magma / magma /datasets /
stellaathena's picture
This should work
raw history blame
No virus
4.57 kB
from PIL import Image
from PIL import UnidentifiedImageError
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
import shutil
def save_to_jsons(data_list, target_dir, starting_idx=0):
pbar = tqdm(
enumerate(data_list), desc=f"saving {len(data_list)} jsons to {str(target_dir)}"
for k, data in pbar:
filename = Path(target_dir) / Path(f"{k+starting_idx}.json")
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(data, f)
return None
def save_images(img_list, target_dir, mode="mv"):
for img_path in tqdm(
desc=f"saving {len(img_list)} images (mode={mode}) to {str(target_dir)}",
if mode == "mv":
shutil.move(img_path, target_dir)
elif mode == "cp":
shutil.copy(img_path, target_dir)
def convert_dataset(
Builds a dataset directory in our standard format. ds_iterator should return data of the form
image_path, {"captions": [...], "metadata": {...}, }, where image_path should be a Path object, captions should map to a list of strings
and metadata can contain any custom data about the image. If a hash_fn is specified (such as phash), the image hash gets saved in metadata.
data_dir = Path(data_dir)
# folders for images and corresponding data which is stored in a json file for each image
os.makedirs(data_dir / "images", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(data_dir / "image_data", exist_ok=True)
img_data_list = []
img_path_list = []
save_img_dir = data_dir / "images" / "0"
save_data_dir = data_dir / "image_data" / "0"
num_img_dirs = 0
# save the new locations of all img files in case some datafiles point to the same image
new_img_locations = {}
pbar = tqdm(
desc="converting dataset to standard format...",
for k, (img_path, data) in pbar:
img_cpt_data = {}
# get img data
if str(img_path) in new_img_locations.keys():
# if filename is in the dictionary, it already has a new location
new_img_path = new_img_locations[str(img_path)]["new_img_path"]
img_cpt_data["image_path"] = new_img_path
if hash_fn is not None:
img_cpt_data["metadata"]["image_hash"] = new_img_locations[
# if file exists in the old location, it will get moved to a new directory
new_img_path = f"images/{}/{}"
img_cpt_data["image_path"] = new_img_path
new_img_locations[str(img_path)] = {"new_img_path": new_img_path}
# original location is saved an later saved to the new directory
# if given, apply hash fn
if hash_fn is not None:
img ="RGB")
hash_str = str(hash_fn(img))
img_cpt_data["metadata"]["image_hash"] = hash_str
# save hash so it does not have to be recomputed
new_img_locations[str(img_path)]["hash"] = hash_str
except (UnidentifiedImageError, FileNotFoundError):
print("Warning: corrupted or non-existent Image")
# save images in specified images folder (maximum of dir_size images per folder)
if (len(img_path_list) % dir_size == 0 and len(img_path_list) > 0) or (
k == len(ds_iterator) - 1
os.makedirs(save_img_dir, exist_ok=True)
save_images(img_path_list, save_img_dir, mode=mode)
img_path_list = []
num_img_dirs += 1
save_img_dir = data_dir / "images" / f"{num_img_dirs}/"
# save jdon data in specified image_data folder with consecutive labeling of the json files
if ((k + 1) % dir_size == 0) or (k == len(ds_iterator) - 1):
os.makedirs(save_data_dir, exist_ok=True)
img_data_list, save_data_dir, starting_idx=max(k + 1 - dir_size, 0)
# empty path and data lists and update save directories for next saving step
img_data_list = []
save_data_dir = data_dir / "image_data" / f"{int((k+1)/dir_size)}/"