GradApp /
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def main():
Creates a Streamlit web app that classifies a given body of text as either human-made or AI-generated,
using a pre-trained model.
# Import libraries
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import joblib
import string
import time
import scipy
import spacy
import re
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import torch
from eli5.lime import TextExplainer
from eli5.lime.samplers import MaskingTextSampler
import eli5
import shap
from custom_models import HF_DistilBertBasedModelAppDocs, HF_BertBasedModelAppDocs
# Initialize Spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# device to run DL model
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
def format_text(text: str) -> str:
This function takes a string as input and returns a formatted version of the string.
The function replaces specific substrings in the input string with empty strings,
converts the string to lowercase, removes any leading or trailing whitespace,
and removes any punctuation from the string.
text = nlp(text)
text = " ".join([token.text for token in text if token.ent_type_ not in ["PERSON", "DATE"]])
return text.replace("REDACTED", "").lower().replace(" "," ").replace("[Name]", "").replace("[your name]", "").replace("\n your name", "").\
replace("dear admissions committee,", "").replace("sincerely,","").\
replace("[university's name]","fordham").replace("dear sir/madam,","").\
replace("โ€“ statement of intent ","").\
replace('program: master of science in data analytics name of applicant: ',"").\
replace("data analytics", "data science").replace("| \u200b","").\
replace("m.s. in data science at lincoln center ","").\
translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)).strip().lstrip()
# Define the function to classify text
def nb_lr(model, text):
# Clean and format the input text
text = format_text(text)
# Predict using either LR or NB and get prediction probability
prediction = model.predict([text]).item()
predict_proba = round(model.predict_proba([text]).squeeze()[prediction].item(),4)
return prediction, predict_proba
def torch_pred(tokenizer, model, text):
# DL models (BERT/DistilBERT based models)
cleaned_text_tokens = tokenizer([text], padding='max_length', max_length=512, truncation=True)
with torch.inference_mode():
text = format_text(text)
input_ids, att = cleaned_text_tokens["input_ids"], cleaned_text_tokens["attention_mask"]
input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids).to(device)
attention_mask = torch.tensor(att).to(device)
logits = model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)
_, prediction = torch.max(logits, 1)
prediction = prediction.item()
predict_proba = round(torch.softmax(logits, 1).cpu().squeeze().tolist()[prediction],4)
return prediction, predict_proba
def pred_str(prediction):
# Map the predicted class to string output
if prediction == 0:
return "Human-made ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ"
return "Revised with AI ๐Ÿฆพ"
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning=True)
def load_tokenizer(option):
if option == "BERT-based model":
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased", padding='max_length', max_length=512, truncation=True)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased", padding='max_length', max_length=512, truncation=True)
return tokenizer
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, suppress_st_warning=True)
def load_model(option):
if option == "BERT-based model":
model = HF_BertBasedModelAppDocs.from_pretrained("GradApplicationDocsApp/HF_BertBasedModelAppDocs3").to(device)
model = HF_DistilBertBasedModelAppDocs.from_pretrained("GradApplicationDocsApp/HF_DistilBertBasedModelAppDocs3").to(device)
return model
# Streamlit app:
models_available = {"Logistic Regression":"models/baseline_model_lr.joblib",
"Naive Bayes": "models/baseline_model_nb.joblib",
"DistilBERT-based model (BERT light)": "GradApplicationDocsApp/HF_DistilBertBasedModelAppDocs3",
"BERT-based model": "GradApplicationDocsApp/HF_BertBasedModelAppDocs3"
st.set_page_config(page_title="AI/Human GradAppDocs", page_icon="๐Ÿค–", layout="wide")
st.title("Academic Application Document Classifier")
st.header("Is it human-made ๐Ÿ“ or Enhanced with AI ๐Ÿค– ? ")
st.markdown('AI-generated content has reached an unprecedented level of realism. The models on this website focus on identifying AI-enhanced application materials, such as Statements of Intent (SOI) and Letters of Recommendation (LOR). These models were trained using real-world SOIs and LORs, alongside a revised version of each that has been generated through AI.')
# Check the model to use
def restore_prediction_state():
if "prediction" in st.session_state:
del st.session_state.prediction
option = st.selectbox("Select a model to use:", models_available, on_change=restore_prediction_state)
# Load the selected trained model
if option in ("BERT-based model", "DistilBERT-based model (BERT light)"):
tokenizer = load_tokenizer(option)
model = load_model(option)
model = joblib.load(models_available[option])
text = st.text_area("Enter either a statement of intent or a letter of recommendation:")
#Hide footer "made with streamlit"
hide_st_style = """
footer {visibility: hidden;}
header {visibility: hidden;}
st.markdown(hide_st_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Use model
if st.button("Let's check this text!"):
if text.strip() == "":
st.error("Please enter some text")
with st.spinner("Wait for the magic ๐Ÿช„๐Ÿ”ฎ"):
# Use model
if option in ("Naive Bayes", "Logistic Regression"):
prediction, predict_proba = nb_lr(model, text)
st.session_state["sklearn"] = True
prediction, predict_proba = torch_pred(tokenizer, model, format_text(text))
st.session_state["torch"] = True
# Store the result in session state
st.session_state["color_pred"] = "blue" if prediction == 0 else "red"
prediction = pred_str(prediction)
st.session_state["prediction"] = prediction
st.session_state["predict_proba"] = predict_proba
st.session_state["text"] = text
# Print result
st.markdown(f"I think this text is: **:{st.session_state['color_pred']}[{st.session_state['prediction']}]** (Confidence: {st.session_state['predict_proba'] * 100}%)")
elif "prediction" in st.session_state:
# Display the stored result if available
st.markdown(f"I think this text is: **:{st.session_state['color_pred']}[{st.session_state['prediction']}]** (Confidence: {st.session_state['predict_proba'] * 100}%)")
if st.button("Model Explanation"):
# Check if there's text in the session state
if "text" in st.session_state and "prediction" in st.session_state:
if option in ("Naive Bayes", "Logistic Regression"):
with st.spinner('Wait for it ๐Ÿ’ญ...'):
explainer = TextExplainer(sampler=MaskingTextSampler())["text"], model.predict_proba)
html = eli5.format_as_html(explainer.explain_prediction(target_names=["Human", "AI"]))
st.markdown('<span style="color:green"><strong>Green:</strong> Contributes to decision | </span><span style="color:red"><strong>Red:</strong> Opposite</span>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
with st.spinner('Wait for it ๐Ÿ’ญ... BERT-based model explanations take around 4-10 minutes. In case you want to abort, please refresh the page.'):
def f(x):
tv = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(v, padding='max_length', max_length=512, truncation=True) for v in x])
outputs = model(tv).detach().cpu().numpy()
scores = (np.exp(outputs).T / np.exp(outputs).sum(-1)).T
val = scipy.special.logit(scores[:,1]) # use one vs rest logit units
return val
# build an explainer using a token masker
explainer = shap.Explainer(f, tokenizer)
shap_values = explainer([st.session_state["text"]], fixed_context=1)
html = shap.plots.text(shap_values, display=False)
st.markdown('<span style="color:blue"><strong>Blue:</strong> Contributes to "human" | </span><span style="color:red"><strong>Red:</strong> Contributes to "AI"</span>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Render HTML
st.components.v1.html(html, height=500, scrolling = True)
st.error("Please enter some text and click 'Let's check!' before requesting an explanation.")
if __name__ == "__main__":