library(shiny) | |
library(ggplot2) | |
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram | |
shinyUI(fluidPage( | |
# Application title | |
titlePanel("glm distributions"), | |
h4("Select the glm distribution and then fixe | |
the parameters to obtain the probability distribution."), | |
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins | |
sidebarLayout( | |
sidebarPanel( | |
selectInput("Distribucion", | |
"What distribution?", | |
choices=c("Normal", "Gamma", "Inv. gaussian", | |
"Binomial", | |
"Poisson", "Negative binomial"), | |
selected="Normal"), | |
conditionalPanel(condition="input.Distribucion=='Normal'", | |
numericInput(inputId="mu_normal", | |
label=HTML("Select μ:"), | |
value="0.5", | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="sigma", | |
label=HTML("Select σ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value="1.2", | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="min_normal", | |
label="Select the minimun value for xlim", | |
value="-1", step=1), | |
numericInput(inputId="max_normal", | |
label="Select the maximum value for xlim", | |
value="3", step=1) | |
), | |
conditionalPanel(condition="input.Distribucion=='Gamma'", | |
numericInput(inputId="mu_gamma", | |
label=HTML("Select μ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value=1.5, | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="phi_gamma", | |
label=HTML("Select φ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value=0.3, | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="min_gamma", | |
label="Select the minimun value for xlim", | |
value="0.01", step=1), | |
numericInput(inputId="max_gamma", | |
label="Select the maximum value for xlim", | |
value="3", step=1) | |
), | |
conditionalPanel(condition="input.Distribucion=='Inv. gaussian'", | |
numericInput(inputId="mu_invgaus", | |
label=HTML("Select μ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value="1.5", | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="phi_invgaus", | |
#label=HTML("Select φ:"), | |
label="Select φ", | |
min=0.1, | |
value="1.2", | |
step=0.1), | |
numericInput(inputId="min_invgaus", | |
label="Select the minimun value for xlim", | |
value="0.01", step=1), | |
numericInput(inputId="max_invgaus", | |
label="Select the maximum value for xlim", | |
value="3", step=1) | |
), | |
conditionalPanel(condition="input.Distribucion=='Binomial'", | |
numericInput(inputId="mu_binom", | |
label=HTML("Select μ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
max=0.99, | |
value=0.3, | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="m", | |
label=HTML("Select m the number of experiments"), | |
min=1, | |
value=7, | |
step=1) | |
), | |
conditionalPanel(condition="input.Distribucion=='Poisson'", | |
numericInput(inputId="mu_pois", | |
label=HTML("Select μ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value="2.7", | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="max_pois", | |
label="Select the maximum value for xlim", | |
value="15", step=1) | |
), | |
conditionalPanel(condition="input.Distribucion=='Negative binomial'", | |
numericInput(inputId="mu_negbin", | |
label=HTML("Select μ:"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value="2.7", | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="k", | |
label=HTML("Select k"), | |
min=0.01, | |
value="1.6", | |
step=0.01), | |
numericInput(inputId="max_negbin", | |
label="Select the maximum value for xlim", | |
value="15", step=1) | |
), | |
img(src="logo.png", height = 60, width = 140), | |
), | |
# Show a plot of the generated distribution | |
mainPanel( | |
plotOutput("distPlot", width = "400px") | |
) | |
) | |
)) | |