agalma /
Mark7549's picture
added function to count the occurrences of lemmas per time slice
history blame
12.5 kB
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu
from word2vec import *
import pandas as pd
from autocomplete import *
from vector_graph import *
from plots import *
from lsj_dict import *
import json
from streamlit_tags import st_tags, st_tags_sidebar
st.set_page_config(page_title="Ancient Greek Word2Vec", layout="centered")
# Cache data
def load_lsj_dict():
return json.load(open('lsj_dict.json', 'r'))
def load_all_models_words():
return sorted(load_compressed_word_list('corpora/compass_filtered.pkl.gz'), key=custom_sort)
def load_models_for_word_dict():
return word_in_models_dict('corpora/compass_filtered.pkl.gz')
def load_all_lemmas():
return load_compressed_word_list('all_lemmas.pkl.gz')
def load_lemma_count_dict():
return count_lemmas('lemma_list_raw')
# Load compressed word list
all_models_words = load_all_models_words()
# Prepare lsj dictionary
lemma_dict = load_lsj_dict()
# Load dictionary with words as keys and eligible models as values
models_for_word_dict = load_models_for_word_dict()
lemma_counts = load_lemma_count_dict()
# Set styles for menu
styles = {
"container": {"display": "flex", "justify-content": "center"},
"nav": {"display": "flex", "gap": "2px", "margin": "5px"},
"nav-item": {"flex": "1", "font-family": "Sans-serif"},
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"background-color": "#f0f0f0",
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"background-color": "rgb(238, 238, 238)",
"color": "#000"
"nav-link-selected": {
"background-color": "rgb(254, 74, 75)",
"color": "white",
"font-weight": "bold"
"icon": {"display": "None"}
# Horizontal menu
active_tab = option_menu(None, ["Nearest neighbours", "Cosine similarity", "3D graph", 'Dictionary', 'About', 'FAQ'],
menu_icon="cast", default_index=0, orientation="horizontal", styles=styles)
# Adding CSS style to remove list-style-type
/* Define a class to remove list-style-type */
.no-list-style {
list-style-type: none;
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Nearest neighbours tab
if active_tab == "Nearest neighbours":
# All models in a list
eligible_models = ["Archaic", "Classical", "Hellenistic", "Early Roman", "Late Roman"]
all_models_words = load_all_models_words()
with st.container():
st.markdown("## Nearest Neighbours")
st.markdown('Here you can extract the nearest neighbours to a chosen lemma. Please select one or more time slices and the preferred number of nearest neighbours.')
target_word = st.multiselect("Enter a word", options=all_models_words, max_selections=1)
if len(target_word) > 0:
target_word = target_word[0]
eligible_models = models_for_word_dict[target_word]
models = st.multiselect(
"Select models to search for neighbours",
n = st.slider("Number of neighbours", 1, 50, 15)
nearest_neighbours_button = st.button("Find nearest neighbours")
if nearest_neighbours_button:
if validate_nearest_neighbours(target_word, n, models) == False:
st.error('Please fill in all fields')
# Rewrite models to list of all loaded models
models = load_selected_models(models)
nearest_neighbours = get_nearest_neighbours(target_word, n, models)
all_dfs = []
# Create dataframes
for model in nearest_neighbours.keys():
st.write(f"### {model}")
df = pd.DataFrame(
columns = ['Word', 'Cosine Similarity']
all_dfs.append((model, df))
# Store content in a temporary file
tmp_file = store_df_in_temp_file(all_dfs)
# Open the temporary file and read its content
with open(tmp_file, "rb") as file:
file_byte =
# Create download button
"Download results",
file_name = f'nearest_neighbours_{target_word}_TEST.xlsx',
# Cosine similarity tab
elif active_tab == "Cosine similarity":
all_models_words = load_all_models_words()
with st.container():
eligible_models_1 = []
eligible_models_2 = []
st.markdown("## Cosine similarity")
st.markdown('Here you can extract the cosine similarity between two lemmas. Please select a time slice for each lemma. You can also calculate the cosine similarity between two vectors of the same lemma in different time slices.')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
word_1 = st.multiselect("Enter a word", placeholder="πατήρ", max_selections=1, options=all_models_words)
if len(word_1) > 0:
word_1 = word_1[0]
eligible_models_1 = models_for_word_dict[word_1]
with col2:
time_slice_1 = st.selectbox("Time slice word 1", options = eligible_models_1)
with st.container():
with col3:
word_2 = st.multiselect("Enter a word", placeholder="μήτηρ", max_selections=1, options=all_models_words)
if len(word_2) > 0:
word_2 = word_2[0]
eligible_models_2 = models_for_word_dict[word_2]
with col4:
time_slice_2 = st.selectbox("Time slice word 2", eligible_models_2)
# Create button for calculating cosine similarity
cosine_similarity_button = st.button("Calculate cosine similarity")
# If the button is clicked, execute calculation
if cosine_similarity_button:
cosine_simularity_score = get_cosine_similarity(word_1, time_slice_1, word_2, time_slice_2)
# 3D graph tab
elif active_tab == "3D graph":
st.markdown("## 3D graph")
st.markdown('Here you can generate a 3D representation of the semantic space surrounding a target lemma. Please choose the lemma and the time slice.')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
# Load compressed word list
all_models_words = load_all_models_words()
with st.container():
eligible_models = []
with col1:
word = st.multiselect("Enter a word", all_models_words, max_selections=1)
if len(word) > 0:
word = word[0]
eligible_models = models_for_word_dict[word]
with col2:
time_slice = st.selectbox("Time slice", eligible_models)
n = st.slider("Number of words", 1, 50, 15)
graph_button = st.button("Create 3D graph")
if graph_button:
time_slice_model = convert_time_name_to_model(time_slice)
nearest_neighbours_vectors = get_nearest_neighbours_vectors(word, time_slice_model, n)
fig, df = make_3d_plot_tSNE(nearest_neighbours_vectors, word, time_slice_model)
# Dictionary tab
elif active_tab == "Dictionary":
with st.container():
st.markdown('## Dictionary')
st.markdown('Search a word in the Liddell-Scott-Jones dictionary (only Greek, no whitespaces).')
all_lemmas = load_all_lemmas()
# query_word = st.multiselect("Search a word in the LSJ dictionary", all_lemmas, max_selections=1)
query_tag = st_tags(label='',
text = '',
value = [],
suggestions = all_lemmas,
maxtags = 1,
key = '1'
# If a word has been selected by user
if query_tag:
st.write(f"### {query_tag[0]}")
# Display word information
if query_tag[0] in lemma_dict:
data = lemma_dict[query_tag[0]]
elif query_tag[0].capitalize() in lemma_dict: # Some words are capitalized in the dictionary
data = lemma_dict[query_tag[0].capitalize()]
st.error("Word not found in dictionary")
# Put text in readable format
text = format_text(data)
st.markdown(format_text(data), unsafe_allow_html = True)
.tab {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 4em;
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font-weight: bold;
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list-style-type: none;
margin-top: 1em;
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font-weight: bold;
font-size: x-large;
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font-weight: bold;
font-size: large;
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font-size: medium;
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font-weight: bold;
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padding-left: 2em;
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padding-left: 4em;
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padding-left: 6em;
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padding-left: 8em;
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# About tab
elif active_tab == "About":
## About
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nec purus nec nunc ultricies ultricies.
elif active_tab == "FAQ":
## FAQ
with st.expander('''**Which models is this interface based on?**'''):
"This interface is based on five language models. \
Language models are statistical models of language, \
which store statistical information about word co-occurrence during the training phase. \
During training they process a corpus of texts in the target language(s). \
Once trained, models can be used to extract information about the language \
(in this interface, we focus on the extraction of semantic information) or to perform specific linguistic tasks. \
The models on which this interface is based are Word Embedding models."
with st.expander('''**Which corpus was used to train the models?**'''):
"The five models on which this interface is based were trained on five slices of the Diorisis Ancient Greek Corpus (Vatri & McGillivray 2018)."