transformers import AutoConfig
from transformers.models.wav2vec2 import Wav2Vec2Model
from datetime import datetime
def play_audio(filename):
audio_file = open(filename, "rb")
audio_bytes =, format="audio/wav")
def aligner(x, y):
return dtw(x, y, keep_internals=True)
def compute_costs(gcm):
res = [[] for _ in range(gcm.N)]
for i in range(gcm.index1.shape[0]):
d = gcm.localCostMatrix[gcm.index1[i], gcm.index2[i]]
n = [len(x) for x in res]
res = [np.mean(x) for x in res]
return res, n
@st.cache(show_spinner=False, hash_funcs={torch.nn.parameter.Parameter: lambda _: None})
def load_wav2vec2_featurizer(model_id: str, layer: Optional[int] = None):
model_kwargs = {}
if layer is not None:
model_kwargs["num_hidden_layers"] = int(layer) if layer > 0 else 0
with st.spinner("Loading model..."):
model = Wav2Vec2Model.from_pretrained(model_id, **model_kwargs)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# st.success("Done!")
def _featurize(path):
input_values, rate =, dtype=np.float32)
if len(input_values.shape) == 2:
input_values = input_values.mean(1)
if rate != 16_000:
new_length = int(input_values.shape[0] / rate * 16_000)
input_values = signal.resample(input_values, new_length)
input_values = torch.from_numpy(input_values).unsqueeze(0)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
input_values = input_values.cuda()
if layer is None:
hidden_states = model(input_values, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states
hidden_states = [s.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() for s in hidden_states]
return hidden_states
if layer >= 0:
hidden_state = model(input_values).last_hidden_state.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy()
hidden_state = model.feature_extractor(input_values)
hidden_state = hidden_state.transpose(1, 2)
if layer == -1:
hidden_state = model.feature_projection(hidden_state)
hidden_state = hidden_state.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy()
return hidden_state
return _featurize
@st.cache(persist=True, show_spinner=False)
def run(model_id, layer, filename_x, filename_y):
featurizer = load_wav2vec2_featurizer(model_id, layer)
with st.spinner("Measuring distance..."):
feats_x = featurizer(filename_x)
feats_y = featurizer(filename_y)
print('3. Features computed','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
gcm = aligner(feats_x, feats_y)
print('4. Alignments computed','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
d = gcm.normalizedDistance
print("Distance:", d)
c, n = compute_costs(gcm)
print('5. Costs computed','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
return d, c, n
st.title("Word-level Neural Acoustic Distance Visualizer")
"This tool visualizes pronunciation differences between two recordings of the same word. The two recordings have to be wave files containing a single spoken word. \n\n\
Choose any wav2vec 2.0 compatible model identifier on the [Hugging Face Model Hub]( and select the output layer you want to use.\n\n\
To upload your own recordings select 'custom upload' in the audio file selection step. The first recording is put on the x-axis of the plot and the second one will be the reference recording for computing distance.\n\
You should already see an example plot of two sample recordings.\n\n\
This visualization tool is part of [neural representations for modeling variation in speech]( \n\
Please see our paper for further details.")
st.subheader("Model selection:")
model_id = st.selectbox("Select the wav2vec 2.0 model you want to use:",
("facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h", "facebook/wav2vec2-large", "facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53",
"facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m", "other"),
if model_id == "other":
model_id = st.text_input("Enter the wav2vec 2.0 model you want to use:",
cfg = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_id)
layer = st.number_input("Select the layer you want to use:", min_value=1, max_value=cfg.num_hidden_layers, value=10)
except OSError:
"Please select a wav2vec 2.0 compatible model identifier on the [Hugging Face Model Hub]("
layer = None
print('1. Model selected','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
st.subheader("Audio file selection:")
filename_x = st.selectbox("Filename (x-axis):",
("falling_huud_mobiel_201145.wav", "falling_hood_mobiel_203936.wav", "custom upload"))
if filename_x == "falling_huud_mobiel_201145.wav":
filename_x = "./examples/falling_huud_mobiel_201145.wav"
if filename_x == "falling_hood_mobiel_203936.wav":
filename_x = "./examples/falling_hood_mobiel_203936.wav"
filename_y = st.selectbox("Filename (y-axis):",
("falling_hood_mobiel_203936.wav", "falling_huud_mobiel_201145.wav", "custom upload"))
if filename_y == "falling_huud_mobiel_201145.wav":
filename_y = "./examples/falling_huud_mobiel_201145.wav"
if filename_y == "falling_hood_mobiel_203936.wav":
filename_y = "./examples/falling_hood_mobiel_203936.wav"
if filename_x == "custom upload":
filename_x = st.file_uploader("Choose a file (x-axis)", key="f_x")
if filename_y == "custom upload":
filename_y = st.file_uploader("Choose a file (y-axis)", key="f_y")
print('2. Files selected','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
if filename_x is not None and filename_y is not None and layer is not None:
print(f"\nX: {filename_x}\nY: {filename_y}")
d, c, n = run(model_id, layer, filename_x, filename_y)
# d_b, c_b, n_b = run(featurizer_b)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 2.5))
print('6. Plot init','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
window_size = 9
rate = 20
x = np.arange(0, len(c) * rate, rate)
offset = (window_size - 1) // 2
x_ = x[offset:-offset]
# Target layer
axes.plot(x, c, alpha=0.5, color="gray", linestyle="--")
axes.scatter(x, c, np.array(n) * 10, color="gray")
c_ = np.convolve(c, np.ones(window_size) / window_size, mode="valid")
axes.plot(x_, c_)
# Last layer
# axes.plot(x, c_b, alpha=0.5, color="gray", linestyle="--")
# axes.scatter(x, c_b, np.array(n_b) * 10, color="gray")
# c_b_ = np.convolve(c_b, np.ones(window_size) / window_size, mode="valid")
# axes.plot(x_, c_b_, linestyle="--")
axes.set_xlabel("time (ms)")
axes.set_ylabel("distance per frame")
axes.hlines(y=d, xmin=0, xmax=np.max(x), linestyles="dashdot")
print('7. Plot filled','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test
if os.path.isfile("./output/plot.pdf"):
st.caption(" Visualization of neural acoustic distances\
per frame (based on wav2vec 2.0) with the pronunciation of\
the first filename on the x-axis and distances to the pronunciation\
of second filename on the y-axis. The horizontal line represents\
the global distance value (i.e. the average of all individual frames).\
The blue continuous line represents the moving average distance based on 9 frames,\
corresponding to 180ms. As a result of the moving average, the blue line does not cover the entire duration of\
the sample. Larger bullet sizes indicate that multiple\
frames in the pronunciation on the y-axis are aligned to a single frame in the pronunciation on the x-axis.")
with open("./output/plot.pdf", "rb") as file:
btn = st.download_button(label="Download plot", data=file, file_name="plot.pdf", mime="image/pdf")
print('8. End','%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')) # test