HEAT / utils /geometry_utils.py
Egrt's picture
history blame contribute delete
No virus
5.93 kB
import torch
import numpy as np
import cv2
def building_metric(logits, label):
preds = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1)
true_ids = torch.where(label==1)
num_true = true_ids[0].shape[0]
tp = (preds[true_ids] == 1).sum().double()
recall = tp / num_true
prec = tp / (preds == 1).sum()
fscore = 2 * recall * prec / (prec + recall)
return recall, prec, fscore
def edge_acc(logits, label, lengths, gt_values):
edge f1-score for training/validation logging
all_acc = list()
for i in range(logits.shape[0]):
length = lengths[i]
gt_value = gt_values[i, :length]
pred_idx = torch.where(gt_value == 2)
if len(pred_idx[0]) == 0:
preds = torch.argmax(logits[i, :, :length][:, pred_idx[0]], dim=0)
gts = label[i, :length][pred_idx[0]]
pos_ids = torch.where(gts == 1)
correct = (preds[pos_ids] == gts[pos_ids]).sum().float()
num_pos_gt = len(pos_ids[0])
recall = correct / num_pos_gt if num_pos_gt > 0 else torch.tensor(0)
num_pos_pred = (preds == 1).sum().float()
prec = correct / num_pos_pred if num_pos_pred > 0 else torch.tensor(0)
f_score = 2.0 * prec * recall / (recall + prec + 1e-8)
f_score = f_score.cpu()
if len(all_acc) > 1:
all_acc = torch.stack(all_acc, 0)
avg_acc = all_acc.mean()
avg_acc = all_acc[0]
return avg_acc
def corner_eval(targets, outputs):
assert isinstance(targets, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(outputs, np.ndarray)
output_to_gt = dict()
gt_to_output = dict()
for target_i, target in enumerate(targets):
dist = (outputs - target) ** 2
dist = np.sqrt(dist.sum(axis=-1))
min_dist = dist.min()
min_idx = dist.argmin()
if min_dist < 5 and min_idx not in output_to_gt: # a positive match
output_to_gt[min_idx] = target_i
gt_to_output[target_i] = min_idx
tp = len(output_to_gt)
prec = tp / len(outputs)
recall = tp / len(targets)
return prec, recall
def rectify_data(image, annot):
rows, cols, ch = image.shape
bins = [0 for _ in range(180)] # 5 degree per bin
# edges vote for directions
gauss_weights = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1]
for src, connections in annot.items():
for end in connections:
edge = [(end[0] - src[0]), -(end[1] - src[1])]
edge_len = np.sqrt(edge[0] ** 2 + edge[1] ** 2)
if edge_len <= 10: # skip too short edges
if edge[0] == 0:
bin_id = 90
theta = np.arctan(edge[1] / edge[0]) / np.pi * 180
if edge[0] * edge[1] < 0:
theta += 180
bin_id = int(theta.round())
if bin_id == 180:
bin_id = 0
for offset in range(-3, 4):
bin_idx = bin_id + offset
if bin_idx >= 180:
bin_idx -= 180
bins[bin_idx] += np.sqrt(edge[1] ** 2 + edge[0] ** 2) * gauss_weights[offset + 2]
bins = np.array(bins)
sorted_ids = np.argsort(bins)[::-1]
bin_1 = sorted_ids[0]
remained_ids = [idx for idx in sorted_ids if angle_dist(bin_1, idx) >= 30]
bin_2 = remained_ids[0]
if bin_1 < bin_2:
bin_1, bin_2 = bin_2, bin_1
dir_1, dir_2 = bin_1, bin_2
# compute the affine parameters, and apply affine transform to the image
origin = [127, 127]
p1_old = [127 + 100 * np.cos(dir_1 / 180 * np.pi), 127 - 100 * np.sin(dir_1 / 180 * np.pi)]
p2_old = [127 + 100 * np.cos(dir_2 / 180 * np.pi), 127 - 100 * np.sin(dir_2 / 180 * np.pi)]
pts1 = np.array([origin, p1_old, p2_old]).astype(np.float32)
p1_new = [127, 27] # y_axis
p2_new = [227, 127] # x_axis
pts2 = np.array([origin, p1_new, p2_new]).astype(np.float32)
M1 = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
all_corners = list(annot.keys())
all_corners_ = np.array(all_corners)
ones = np.ones([all_corners_.shape[0], 1])
all_corners_ = np.concatenate([all_corners_, ones], axis=-1)
new_corners = np.matmul(M1, all_corners_.T).T
M = np.concatenate([M1, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])], axis=0)
x_max = new_corners[:, 0].max()
x_min = new_corners[:, 0].min()
y_max = new_corners[:, 1].max()
y_min = new_corners[:, 1].min()
side_x = (x_max - x_min) * 0.1
side_y = (y_max - y_min) * 0.1
right_border = x_max + side_x
left_border = x_min - side_x
bot_border = y_max + side_y
top_border = y_min - side_y
pts1 = np.array([[left_border, top_border], [right_border, top_border], [right_border, bot_border]]).astype(
pts2 = np.array([[5, 5], [250, 5], [250, 250]]).astype(np.float32)
M_scale = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
M = np.matmul(np.concatenate([M_scale, np.array([[0, 0, 1]])], axis=0), M)
new_image = cv2.warpAffine(image, M[:2, :], (cols, rows), borderValue=(255, 255, 255))
all_corners_ = np.concatenate([all_corners, ones], axis=-1)
new_corners = np.matmul(M[:2, :], all_corners_.T).T
corner_mapping = dict()
for idx, corner in enumerate(all_corners):
corner_mapping[corner] = new_corners[idx]
new_annot = dict()
for corner, connections in annot.items():
new_corner = corner_mapping[corner]
tuple_new_corner = tuple(new_corner)
new_annot[tuple_new_corner] = list()
for to_corner in connections:
# do the affine transform
return new_image, new_annot, M
def angle_dist(a1, a2):
if a1 > a2:
a1, a2 = a2, a1
d1 = a2 - a1
d2 = a1 + 180 - a2
dist = min(d1, d2)
return dist