library(shiny) | |
shinyUI(fluidPage( | |
# Application title | |
titlePanel(HTML("Exponential distribution (λ)")), | |
sidebarLayout( | |
sidebarPanel( | |
HTML("Modify the parameter value and observe what happens with the density plot"), | |
br(), | |
br(), | |
sliderInput(inputId = "rate", | |
label = HTML("Enter the value of the rate parameter λ: "), | |
min = 0.1, | |
max = 50, | |
value = 1.7, | |
step= 0.1, | |
animate = TRUE), | |
numericInput(inputId = "x_max", | |
label = "Enter the maximum value of x to display on the graph:", | |
min = 1, | |
max = 300, | |
value = 9, | |
step = 1), | |
br(), | |
p("App created by Semillero de R at Universidad Nacional de Colombia:"), | |
tags$a(href="", "") | |
), | |
# Show a plot of the generated distribution | |
mainPanel( | |
h3("Density plot", align = "center"), | |
plotOutput("grafico1"), | |
verbatimTextOutput('med_var') | |
) | |
) | |
)) |