from flask import Flask, request, jsonify,render_template, send_file |
from flask_cors import CORS |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw |
import io |
import json |
import os |
import uuid |
import google.generativeai as genai |
generation_config = { |
"temperature": 1, |
"max_output_tokens": 8192, |
} |
safety_settings = [ |
{ |
"threshold": "BLOCK_NONE" |
}, |
{ |
"threshold": "BLOCK_NONE" |
}, |
{ |
"threshold": "BLOCK_NONE" |
}, |
{ |
"threshold": "BLOCK_NONE" |
}, |
] |
GOOGLE_API_KEY = os.environ.get("TOKEN") |
genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) |
app = Flask(__name__) |
CORS(app) |
@app.route('/', methods=['GET']) |
def svt(): |
"""Renders the SVT page.""" |
return render_template("svt.html") |
DETECTION_PROMPT = "Detect items, with no more than 20 items. Output a json list where each entry contains the 2D bounding box in \"box_2d\" and a text label in \"label\"." |
Décrivez en détail cette image satellite militaire. Soyez précis et exhaustif dans votre analyse. |
Identifiez les éléments clés tels que : |
- **Infrastructures** : Bâtiments, routes, ponts, aéroports, ports, etc. |
- **Véhicules** : Chars, avions, navires, véhicules de transport de troupes, etc. |
- **Unités militaires** : Formations de troupes, positions d'artillerie, camps, etc. |
- **Défenses** : Bunkers, tranchées, barbelés, etc. |
- **Éléments géographiques** : Relief, végétation, cours d'eau, etc. |
- **Activités** : Mouvements de troupes, entraînements, constructions, etc. |
- **Anomalies** : Tout ce qui semble inhabituel ou suspect. |
Fournissez une évaluation globale de la situation et des implications stratégiques possibles. |
""" |
UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'uploads' |
os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) |
@app.route('/analyze', methods=['POST']) |
def analyze_image(): |
try: |
if 'file' not in request.files: |
return jsonify({'error': 'No file part'}), 400 |
file = request.files['file'] |
if file.filename == '': |
return jsonify({'error': 'No selected file'}), 400 |
if file: |
unique_filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + os.path.splitext(file.filename)[1] |
filename = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], unique_filename) |
file.save(filename) |
model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash-exp",safety_settings=safety_settings,generation_config=generation_config) |
image_part = { |
"mime_type": "image/jpeg", |
"data": open(filename, "rb").read() |
} |
response = model.generate_content([DETECTION_PROMPT, image_part]) |
try: |
detection_results = json.loads(response.text) |
except json.JSONDecodeError: |
print(f"Erreur de décodage JSON : {response.text}") |
return jsonify({'error': 'Erreur lors de la détection des objets (JSON invalide)'}), 500 |
image = Image.open(filename) |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) |
for item in detection_results: |
box = item['box_2d'] |
label = item['label'] |
draw.rectangle(box, outline=(255, 0, 0), width=2) |
text_position = (box[0], box[1] - 10) |
draw.text(text_position, label, fill=(255, 255, 255)) |
output_filename = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], 'output_' + unique_filename) |
image.save(output_filename) |
response = model.generate_content([DESCRIPTION_PROMPT, image_part]) |
description = response.text |
return jsonify({ |
'image_path': '/uploads/' + 'output_' + unique_filename, |
'description': description, |
'detected_objects': detection_results |
}) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Une erreur s'est produite : {e}") |
return jsonify({'error': f'Erreur lors du traitement de l\'image : {e}'}), 500 |
@app.route('/uploads/<filename>') |
def uploaded_file(filename): |
return send_file(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app.run(debug=True) |