mtCNN_sysu / utils /
Enderfga's picture
Add application file
import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
from utils.models import PNet,RNet,ONet
import utils.tool as utils
import utils.dataloader as image_tools
def create_mtcnn_net(p_model_path=None, r_model_path=None, o_model_path=None, use_cuda=True):
pnet, rnet, onet = None, None, None
if p_model_path is not None:
pnet = PNet(use_cuda=use_cuda)
# forcing all GPU tensors to be in CPU while loading
#pnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(p_model_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
pnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(p_model_path, map_location='cpu'))
if r_model_path is not None:
rnet = RNet(use_cuda=use_cuda)
if (use_cuda):
rnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(r_model_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
if o_model_path is not None:
onet = ONet(use_cuda=use_cuda)
if (use_cuda):
onet.load_state_dict(torch.load(o_model_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
return pnet,rnet,onet
class MtcnnDetector(object):
P,R,O net face detection and landmarks align
def __init__(self,
pnet = None,
rnet = None,
onet = None,
threshold=[0.6, 0.7, 0.7],
#threshold=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
self.pnet_detector = pnet
self.rnet_detector = rnet
self.onet_detector = onet
self.min_face_size = min_face_size
self.thresh = threshold
self.scale_factor = scale_factor
def unique_image_format(self,im):
if not isinstance(im,np.ndarray):
if im.mode == 'I':
im = np.array(im, np.int32, copy=False)
elif im.mode == 'I;16':
im = np.array(im, np.int16, copy=False)
im = np.asarray(im)
return im
def square_bbox(self, bbox):
convert bbox to square
bbox: numpy array , shape n x m
input bbox
a square bbox
square_bbox = bbox.copy()
# x2 - x1
# y2 - y1
h = bbox[:, 3] - bbox[:, 1] + 1
w = bbox[:, 2] - bbox[:, 0] + 1
l = np.maximum(h,w)
# x1 = x1 + w*0.5 - l*0.5
# y1 = y1 + h*0.5 - l*0.5
square_bbox[:, 0] = bbox[:, 0] + w*0.5 - l*0.5
square_bbox[:, 1] = bbox[:, 1] + h*0.5 - l*0.5
# x2 = x1 + l - 1
# y2 = y1 + l - 1
square_bbox[:, 2] = square_bbox[:, 0] + l - 1
square_bbox[:, 3] = square_bbox[:, 1] + l - 1
return square_bbox
def generate_bounding_box(self, map, reg, scale, threshold):
generate bbox from feature map
map: numpy array , n x m x 1
detect score for each position
reg: numpy array , n x m x 4
scale: float number
scale of this detection
threshold: float number
detect threshold
bbox array
stride = 2
cellsize = 12 # receptive field
t_index = np.where(map[:,:,0] > threshold)
# print('shape of t_index:{0}'.format(len(t_index)))
# print('t_index{0}'.format(t_index))
# time.sleep(5)
# find nothing
if t_index[0].size == 0:
return np.array([])
# reg = (1, n, m, 4)
# choose bounding box whose socre are larger than threshold
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = [reg[0, t_index[0], t_index[1], i] for i in range(4)]
# time.sleep(5)
reg = np.array([dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2])
#print('shape of reg{0}'.format(reg.shape))
# lefteye_dx, lefteye_dy, righteye_dx, righteye_dy, nose_dx, nose_dy, \
# leftmouth_dx, leftmouth_dy, rightmouth_dx, rightmouth_dy = [landmarks[0, t_index[0], t_index[1], i] for i in range(10)]
# landmarks = np.array([lefteye_dx, lefteye_dy, righteye_dx, righteye_dy, nose_dx, nose_dy, leftmouth_dx, leftmouth_dy, rightmouth_dx, rightmouth_dy])
# abtain score of classification which larger than threshold
# t_index[0]: choose the first column of t_index
# t_index[1]: choose the second column of t_index
score = map[t_index[0], t_index[1], 0]
# hence t_index[1] means column, t_index[1] is the value of x
# hence t_index[0] means row, t_index[0] is the value of y
boundingbox = np.vstack([np.round((stride * t_index[1]) / scale), # x1 of prediction box in original image
np.round((stride * t_index[0]) / scale), # y1 of prediction box in original image
np.round((stride * t_index[1] + cellsize) / scale), # x2 of prediction box in original image
np.round((stride * t_index[0] + cellsize) / scale), # y2 of prediction box in original image
# reconstruct the box in original image
# landmarks
return boundingbox.T
def resize_image(self, img, scale):
resize image and transform dimention to [batchsize, channel, height, width]
img: numpy array , height x width x channel
input image, channels in BGR order here
scale: float number
scale factor of resize operation
transformed image tensor , 1 x channel x height x width
height, width, channels = img.shape
new_height = int(height * scale) # resized new height
new_width = int(width * scale) # resized new width
new_dim = (new_width, new_height)
img_resized = cv2.resize(img, new_dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # resized image
return img_resized
def pad(self, bboxes, w, h):
pad the the boxes
bboxes: numpy array, n x 5
input bboxes
w: float number
width of the input image
h: float number
height of the input image
Returns :
dy, dx : numpy array, n x 1
start point of the bbox in target image
edy, edx : numpy array, n x 1
end point of the bbox in target image
y, x : numpy array, n x 1
start point of the bbox in original image
ex, ex : numpy array, n x 1
end point of the bbox in original image
tmph, tmpw: numpy array, n x 1
height and width of the bbox
# width and height
tmpw = (bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0] + 1).astype(np.int32)
tmph = (bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1] + 1).astype(np.int32)
numbox = bboxes.shape[0]
dx = np.zeros((numbox, ))
dy = np.zeros((numbox, ))
edx, edy = tmpw.copy()-1, tmph.copy()-1
# x, y: start point of the bbox in original image
# ex, ey: end point of the bbox in original image
x, y, ex, ey = bboxes[:, 0], bboxes[:, 1], bboxes[:, 2], bboxes[:, 3]
tmp_index = np.where(ex > w-1)
edx[tmp_index] = tmpw[tmp_index] + w - 2 - ex[tmp_index]
ex[tmp_index] = w - 1
tmp_index = np.where(ey > h-1)
edy[tmp_index] = tmph[tmp_index] + h - 2 - ey[tmp_index]
ey[tmp_index] = h - 1
tmp_index = np.where(x < 0)
dx[tmp_index] = 0 - x[tmp_index]
x[tmp_index] = 0
tmp_index = np.where(y < 0)
dy[tmp_index] = 0 - y[tmp_index]
y[tmp_index] = 0
return_list = [dy, edy, dx, edx, y, ey, x, ex, tmpw, tmph]
return_list = [item.astype(np.int32) for item in return_list]
return return_list
def detect_pnet(self, im):
"""Get face candidates through pnet
im: numpy array
input image array
one batch
boxes: numpy array
detected boxes before calibration
boxes_align: numpy array
boxes after calibration
# im = self.unique_image_format(im)
# original wider face data
h, w, c = im.shape
net_size = 12
current_scale = float(net_size) / self.min_face_size # find initial scale
#print('imgshape:{0}, current_scale:{1}'.format(im.shape, current_scale))
im_resized = self.resize_image(im, current_scale) # scale = 1.0
current_height, current_width, _ = im_resized.shape
# fcn
all_boxes = list()
while min(current_height, current_width) > net_size:
#print('current:',current_height, current_width)
feed_imgs = []
image_tensor = image_tools.convert_image_to_tensor(im_resized)
feed_imgs = torch.stack(feed_imgs)
feed_imgs.requires_grad = True
if self.pnet_detector.use_cuda:
feed_imgs = feed_imgs.cuda()
# self.pnet_detector is a trained pnet torch model
# receptive field is 12×12
# 12×12 --> score
# 12×12 --> bounding box
cls_map, reg = self.pnet_detector(feed_imgs)
cls_map_np = image_tools.convert_chwTensor_to_hwcNumpy(cls_map.cpu())
reg_np = image_tools.convert_chwTensor_to_hwcNumpy(reg.cpu())
# print(cls_map_np.shape, reg_np.shape) # cls_map_np = (1, n, m, 1) reg_np.shape = (1, n, m 4)
# time.sleep(5)
# landmark_np = image_tools.convert_chwTensor_to_hwcNumpy(landmark.cpu())
# self.threshold[0] = 0.6
# print(cls_map_np[0,:,:].shape)
# time.sleep(4)
# boxes = [x1, y1, x2, y2, score, reg]
boxes = self.generate_bounding_box(cls_map_np[ 0, :, :], reg_np, current_scale, self.thresh[0])
# generate pyramid images
current_scale *= self.scale_factor # self.scale_factor = 0.709
im_resized = self.resize_image(im, current_scale)
current_height, current_width, _ = im_resized.shape
if boxes.size == 0:
# non-maximum suppresion
keep = utils.nms(boxes[:, :5], 0.5, 'Union')
boxes = boxes[keep]
""" img = im.copy()
bw = boxes[:,2]-boxes[:,0]
bh = boxes[:,3]-boxes[:,1]
for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
exit() """
if len(all_boxes) == 0:
return None, None
all_boxes = np.vstack(all_boxes)
# print("shape of all boxes {0}".format(all_boxes.shape))
# time.sleep(5)
# merge the detection from first stage
keep = utils.nms(all_boxes[:, 0:5], 0.7, 'Union')
all_boxes = all_boxes[keep]
# boxes = all_boxes[:, :5]
# x2 - x1
# y2 - y1
bw = all_boxes[:, 2] - all_boxes[:, 0] + 1
bh = all_boxes[:, 3] - all_boxes[:, 1] + 1
# landmark_keep = all_boxes[:, 9:].reshape((5,2))
boxes = np.vstack([all_boxes[:,0],
# all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 9] * bw,
# all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:,10] * bh,
# all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 11] * bw,
# all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:, 12] * bh,
# all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 13] * bw,
# all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:, 14] * bh,
# all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 15] * bw,
# all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:, 16] * bh,
# all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 17] * bw,
# all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:, 18] * bh
boxes = boxes.T
# boxes = boxes = [x1, y1, x2, y2, score, reg] reg= [px1, py1, px2, py2] (in prediction)
align_topx = all_boxes[:, 0] + all_boxes[:, 5] * bw
align_topy = all_boxes[:, 1] + all_boxes[:, 6] * bh
align_bottomx = all_boxes[:, 2] + all_boxes[:, 7] * bw
align_bottomy = all_boxes[:, 3] + all_boxes[:, 8] * bh
# refine the boxes
boxes_align = np.vstack([ align_topx,
all_boxes[:, 4],
# align_topx + all_boxes[:,9] * bw,
# align_topy + all_boxes[:,10] * bh,
# align_topx + all_boxes[:,11] * bw,
# align_topy + all_boxes[:,12] * bh,
# align_topx + all_boxes[:,13] * bw,
# align_topy + all_boxes[:,14] * bh,
# align_topx + all_boxes[:,15] * bw,
# align_topy + all_boxes[:,16] * bh,
# align_topx + all_boxes[:,17] * bw,
# align_topy + all_boxes[:,18] * bh,
boxes_align = boxes_align.T
#remove invalid box
valindex = [True for _ in range(boxes_align.shape[0])]
for i in range(boxes_align.shape[0]):
if boxes_align[i][2]-boxes_align[i][0]<=3 or boxes_align[i][3]-boxes_align[i][1]<=3:
#print('pnet has one smaller than 3')
if boxes_align[i][2]<1 or boxes_align[i][0]>w-2 or boxes_align[i][3]<1 or boxes_align[i][1]>h-2:
#print('pnet has one out')
boxes = boxes[valindex,:]
return boxes, boxes_align
def detect_rnet(self, im, dets):
"""Get face candidates using rnet
im: numpy array
input image array
dets: numpy array
detection results of pnet
boxes: numpy array
detected boxes before calibration
boxes_align: numpy array
boxes after calibration
# im: an input image
h, w, c = im.shape
if dets is None:
return None,None
if dets.shape[0]==0:
return None, None
# (705, 5) = [x1, y1, x2, y2, score, reg]
# print("pnet detection {0}".format(dets.shape))
# time.sleep(5)
detss = dets
# return square boxes
dets = self.square_bbox(dets)
detsss = dets
# rounds
dets[:, 0:4] = np.round(dets[:, 0:4])
[dy, edy, dx, edx, y, ey, x, ex, tmpw, tmph] = self.pad(dets, w, h)
num_boxes = dets.shape[0]
# helper for setting RNet batch size
batch_size = self.rnet_detector.batch_size
ratio = float(num_boxes) / batch_size
if ratio > 3 or ratio < 0.3:
print "You may need to reset RNet batch size if this info appears frequently, \
face candidates:%d, current batch_size:%d"%(num_boxes, batch_size)
# cropped_ims_tensors = np.zeros((num_boxes, 3, 24, 24), dtype=np.float32)
cropped_ims_tensors = []
for i in range(num_boxes):
tmp = np.zeros((tmph[i], tmpw[i], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
tmp[dy[i]:edy[i]+1, dx[i]:edx[i]+1, :] = im[y[i]:ey[i]+1, x[i]:ex[i]+1, :]
crop_im = cv2.resize(tmp, (24, 24))
crop_im_tensor = image_tools.convert_image_to_tensor(crop_im)
# cropped_ims_tensors[i, :, :, :] = crop_im_tensor
feed_imgs = torch.stack(cropped_ims_tensors)
feed_imgs.requires_grad = True
if self.rnet_detector.use_cuda:
feed_imgs = feed_imgs.cuda()
cls_map, reg = self.rnet_detector(feed_imgs)
cls_map = cls_map.cpu().data.numpy()
reg = reg.cpu().data.numpy()
# landmark = landmark.cpu().data.numpy()
keep_inds = np.where(cls_map > self.thresh[1])[0]
if len(keep_inds) > 0:
boxes = dets[keep_inds]
cls = cls_map[keep_inds]
reg = reg[keep_inds]
# landmark = landmark[keep_inds]
return None, None
keep = utils.nms(boxes, 0.7)
if len(keep) == 0:
return None, None
keep_cls = cls[keep]
keep_boxes = boxes[keep]
keep_reg = reg[keep]
# keep_landmark = landmark[keep]
bw = keep_boxes[:, 2] - keep_boxes[:, 0] + 1
bh = keep_boxes[:, 3] - keep_boxes[:, 1] + 1
boxes = np.vstack([ keep_boxes[:,0],
# keep_boxes[:,0] + keep_landmark[:, 0] * bw,
# keep_boxes[:,1] + keep_landmark[:, 1] * bh,
# keep_boxes[:,0] + keep_landmark[:, 2] * bw,
# keep_boxes[:,1] + keep_landmark[:, 3] * bh,
# keep_boxes[:,0] + keep_landmark[:, 4] * bw,
# keep_boxes[:,1] + keep_landmark[:, 5] * bh,
# keep_boxes[:,0] + keep_landmark[:, 6] * bw,
# keep_boxes[:,1] + keep_landmark[:, 7] * bh,
# keep_boxes[:,0] + keep_landmark[:, 8] * bw,
# keep_boxes[:,1] + keep_landmark[:, 9] * bh,
align_topx = keep_boxes[:,0] + keep_reg[:,0] * bw
align_topy = keep_boxes[:,1] + keep_reg[:,1] * bh
align_bottomx = keep_boxes[:,2] + keep_reg[:,2] * bw
align_bottomy = keep_boxes[:,3] + keep_reg[:,3] * bh
boxes_align = np.vstack([align_topx,
keep_cls[:, 0],
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 0] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 1] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 2] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 3] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 4] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 5] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 6] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 7] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 8] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 9] * bh,
boxes = boxes.T
boxes_align = boxes_align.T
#remove invalid box
valindex = [True for _ in range(boxes_align.shape[0])]
for i in range(boxes_align.shape[0]):
if boxes_align[i][2]-boxes_align[i][0]<=3 or boxes_align[i][3]-boxes_align[i][1]<=3:
print('rnet has one smaller than 3')
if boxes_align[i][2]<1 or boxes_align[i][0]>w-2 or boxes_align[i][3]<1 or boxes_align[i][1]>h-2:
print('rnet has one out')
boxes = boxes[valindex,:]
""" img = im.copy()
for i in range(boxes_align.shape[0]):
exit() """
return boxes, boxes_align
def detect_onet(self, im, dets):
"""Get face candidates using onet
im: numpy array
input image array
dets: numpy array
detection results of rnet
boxes_align: numpy array
boxes after calibration
landmarks_align: numpy array
landmarks after calibration
h, w, c = im.shape
if dets is None:
return None, None
if dets.shape[0]==0:
return None, None
detss = dets
dets = self.square_bbox(dets)
dets[:, 0:4] = np.round(dets[:, 0:4])
[dy, edy, dx, edx, y, ey, x, ex, tmpw, tmph] = self.pad(dets, w, h)
num_boxes = dets.shape[0]
# cropped_ims_tensors = np.zeros((num_boxes, 3, 24, 24), dtype=np.float32)
cropped_ims_tensors = []
for i in range(num_boxes):
tmp = np.zeros((tmph[i], tmpw[i], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
# crop input image
tmp[dy[i]:edy[i] + 1, dx[i]:edx[i] + 1, :] = im[y[i]:ey[i] + 1, x[i]:ex[i] + 1, :]
crop_im = cv2.resize(tmp, (48, 48))
crop_im_tensor = image_tools.convert_image_to_tensor(crop_im)
# cropped_ims_tensors[i, :, :, :] = crop_im_tensor
feed_imgs = torch.stack(cropped_ims_tensors)
feed_imgs.requires_grad = True
if self.rnet_detector.use_cuda:
feed_imgs = feed_imgs.cuda()
cls_map, reg, landmark = self.onet_detector(feed_imgs)
cls_map = cls_map.cpu().data.numpy()
reg = reg.cpu().data.numpy()
landmark = landmark.cpu().data.numpy()
keep_inds = np.where(cls_map > self.thresh[2])[0]
if len(keep_inds) > 0:
boxes = dets[keep_inds]
cls = cls_map[keep_inds]
reg = reg[keep_inds]
landmark = landmark[keep_inds]
return None, None
keep = utils.nms(boxes, 0.7, mode="Minimum")
if len(keep) == 0:
return None, None
keep_cls = cls[keep]
keep_boxes = boxes[keep]
keep_reg = reg[keep]
keep_landmark = landmark[keep]
bw = keep_boxes[:, 2] - keep_boxes[:, 0] + 1
bh = keep_boxes[:, 3] - keep_boxes[:, 1] + 1
align_topx = keep_boxes[:, 0] + keep_reg[:, 0] * bw
align_topy = keep_boxes[:, 1] + keep_reg[:, 1] * bh
align_bottomx = keep_boxes[:, 2] + keep_reg[:, 2] * bw
align_bottomy = keep_boxes[:, 3] + keep_reg[:, 3] * bh
align_landmark_topx = keep_boxes[:, 0]
align_landmark_topy = keep_boxes[:, 1]
boxes_align = np.vstack([align_topx,
keep_cls[:, 0],
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 0] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 1] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 2] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 3] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 4] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 5] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 6] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 7] * bh,
# align_topx + keep_landmark[:, 8] * bw,
# align_topy + keep_landmark[:, 9] * bh,
boxes_align = boxes_align.T
landmark = np.vstack([
align_landmark_topx + keep_landmark[:, 0] * bw,
align_landmark_topy + keep_landmark[:, 1] * bh,
align_landmark_topx + keep_landmark[:, 2] * bw,
align_landmark_topy + keep_landmark[:, 3] * bh,
align_landmark_topx + keep_landmark[:, 4] * bw,
align_landmark_topy + keep_landmark[:, 5] * bh,
align_landmark_topx + keep_landmark[:, 6] * bw,
align_landmark_topy + keep_landmark[:, 7] * bh,
align_landmark_topx + keep_landmark[:, 8] * bw,
align_landmark_topy + keep_landmark[:, 9] * bh,
landmark_align = landmark.T
return boxes_align, landmark_align
def detect_face(self,img):
"""Detect face over image
boxes_align = np.array([])
landmark_align =np.array([])
t = time.time()
# pnet
if self.pnet_detector:
p_boxes, boxes_align = self.detect_pnet(img)
if boxes_align is None:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
t1 = time.time() - t
t = time.time()
# rnet
if self.rnet_detector:
r_boxes, boxes_align = self.detect_rnet(img, boxes_align)
if boxes_align is None:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
t2 = time.time() - t
t = time.time()
# onet
if self.onet_detector:
boxes_align, landmark_align = self.detect_onet(img, boxes_align)
if boxes_align is None:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
t3 = time.time() - t
t = time.time()
print("time cost " + '{:.3f}'.format(t1+t2+t3) + ' pnet {:.3f} rnet {:.3f} onet {:.3f}'.format(t1, t2, t3))
return p_boxes,r_boxes,boxes_align, landmark_align