model: | |
ae: #ae model is loaded to | |
type: TriVAE | |
point_emb_dim: 48 | |
padding: 0.1 | |
encoder: | |
plane_reso: 128 | |
plane_latent_dim: 32 | |
latent_dim: 32 | |
unet: | |
depth: 4 | |
merge_mode: concat | |
start_filts: 32 | |
output_dim: 64 | |
decoder: | |
plane_reso: 128 | |
latent_dim: 32 | |
n_blocks: 5 | |
query_emb_dim: 48 | |
hidden_dim: 128 | |
unet: | |
depth: 4 | |
merge_mode: concat | |
start_filts: 64 | |
output_dim: 32 | |
dm: | |
type: triplane_diff_multiimg_cond | |
backbone: resunet_multiimg_direct_atten | |
diff_reso: 64 | |
input_channel: 32 | |
output_channel: 32 | |
triplane_padding: 0.1 #should be consistent with padding in ae | |
use_par: True | |
par_channel: 32 | |
par_emb_dim: 48 | |
norm: "batch" | |
img_in_channels: 1280 | |
vit_reso: 16 | |
use_cat_embedding: ??? | |
block_type: multiview_local | |
par_point_encoder: | |
plane_reso: 64 | |
plane_latent_dim: 32 | |
n_blocks: 5 | |
unet: | |
depth: 3 | |
merge_mode: concat | |
start_filts: 32 | |
output_dim: 32 | |
criterion: | |
type: EDMLoss_MultiImgCond | |
use_par: True | |
dataset: | |
type: Occ_Par_MultiImg | |
data_path: ??? | |
surface_size: 20000 | |
par_pc_size: 2048 | |
load_proj_mat: True | |
load_image: True | |
par_point_aug: 0.5 | |
par_prefix: "aug7_" # prefix of the filenames of the partial point cloud | |
jitter_partial_train: 0.02 | |
jitter_partial_val: 0.0 | |