HEAT / s3d_preprocess /visualize_mesh.py
Egrt's picture
history blame
No virus
9.49 kB
import os
import json
import argparse
import cv2
import open3d
import numpy as np
from panda3d.core import Triangulator
from misc.panorama import xyz_2_coorxy
from visualize_3d import convert_lines_to_vertices
def E2P(image, corner_i, corner_j, wall_height, camera, resolution=512, is_wall=True):
"""convert panorama to persepctive image
corner_i = corner_i - camera
corner_j = corner_j - camera
if is_wall:
xs = np.linspace(corner_i[0], corner_j[0], resolution)[None].repeat(resolution, 0)
ys = np.linspace(corner_i[1], corner_j[1], resolution)[None].repeat(resolution, 0)
zs = np.linspace(-camera[-1], wall_height - camera[-1], resolution)[:, None].repeat(resolution, 1)
xs = np.linspace(corner_i[0], corner_j[0], resolution)[None].repeat(resolution, 0)
ys = np.linspace(corner_i[1], corner_j[1], resolution)[:, None].repeat(resolution, 1)
zs = np.zeros_like(xs) + wall_height - camera[-1]
coorx, coory = xyz_2_coorxy(xs, ys, zs)
persp = cv2.remap(image, coorx.astype(np.float32), coory.astype(np.float32),
cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_WRAP)
return persp
def create_plane_mesh(vertices, vertices_floor, textures, texture_floor, texture_ceiling,
delta_height, ignore_ceiling=False):
# create mesh for 3D floorplan visualization
triangles = []
triangle_uvs = []
# the number of vertical walls
num_walls = len(vertices)
# 1. vertical wall (always rectangle)
num_vertices = 0
for i in range(len(vertices)):
# hardcode triangles for each vertical wall
triangle = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 3]])
triangles.append(triangle + num_vertices)
num_vertices += 4
triangle_uv = np.array(
[i / (num_walls + 2), 0],
[i / (num_walls + 2), 1],
[(i+1) / (num_walls + 2), 1],
[(i+1) / (num_walls + 2), 0]
# 2. floor and ceiling
# Since the floor and ceiling may not be a rectangle, triangulate the polygon first.
tri = Triangulator()
for i in range(len(vertices_floor)):
tri.add_vertex(vertices_floor[i, 0], vertices_floor[i, 1])
for i in range(len(vertices_floor)):
# polygon triangulation
triangle = []
for i in range(tri.getNumTriangles()):
triangle.append([tri.get_triangle_v0(i), tri.get_triangle_v1(i), tri.get_triangle_v2(i)])
triangle = np.array(triangle)
# add triangles for floor and ceiling
triangles.append(triangle + num_vertices)
num_vertices += len(np.unique(triangle))
if not ignore_ceiling:
triangles.append(triangle + num_vertices)
# texture for floor and ceiling
vertices_floor_min = np.min(vertices_floor[:, :2], axis=0)
vertices_floor_max = np.max(vertices_floor[:, :2], axis=0)
# normalize to [0, 1]
triangle_uv = (vertices_floor[:, :2] - vertices_floor_min) / (vertices_floor_max - vertices_floor_min)
triangle_uv[:, 0] = (triangle_uv[:, 0] + num_walls) / (num_walls + 2)
# normalize to [0, 1]
triangle_uv = (vertices_floor[:, :2] - vertices_floor_min) / (vertices_floor_max - vertices_floor_min)
triangle_uv[:, 0] = (triangle_uv[:, 0] + num_walls + 1) / (num_walls + 2)
# 3. Merge wall, floor, and ceiling
vertices.append(vertices_floor + delta_height)
vertices = np.concatenate(vertices, axis=0)
triangles = np.concatenate(triangles, axis=0)
textures = np.concatenate(textures, axis=1)
triangle_uvs = np.concatenate(triangle_uvs, axis=0)
mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(
mesh.texture = open3d.geometry.Image(textures)
mesh.triangle_uvs = np.array(triangle_uvs[triangles.reshape(-1), :], dtype=np.float64)
return mesh
def verify_normal(corner_i, corner_j, delta_height, plane_normal):
edge_a = corner_j + delta_height - corner_i
edge_b = delta_height
normal = np.cross(edge_a, edge_b)
normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal, ord=2)
inner_product = normal.dot(plane_normal)
if inner_product > 1e-8:
return False
return True
def visualize_mesh(args):
"""visualize as water-tight mesh
image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(args.path, f"scene_{args.scene:05d}", "2D_rendering",
str(args.room), "panorama/full/rgb_rawlight.png"))
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# load room annotations
with open(os.path.join(args.path, f"scene_{args.scene:05d}" , "annotation_3d.json")) as f:
annos = json.load(f)
# load camera info
camera_center = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(args.path, f"scene_{args.scene:05d}", "2D_rendering",
str(args.room), "panorama", "camera_xyz.txt"))
# parse corners
junctions = np.array([item['coordinate'] for item in annos['junctions']])
lines_holes = []
for semantic in annos['semantics']:
if semantic['type'] in ['window', 'door']:
for planeID in semantic['planeID']:
lines_holes = np.unique(lines_holes)
_, vertices_holes = np.where(np.array(annos['lineJunctionMatrix'])[lines_holes])
vertices_holes = np.unique(vertices_holes)
# parse annotations
walls = dict()
walls_normal = dict()
for semantic in annos['semantics']:
if semantic['ID'] != int(args.room):
# find junctions of ceiling and floor
for planeID in semantic['planeID']:
plane_anno = annos['planes'][planeID]
if plane_anno['type'] != 'wall':
lineIDs = np.where(np.array(annos['planeLineMatrix'][planeID]))[0]
lineIDs = np.setdiff1d(lineIDs, lines_holes)
junction_pairs = [np.where(np.array(annos['lineJunctionMatrix'][lineID]))[0].tolist() for lineID in lineIDs]
wall = convert_lines_to_vertices(junction_pairs)
walls[plane_anno['type']] = wall[0]
# save normal of the vertical walls
for planeID in semantic['planeID']:
plane_anno = annos['planes'][planeID]
if plane_anno['type'] == 'wall':
lineIDs = np.where(np.array(annos['planeLineMatrix'][planeID]))[0]
lineIDs = np.setdiff1d(lineIDs, lines_holes)
junction_pairs = [np.where(np.array(annos['lineJunctionMatrix'][lineID]))[0].tolist() for lineID in lineIDs]
wall = convert_lines_to_vertices(junction_pairs)
walls_normal[tuple(np.intersect1d(wall, walls['floor']))] = plane_anno['normal']
# we assume that zs of floor equals 0, then the wall height is from the ceiling
wall_height = np.mean(junctions[walls['ceiling']], axis=0)[-1]
delta_height = np.array([0, 0, wall_height])
# list of corner index
wall_floor = walls['floor']
corners = [] # 3D coordinate for each wall
textures = [] # texture for each wall
# wall
for i, j in zip(wall_floor, np.roll(wall_floor, shift=-1)):
corner_i, corner_j = junctions[i], junctions[j]
flip = verify_normal(corner_i, corner_j, delta_height, walls_normal[tuple(sorted([i, j]))])
if flip:
corner_j, corner_i = corner_i, corner_j
texture = E2P(image, corner_i, corner_j, wall_height, camera_center)
corner = np.array([corner_i, corner_i + delta_height, corner_j + delta_height, corner_j])
# floor and ceiling
# the floor/ceiling texture is cropped by the maximum bounding box
corner_floor = junctions[wall_floor]
corner_min = np.min(corner_floor, axis=0)
corner_max = np.max(corner_floor, axis=0)
texture_floor = E2P(image, corner_min, corner_max, 0, camera_center, is_wall=False)
texture_ceiling = E2P(image, corner_min, corner_max, wall_height, camera_center, is_wall=False)
# create mesh
mesh = create_plane_mesh(corners, corner_floor, textures, texture_floor, texture_ceiling,
delta_height, ignore_ceiling=args.ignore_ceiling)
# visualize mesh
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Structured3D 2D Layout Visualization")
parser.add_argument("--path", required=True,
help="dataset path", metavar="DIR")
parser.add_argument("--scene", required=True,
help="scene id", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--room", required=True,
help="room id", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--ignore_ceiling", action='store_true',
help="ignore ceiling for better visualization")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":