import streamlit as st | |
import pdfplumber | |
import pandas as pd | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util | |
model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') | |
def extract_information_from_cv(pdf_content): | |
with as pdf: | |
text = "" | |
for page in pdf.pages: | |
text += page.extract_text() | |
return text | |
def extract_title(text): | |
# Extract the title section | |
Title_start = text.find("Title:") | |
Title_end = text.find("Name:") | |
return text[Title_start + len("Title:"):Title_end].strip() if Title_start != -1 and Title_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_name(text): | |
# Extract the name section | |
Name_start = text.find("Name:") | |
Name_end = text.find("Email:") | |
return text[Name_start + len("Name:"):Name_end].strip() if Name_start != -1 and Name_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_Email(text): | |
# Extract the Email section | |
Email_start = text.find("Email:") | |
Email_end = text.find("Phone:") | |
return text[Email_start + len("Email:"):Email_end].strip() if Email_start != -1 and Email_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_Phone(text): | |
# Extract the Phone section | |
Phone_start = text.find("Phone:") | |
Phone_end = text.find("LinkedIn:") | |
return text[Phone_start + len("Phone:"):Phone_end].strip() if Phone_start != -1 and Phone_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_LinkedIn(text): | |
# Extract the LinkedIn section | |
LinkedIn_start = text.find("LinkedIn:") | |
LinkedIn_end = text.find("GitHub:") | |
return text[LinkedIn_start + len("LinkedIn:"):LinkedIn_end].strip() if LinkedIn_start != -1 and LinkedIn_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_Github(text): | |
# Extract the Github section | |
Github_start = text.find("GitHub:") | |
Github_end = text.find("Summary:") | |
return text[Github_start + len("GitHub:"):Github_end].strip() if Github_start != -1 and Github_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_summary(text): | |
summary_start = text.find("Summary:") | |
summary_end = text.find("Education:") | |
return text[summary_start + len("Summary:"):summary_end].strip() if summary_start != -1 and summary_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_education(text): | |
education_start = text.find("Education:") | |
education_end = text.find("Internship:") | |
return text[education_start + len("Education:"):education_end].strip() if education_start != -1 and education_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_Internship(text): | |
Internship_start = text.find("Internship:") | |
Internship_end = text.find("Professional Experience:") | |
return text[Internship_start + len("Internship:"):Internship_end].strip() if Internship_start != -1 and Internship_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_experience(text): | |
exp_start = text.find("Professional Experience:") | |
exp_end = text.find("Projects:") | |
return text[exp_start + len("Professional Experience:"):exp_end].strip() if exp_start != -1 and exp_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_projects(text): | |
projects_start = text.find("Projects:") | |
projects_end = text.find("Awards and Certifications:") | |
return text[projects_start + len("Projects:"):projects_end].strip() if projects_start != -1 and projects_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_certifications(text): | |
certifications_start = text.find("Awards and Certifications:") | |
certifications_end = text.find("Skills:") | |
return text[certifications_start + len("Awards and Certifications:"):certifications_end].strip() if certifications_start != -1 and certifications_end != -1 else None | |
def extract_skills(text): | |
skills_start = text.find("Skills:") | |
return text[skills_start + len("Skills:"):].strip() if skills_start != -1 else None | |
def main(): | |
st.title("CV Shortlisting App") | |
job_description = st.text_area('Job description') | |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Choose multiple CV files", type="pdf", accept_multiple_files=True) | |
options = [i+1 for i in range(len(uploaded_files))] | |
no_of_candidates = st.selectbox('No of candidates need:', options) | |
if no_of_candidates: | |
extract_button = st.button("Extract Data") | |
extracted_data = [] | |
cv_data = [] | |
if uploaded_files and extract_button: | |
for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: | |
cv_text = extract_information_from_cv(uploaded_file) | |
cv_data.append(cv_text) | |
title = extract_title(cv_text) | |
name = extract_name(cv_text) | |
phone = extract_Phone(cv_text) | |
email = extract_Email(cv_text) | |
linkedin = extract_LinkedIn(cv_text) | |
github = extract_Github(cv_text) | |
summary = extract_summary(cv_text) | |
education = extract_education(cv_text) | |
internship = extract_Internship(cv_text) | |
experience = extract_experience(cv_text) | |
projects = extract_projects(cv_text) | |
certifications = extract_certifications(cv_text) | |
skills = extract_skills(cv_text) | |
data = { | |
"Title": [title], | |
"Name": [name], | |
"Email": [email], | |
"Phone": [phone], | |
"LinkedIn": [linkedin], | |
"Github": [github], | |
"Summary": [summary], | |
"Education": [education], | |
"Internships":[internship], | |
"Professional Experience": [experience], | |
"Projects": [projects], | |
"Awards and Certifications":[certifications], | |
"Skills": [skills] | |
} | |
extracted_data.append(data) | |
# Two lists of sentences | |
sentences1 = job_description | |
sentences2 = cv_data | |
#Compute embedding for both lists | |
embeddings1 = model.encode(sentences1, convert_to_tensor=True) | |
embeddings2 = model.encode(sentences2, convert_to_tensor=True) | |
#Compute cosine-similarities | |
cosine_scores = util.cos_sim(embeddings1, embeddings2) | |
Scores = [] | |
#Output the pairs with their score | |
for i in range(len(sentences2)): | |
score = cosine_scores[0][i] | |
Scores.append(score) | |
st.write("### Extracted Data:") | |
final_df = pd.DataFrame(extracted_data) | |
final_df['Score'] = Scores | |
df_sorted = final_df.sort_values(by='Score', ascending=False) | |
# Extract information for the top students | |
top_cvs = df_sorted.head(no_of_candidates) | |
top_cv_list = [] | |
top_emails = top_cvs['Email'].values | |
for email in top_emails: | |
for cv in cv_data: | |
if email[0] in cv: | |
top_cv_list.append(cv) | |
st.write(df_sorted) | |
st.subheader(f"Top {no_of_candidates} Candidates's cv") | |
st.write(top_cv_list) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |