magma /
stellaathena's picture
This should work
raw history blame
No virus
695 Bytes
from magma import Magma
from magma.image_input import ImageInput
model = Magma.from_checkpoint(
config_path = "configs/MAGMA_v1.yml",
checkpoint_path = "./",
device = 'cuda:0'
inputs =[
## supports urls and path/to/image
'Describe the painting:'
## returns a tensor of shape: (1, 149, 4096)
embeddings = model.preprocess_inputs(inputs)
## returns a list of length embeddings.shape[0] (batch size)
output = model.generate(
embeddings = embeddings,
max_steps = 6,
temperature = 0.7,
top_k = 0,
print(output[0]) ## A cabin on a lake