bugfix: Manufacturers Alerts
Browse files
@@ -680,285 +680,34 @@ elif page == "Customer Analysis":
680 |
681 |
st.warning(f"No predicted or actual data found for customer {customer_code} for 2024.")
682 |
683 |
684 |
685 |
# elif page == "Customer Analysis":
686 |
# st.markdown("""
687 |
# <h2 style='text-align: center; font-size: 2.5rem;'>Customer Analysis</h2>
688 |
# <p style='text-align: center; font-size: 1.2rem; color: gray;'>
689 |
# Enter the customer code to explore detailed customer insights,
690 |
# including past sales, predictions for the current year, and manufacturer-specific information.
691 |
# </p>
692 |
# """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
693 |
694 |
# # Combine text input and dropdown into a single searchable selectbox
695 |
# customer_code = st.selectbox(
696 |
# "Search and Select Customer Code",
697 |
# df['CLIENTE'].unique(), # All customer codes
698 |
# format_func=lambda x: str(x), # Ensures the values are displayed as strings
699 |
# help="Start typing to search for a specific customer code"
700 |
# )
701 |
702 |
# if st.button("Calcular"):
703 |
# if customer_code:
704 |
# with st.spinner("We are identifying the customer's cluster..."):
705 |
# # Find Customer's Cluster
706 |
# customer_match = customer_clusters[customer_clusters['cliente_id'] == customer_code]
707 |
# time.sleep(1)
708 |
709 |
710 |
# if not customer_match.empty:
711 |
# cluster = customer_match['cluster_id'].values[0]
712 |
713 |
# with st.spinner(f"Selecting predictive model..."):
714 |
# # Load the Corresponding Model
715 |
# model_path = f'models/modelo_cluster_{cluster}.txt'
716 |
# gbm = lgb.Booster(model_file=model_path)
717 |
718 |
# with st.spinner("Getting the data ready..."):
719 |
# # Load predict data for that cluster
720 |
# predict_data = pd.read_csv(f'predicts/predict_cluster_{cluster}.csv')
721 |
722 |
# # Convert cliente_id to string
723 |
# predict_data['cliente_id'] = predict_data['cliente_id'].astype(str)
724 |
725 |
# with st.spinner("Filtering data..."):
726 |
727 |
# # Filter for the specific customer
728 |
# customer_code_str = str(customer_code)
729 |
# customer_data = predict_data[predict_data['cliente_id'] == customer_code_str]
730 |
731 |
# with st.spinner("Generating sales predictions..."):
732 |
733 |
# if not customer_data.empty:
734 |
# # Define features consistently with the training process
735 |
# lag_features = [f'precio_total_lag_{lag}' for lag in range(1, 25)]
736 |
# features = lag_features + ['mes', 'marca_id_encoded', 'año', 'cluster_id']
737 |
738 |
# # Prepare data for prediction
739 |
# X_predict = customer_data[features]
740 |
741 |
# # Convert categorical features to 'category' dtype
742 |
# categorical_features = ['mes', 'marca_id_encoded', 'cluster_id']
743 |
# for feature in categorical_features:
744 |
# X_predict[feature] = X_predict[feature].astype('category')
745 |
746 |
# # Make Prediction for the selected customer
747 |
# y_pred = gbm.predict(X_predict, num_iteration=gbm.best_iteration)
748 |
749 |
# # Reassemble the results
750 |
# results = customer_data[['cliente_id', 'marca_id_encoded', 'fecha_mes']].copy()
751 |
# results['ventas_predichas'] = y_pred
752 |
753 |
# # Load actual data
754 |
# actual_sales = df_agg_2024[df_agg_2024['cliente_id'] == customer_code_str]
755 |
756 |
# if not actual_sales.empty:
757 |
# results = results.merge(actual_sales[['cliente_id', 'marca_id_encoded', 'fecha_mes', 'precio_total']],
758 |
# on=['cliente_id', 'marca_id_encoded', 'fecha_mes'],
759 |
# how='left')
760 |
# results.rename(columns={'precio_total': 'ventas_reales'}, inplace=True)
761 |
# results['ventas_reales'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
762 |
# # st.write("### Final Results DataFrame:")
763 |
# # st.write(results.head())
764 |
# # st.write(f"Shape: {results.shape}")
765 |
766 |
# # Calculate metrics only for non-null actual sales
767 |
# valid_results = results.dropna(subset=['ventas_reales'])
768 |
# non_zero_actuals = valid_results[valid_results['ventas_reales'] != 0]
769 |
# if not valid_results.empty:
770 |
# mae = mean_absolute_error(valid_results['ventas_reales'], valid_results['ventas_predichas'])
771 |
# mape = np.mean(np.abs((non_zero_actuals['ventas_reales'] - non_zero_actuals['ventas_predichas']) / non_zero_actuals['ventas_reales'])) * 100
772 |
# rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(valid_results['ventas_reales'], valid_results['ventas_predichas']))
773 |
774 |
# # st.write(f"Actual total sales for Customer {customer_code}: {valid_results['ventas_reales'].sum():.2f}")
775 |
# # st.write(f"MAE: {mae:.2f}€")
776 |
# # st.write(f"MAPE: {mape:.2f}%")
777 |
# # st.write(f"RMSE: {rmse:.2f}")
778 |
779 |
# # # Analysis of results
780 |
# # threshold_good = 100 # You may want to adjust this threshold
781 |
# # if mae < threshold_good:
782 |
# # st.success(f"Customer {customer_code} is performing well based on the predictions.")
783 |
# # else:
784 |
# # st.warning(f"Customer {customer_code} is not performing well based on the predictions.")
785 |
# # else:
786 |
# # st.warning(f"No actual sales data found for customer {customer_code} in df_agg_2024.")
787 |
788 |
# # st.write("### Debug Information for Radar Chart:")
789 |
# # st.write(f"Shape of customer_data: {customer_data.shape}")
790 |
# # st.write(f"Shape of euros_proveedor: {euros_proveedor.shape}")
791 |
792 |
# # Get percentage of units sold for each manufacturer
793 |
# customer_df = df[df["CLIENTE"] == str(customer_code)] # Get the customer data
794 |
# all_manufacturers = customer_df.iloc[:, 1:].T # Exclude CLIENTE column (manufacturers are in columns)
795 |
# all_manufacturers.index = all_manufacturers.index.astype(str)
796 |
797 |
# # Get total sales for each manufacturer from euros_proveedor
798 |
# customer_euros = euros_proveedor[euros_proveedor["CLIENTE"] == str(customer_code)]
799 |
# sales_data = customer_euros.iloc[:, 1:].T # Exclude CLIENTE column
800 |
# sales_data.index = sales_data.index.astype(str)
801 |
802 |
# # Remove the 'CLIENTE' row from sales_data to avoid issues with mixed types
803 |
# sales_data_filtered = sales_data.drop(index='CLIENTE', errors='ignore')
804 |
805 |
# # Ensure all values are numeric
806 |
# sales_data_filtered = sales_data_filtered.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
807 |
# all_manufacturers = all_manufacturers.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
808 |
809 |
# # Sort manufacturers by percentage of units and get top 10
810 |
# top_units = all_manufacturers.sort_values(by=all_manufacturers.columns[0], ascending=False).head(10)
811 |
812 |
# # Sort manufacturers by total sales and get top 10
813 |
# top_sales = sales_data_filtered.sort_values(by=sales_data_filtered.columns[0], ascending=False).head(10)
814 |
815 |
# # Combine top manufacturers from both lists and get up to 20 unique manufacturers
816 |
# combined_top = pd.concat([top_units, top_sales]).index.unique()[:20]
817 |
818 |
# # Filter out manufacturers that are not present in both datasets
819 |
# combined_top = [m for m in combined_top if m in all_manufacturers.index and m in sales_data_filtered.index]
820 |
821 |
# # st.write(f"Number of combined top manufacturers: {len(combined_top)}")
822 |
823 |
# if combined_top:
824 |
# # Create a DataFrame with combined data for these top manufacturers
825 |
# combined_data = pd.DataFrame({
826 |
# 'units': all_manufacturers.loc[combined_top, all_manufacturers.columns[0]],
827 |
# 'sales': sales_data_filtered.loc[combined_top, sales_data_filtered.columns[0]]
828 |
# }).fillna(0)
829 |
830 |
# # Sort by units, then by sales
831 |
# combined_data_sorted = combined_data.sort_values(by=['units', 'sales'], ascending=False)
832 |
833 |
# # Filter out manufacturers with 0 units
834 |
# non_zero_manufacturers = combined_data_sorted[combined_data_sorted['units'] > 0]
835 |
836 |
# # If we have less than 3 non-zero manufacturers, add some zero-value ones
837 |
# if len(non_zero_manufacturers) < 3:
838 |
# zero_manufacturers = combined_data_sorted[combined_data_sorted['units'] == 0].head(3 - len(non_zero_manufacturers))
839 |
# manufacturers_to_show = pd.concat([non_zero_manufacturers, zero_manufacturers])
840 |
# else:
841 |
# manufacturers_to_show = non_zero_manufacturers
842 |
843 |
# values = manufacturers_to_show['units'].tolist()
844 |
# amounts = manufacturers_to_show['sales'].tolist()
845 |
# manufacturers = [get_supplier_name(m) for m in manufacturers_to_show.index]
846 |
847 |
# # st.write(f"### Results for top {len(manufacturers)} manufacturers:")
848 |
# # for manufacturer, value, amount in zip(manufacturers, values, amounts):
849 |
# # (f"{manufacturer} = {value:.2f}% of units, €{amount:.2f} total sales")
850 |
851 |
# if manufacturers: # Only create the chart if we have data
852 |
# fig = radar_chart(manufacturers, values, amounts, f'Radar Chart for Top {len(manufacturers)} Manufacturers of Customer {customer_code}')
853 |
# st.pyplot(fig)
854 |
# else:
855 |
# st.warning("No data available to create the radar chart.")
856 |
857 |
# else:
858 |
# st.warning("No combined top manufacturers found.")
859 |
860 |
# # Ensure codigo_cliente in ventas_clientes is a string
861 |
# ventas_clientes['codigo_cliente'] = ventas_clientes['codigo_cliente'].astype(str).str.strip()
862 |
863 |
# # Ensure customer_code is a string and strip any spaces
864 |
# customer_code = str(customer_code).strip()
865 |
866 |
# # if customer_code in ventas_clientes['codigo_cliente'].unique():
867 |
# # (f"Customer {customer_code} found in ventas_clientes")
868 |
# # else:
869 |
# # (f"Customer {customer_code} not found in ventas_clientes")
870 |
871 |
# # Customer sales 2021-2024 (if data exists)
872 |
# sales_columns = ['VENTA_2021', 'VENTA_2022', 'VENTA_2023']
873 |
# if all(col in ventas_clientes.columns for col in sales_columns):
874 |
# customer_sales_data = ventas_clientes[ventas_clientes['codigo_cliente'] == customer_code]
875 |
876 |
# if not customer_sales_data.empty:
877 |
# customer_sales = customer_sales_data[sales_columns].values[0]
878 |
# years = ['2021', '2022', '2023']
879 |
880 |
# # Add the 2024 actual and predicted data
881 |
# if 'ventas_predichas' in results.columns and 'ventas_reales' in results.columns:
882 |
# # Get the actual and predicted sales for 2024
883 |
# actual_sales_2024 = results[results['fecha_mes'].str.startswith('2024')]['ventas_reales'].sum()
884 |
# predicted_sales_2024 = results[results['fecha_mes'].str.startswith('2024')]['ventas_predichas'].sum()
885 |
886 |
# # Estimate full-year predicted sales (assuming predictions available until September)
887 |
# months_available = 9 # Data available until September
888 |
# actual_sales_2024_annual = (actual_sales_2024 / months_available) * 12
889 |
890 |
# # Add 2024 actual and predicted sales
891 |
# sales_values = list(customer_sales) + [actual_sales_2024_annual] # Actual sales
892 |
# predicted_values = list(customer_sales) + [predicted_sales_2024] # Predicted sales
893 |
894 |
# # Add 2024 to the years list
895 |
# years.append('2024')
896 |
897 |
# fig_sales_bar = go.Figure()
898 |
# # Add trace for historical sales (2021-2023)
899 |
# fig_sales_bar.add_trace(go.Bar(
900 |
# x=years[:3], # 2021, 2022, 2023
901 |
# y=sales_values[:3],
902 |
# name="Historical Sales",
903 |
# marker_color='blue'
904 |
# ))
905 |
906 |
# # Add trace for 2024 actual sales
907 |
# fig_sales_bar.add_trace(go.Bar(
908 |
# x=[years[3]], # 2024
909 |
# y=[sales_values[3]],
910 |
# name="2024 Actual Sales (Annualized)",
911 |
# marker_color='green'
912 |
# ))
913 |
914 |
# # Add trace for 2024 predicted sales
915 |
# fig_sales_bar.add_trace(go.Bar(
916 |
# x=[years[3]], # 2024
917 |
# y=[predicted_values[3]],
918 |
# name="2024 Predicted Sales",
919 |
# marker_color='orange'
920 |
# ))
921 |
922 |
# # Update layout
923 |
# fig_sales_bar.update_layout(
924 |
# title=f"Sales Over the Years for Customer {customer_code}",
925 |
# xaxis_title="Year",
926 |
# yaxis_title="Sales (€)",
927 |
# barmode='group',
928 |
# height=600,
929 |
# legend_title_text="Sales Type",
930 |
# hovermode="x unified"
931 |
# )
932 |
933 |
# # Show the interactive bar chart in Streamlit
934 |
# st.plotly_chart(fig_sales_bar, use_container_width=True)
935 |
936 |
# else:
937 |
# st.warning(f"No predicted or actual data found for customer {customer_code} for 2024.")
938 |
939 |
# else:
940 |
# st.warning(f"No historical sales data found for customer {customer_code}")
941 |
942 |
# else:
943 |
# st.warning("Sales data for 2021-2023 not available in the dataset.")
944 |
945 |
946 |
# Customer Recommendations Page
947 |
# Customer Recommendations Page
948 |
elif page == "Articles Recommendations":
949 |
950 |
951 |
Get tailored recommendations for your customers based on their basket
952 |
953 |
st.write("Select items and assign quantities for the basket:")
954 |
# Mostrar lista de artículos disponibles
955 |
available_articles = productos['
956 |
selected_articles = st.multiselect("Select Articles", available_articles)
957 |
958 |
quantities = {}
959 |
960 |
961 |
962 |
# Crear una lista de artículos basada en la selección de códigos y cantidades
963 |
new_basket = []
964 |
for article in selected_articles:
@@ -968,155 +717,43 @@ elif page == "Articles Recommendations":
968 |
if new_basket:
969 |
# Procesar la lista para recomendar
970 |
recommendations_df = recomienda_tfid(new_basket)
971 |
if not recommendations_df.empty:
972 |
973 |
974 |
975 |
st.warning("No recommendations found for the provided basket.")
976 |
977 |
st.warning("Please select at least one article and set its quantity.")
978 |
979 |
# # Customer Recommendations Page
980 |
# elif page == "Articles Recommendations":
981 |
# st.title("Articles Recommendations")
982 |
983 |
# st.markdown("""
984 |
# Get tailored recommendations for your customers based on their basket.
985 |
# """)
986 |
987 |
# #
988 |
989 |
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
994 |
995 |
996 |
997 |
998 |
999 |
1000 |
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
1007 |
1008 |
1009 |
# # Obtener los índices de las cestas más similares
1010 |
# similar_indices = similarities.argsort()[0][-3:] # Las 3 más similares
1011 |
1012 |
# # Crear un diccionario para contar las recomendaciones
1013 |
# recommendations_count = {}
1014 |
# total_similarity = 0
1015 |
1016 |
# # Recomendar productos de cestas similares
1017 |
# for idx in similar_indices:
1018 |
# sim_score = similarities[0][idx]
1019 |
# total_similarity += sim_score
1020 |
# products = cestas.iloc[idx]['Cestas'].split()
1021 |
1022 |
# for product in products:
1023 |
# if product.strip() not in new_basket: # Evitar recomendar lo que ya está en la cesta
1024 |
# if product.strip() in recommendations_count:
1025 |
# recommendations_count[product.strip()] += sim_score
1026 |
# else:
1027 |
# recommendations_count[product.strip()] = sim_score
1028 |
1029 |
# # Calcular la probabilidad relativa de cada producto recomendado
1030 |
# recommendations_with_prob = []
1031 |
# if total_similarity > 0: # Verificar que total_similarity no sea cero
1032 |
# recommendations_with_prob = [(product, score / total_similarity) for product, score in recommendations_count.items()]
1033 |
# else:
1034 |
# print("No se encontraron similitudes suficientes para calcular probabilidades.")
1035 |
1036 |
# recommendations_with_prob.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Ordenar por puntuación
1037 |
1038 |
# # Crear un nuevo DataFrame para almacenar las recomendaciones con descripciones y probabilidades
1039 |
# recommendations_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ARTICULO', 'DESCRIPCION', 'PROBABILIDAD'])
1040 |
1041 |
# # Agregar las recomendaciones al DataFrame usando pd.concat
1042 |
# for product, prob in recommendations_with_prob:
1043 |
# # Buscar la descripción en el DataFrame de productos
1044 |
# description = productos.loc[productos['ARTICULO'] == product, 'DESCRIPCION']
1045 |
# if not description.empty:
1046 |
# # Crear un nuevo DataFrame temporal para la recomendación
1047 |
# temp_df = pd.DataFrame({
1048 |
# 'ARTICULO': [product],
1049 |
# 'DESCRIPCION': [description.values[0]], # Obtener el primer valor encontrado
1050 |
# 'PROBABILIDAD': [prob]
1051 |
# })
1052 |
# # Concatenar el DataFrame temporal al DataFrame de recomendaciones
1053 |
# recommendations_df = pd.concat([recommendations_df, temp_df], ignore_index=True)
1054 |
1055 |
# return recommendations_df
1056 |
1057 |
# # Comprobar si el cliente está en el CSV de fieles
1058 |
# is_fiel = customer_code in fieles_df['Cliente'].astype(str).values
1059 |
1060 |
# if customer_code:
1061 |
# if is_fiel:
1062 |
# st.write(f"### Customer {customer_code} is a loyal customer.")
1063 |
# option = st.selectbox("Select Recommendation Type", ["Select an option", "By Purchase History", "By Current Basket"])
1064 |
1065 |
# if option == "By Purchase History":
1066 |
# st.warning("Option not available... aún")
1067 |
# elif option == "By Current Basket":
1068 |
# st.write("Select the items and assign quantities for the basket:")
1069 |
1070 |
# # Mostrar lista de artículos disponibles
1071 |
# available_articles = productos['ARTICULO'].unique()
1072 |
# selected_articles = st.multiselect("Select Articles", available_articles)
1073 |
1074 |
# # Crear inputs para ingresar las cantidades de cada artículo seleccionado
1075 |
# quantities = {}
1076 |
# for article in selected_articles:
1077 |
# quantities[article] = st.number_input(f"Quantity for {article}", min_value=0, step=1)
1078 |
1079 |
# if st.button("Calcular"): # Añadimos el botón "Calcular"
1080 |
# # Crear una lista de artículos basada en la selección
1081 |
# new_basket = [f"{article} x{quantities[article]}" for article in selected_articles if quantities[article] > 0]
1082 |
1083 |
# if new_basket:
1084 |
# # Procesar la lista para recomendar
1085 |
# recommendations_df = recomienda(new_basket)
1086 |
1087 |
# if not recommendations_df.empty:
1088 |
# st.write("### Recommendations based on the current basket:")
1089 |
# st.dataframe(recommendations_df)
1090 |
# else:
1091 |
# st.warning("No recommendations found for the provided basket.")
1092 |
# else:
1093 |
# st.warning("Please select at least one article and set its quantity.")
1094 |
# else:
1095 |
# st.
1096 |
# st.write("Select items and assign quantities for the basket:")
1097 |
1098 |
# # Mostrar lista de artículos disponibles
1099 |
# available_articles = productos['ARTICULO'].unique()
1100 |
# selected_articles = st.multiselect("Select Articles", available_articles)
1101 |
1102 |
# # Crear inputs para ingresar las cantidades de cada artículo seleccionado
1103 |
# quantities = {}
1104 |
# for article in selected_articles:
1105 |
# quantities[article] = st.number_input(f"Quantity for {article}", min_value=0, step=1)
1106 |
1107 |
# if st.button("Calcular"): # Añadimos el botón "Calcular"
1108 |
# # Crear una lista de artículos basada en la selección
1109 |
# new_basket = [f"{article} x{quantities[article]}" for article in selected_articles if quantities[article] > 0]
1110 |
1111 |
# if new_basket:
1112 |
# # Procesar la lista para recomendar
1113 |
# recommendations_df = recomienda(new_basket)
1114 |
1115 |
# if not recommendations_df.empty:
1116 |
# st.write("### Recommendations based on the current basket:")
1117 |
# st.dataframe(recommendations_df)
1118 |
# else:
1119 |
# st.warning("No recommendations found for the provided basket.")
1120 |
# else:
1121 |
# st.warning("Please select at least one article and set its quantity.")
1122 |
680 |
681 |
st.warning(f"No predicted or actual data found for customer {customer_code} for 2024.")
682 |
683 |
# Customer Recommendations Page
684 |
elif page == "Articles Recommendations":
685 |
# Estilo principal de la página
686 |
687 |
"<h1 style='text-align: center; color: #2E86C1;'>Articles Recommendations</h1>",
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
<p style='text-align: center; color: #5D6D7E;'>Get tailored recommendations for your customers based on their basket.</p>
692 |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
693 |
st.write("### Select items and assign quantities for the basket:")
694 |
# Añadir separador para mejorar la segmentación visual
695 |
696 |
# Mostrar lista de artículos disponibles
697 |
available_articles = productos['DESCRIPCION'].unique()
698 |
selected_articles = st.multiselect("Select Articles", available_articles)
699 |
# Mostrar cantidades en la misma fila
700 |
quantities = {}
701 |
if selected_articles:
702 |
st.write("### Selected Items and Quantities:")
703 |
for article in selected_articles:
704 |
col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) # Configurar las proporciones de las columnas
705 |
with col1:
706 |
st.write(article) # Mostrar el nombre del artículo
707 |
with col2:
708 |
quantities[article] = st.number_input(f"Qty for {article}", min_value=0, step=1, key=article) # Pedir cantidad
709 |
# Añadir un botón estilizado "Calcular" con icono
710 |
if st.button("🛒 Calculate Recommendations"):
711 |
# Crear una lista de artículos basada en la selección de códigos y cantidades
712 |
new_basket = []
713 |
for article in selected_articles:
717 |
if new_basket:
718 |
# Procesar la lista para recomendar
719 |
recommendations_df = recomienda_tfid(new_basket)
720 |
721 |
if not recommendations_df.empty:
722 |
st.success("### Recommendations based on the current basket:")
723 |
st.dataframe(recommendations_df, height=300, width=800) # Ajustar el tamaño del DataFrame
724 |
725 |
st.warning("⚠️ No recommendations found for the provided basket.")
726 |
727 |
st.warning("⚠️ Please select at least one article and set its quantity.")
728 |
729 |
# # Customer Recommendations Page
730 |
# elif page == "Articles Recommendations":
731 |
# st.title("Articles Recommendations")
732 |
# st.markdown("""
733 |
# Get tailored recommendations for your customers based on their basket.
734 |
# """)
735 |
# st.write("Select items and assign quantities for the basket:")
736 |
# # Mostrar lista de artículos disponibles
737 |
# available_articles = productos['ARTICULO'].unique()
738 |
# selected_articles = st.multiselect("Select Articles", available_articles)
739 |
# # Crear inputs para ingresar las cantidades de cada artículo seleccionado
740 |
# quantities = {}
741 |
# for article in selected_articles:
742 |
# quantities[article] = st.number_input(f"Quantity for {article}", min_value=0, step=1)
743 |
# if st.button("Calcular"): # Añadimos el botón "Calcular"
744 |
# # Crear una lista de artículos basada en la selección de códigos y cantidades
745 |
# new_basket = []
746 |
# for article in selected_articles:
747 |
# quantity = quantities[article]
748 |
# if quantity > 0:
749 |
# new_basket.extend([article] * quantity) # Añadir el código 'article' tantas veces como 'quantity'
750 |
# if new_basket:
751 |
# # Procesar la lista para recomendar
752 |
# recommendations_df = recomienda_tfid(new_basket)
753 |
# if not recommendations_df.empty:
754 |
# st.write("### Recommendations based on the current basket:")
755 |
# st.dataframe(recommendations_df)
756 |
# else:
757 |
# st.warning("No recommendations found for the provided basket.")
758 |
# else:
759 |
# st.warning("Please select at least one article and set its quantity.")