magma / magma /
stellaathena's picture
This should work
raw history blame
No virus
3.34 kB
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchtyping import TensorType
from einops import rearrange
from .image_encoders import get_image_encoder
from .config import MultimodalConfig
# ------------------------- Image prefix ----------------------------------
# for models that are fixed to a specific sequence lengths (i.e clip models with no pooling), the sequence lengths are below
"clip_resnet": 49,
"clip_resnet_large": 144,
"nfresnet50": 2048,
"clip": 512,
"clip_resnet": 2560,
"clip_resnet_large": 3072,
class ImagePrefix(nn.Module):
Takes in a batch of images and returns a batch of embeddings of the
same dimensions as the LM's word embeddings.
:param config: MultimodalConfig object
:param out_dim: output dimension of the embedding
:param device: device to run the model on
def __init__(
config: MultimodalConfig,
out_dim: int = 2048,
self.device = device or torch.device(
"cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
self.config = config
self.encoder_type = config.encoder_name
# get image encoder backbone
self.enc = get_image_encoder(
self.encoder_out_dim = ENCODER_OUT_DIMS[
] # out dim for image encoder
self.out_dim = out_dim # out dim for lm
# set the out seq len to that specified in the config, or for some models, the hardcoded value
self.out_seq_len = (
if config.encoder_name not in ENCODER_SEQ_LENS
else ENCODER_SEQ_LENS[config.encoder_name]
# get the output projection
proj_out_dim = (
(self.out_dim * self.out_seq_len)
if self.encoder_type not in ENCODER_SEQ_LENS
else self.out_dim
self.proj = nn.Linear(self.encoder_out_dim, proj_out_dim)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.image_embed_dropout_prob)
self.use_layernorm = config.use_image_embed_layernorm
if self.use_layernorm:
self.ln = nn.LayerNorm(self.out_dim)
def forward(
self, x: TensorType["b", "c", "h", "w"]
) -> TensorType["b", "seq", "out_dim"]:
# pass through image encoder
logits = self.enc(x)
# remove trailing dimensions of size 1 + pass through linear
if logits.ndim == 4:
logits = rearrange(logits, "b d 1 1 -> b d")
elif logits.ndim == 3:
assert self.encoder_type in ENCODER_SEQ_LENS
assert logits.ndim == 2
logits = self.proj(logits)
# reshape to desired output shape
if (
self.encoder_type not in ENCODER_SEQ_LENS
): # don't need to reshape those with fixed seq lens / no pooling
logits = rearrange(
logits, "b (s d) -> b s d", d=self.out_dim, s=self.out_seq_len
# pass through dropout and layer norm
logits = self.dropout(logits)
if self.use_layernorm:
logits = self.ln(logits)
return logits