DoubleHardDebias /
DS-20202's picture
data and utils
95b1b47 verified
history blame
10.9 kB
import string
from tqdm import tqdm
import pickle
import scipy
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Experiment 1
WEAT_words = {
'A':['John', 'Paul', 'Mike', 'Kevin', 'Steve', 'Greg', 'Jeff', 'Bill'],
'B':['Amy', 'Joan', 'Lisa', 'Sarah', 'Diana', 'Kate', 'Ann', 'Donna'],
'C':['executive', 'management', 'professional', 'corporation', 'salary', 'office', 'business', 'career'],
'D':['home', 'parents', 'children', 'family', 'cousins', 'marriage', 'wedding', 'relatives'],
'E':['math', 'algebra', 'geometry', 'calculus', 'equations', 'computation', 'numbers', 'addition'],
'F':['poetry', 'art', 'dance', 'literature', 'novel', 'symphony', 'drama', 'sculpture'],
'G':['science', 'technology', 'physics', 'chemistry', 'einstein', 'nasa', 'experiment', 'astronomy'],
'H':['poetry', 'art', 'shakespeare', 'dance', 'literature', 'novel', 'symphony', 'drama'],
def has_punct(w):
if any([c in string.punctuation for c in w]):
return True
return False
def has_digit(w):
if any([c in '0123456789' for c in w]):
return True
return False
def limit_vocab(wv, w2i, vocab, exclude = None):
vocab_limited = []
for w in tqdm(vocab[:50000]):
if w.lower() != w:
if len(w) >= 20:
if has_digit(w):
if '_' in w:
p = [has_punct(subw) for subw in w.split('_')]
if not any(p):
if has_punct(w):
if exclude:
vocab_limited = list(set(vocab_limited) - set(exclude))
print("size of vocabulary:", len(vocab_limited))
wv_limited = np.zeros((len(vocab_limited), len(wv[0, :])))
for i,w in enumerate(vocab_limited):
wv_limited[i,:] = wv[w2i[w],:]
w2i_limited = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(vocab_limited)}
return vocab_limited, wv_limited, w2i_limited
def norm_stand(wv):
W_norm = np.zeros(wv.shape)
d = (np.sum(wv ** 2, 1) ** (0.5))
W_norm = (wv.T / d).T
return W_norm
def normalize(wv):
# normalize vectors
norms = np.apply_along_axis(LA.norm, 1, wv)
wv = wv / norms[:, np.newaxis]
return wv
def topK(w, wv, w2i, vocab, k=10):
# extract the word vector for word w
idx = w2i[w]
vec = wv[idx, :]
# compute similarity of w with all words in the vocabulary
sim =
# sim = []
# for i in range(len(wv)):
# sim.append(1-scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(wv[i, :], vec))
# sim = np.array(sim)
# sort similarities by descending order
sort_sim = (sim.argsort())[::-1]
# choose topK
best = sort_sim[:(k+1)]
return [vocab[i] for i in best if i!=idx]
def similarity(w1, w2, wv, w2i):
i1 = w2i[w1]
i2 = w2i[w2]
vec1 = wv[i1, :]
vec2 = wv[i2, :]
return 1-scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(vec1, vec2)
def drop(u, v):
return u - v * /
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn import preprocessing
def doPCA(pairs, wv, w2i):
matrix = []
cnt = 0
if type(pairs[0]) is list:
for a, b in pairs:
if not (a in w2i and b in w2i): continue
center = (wv[w2i[a], :] + wv[w2i[b], :])/2
matrix.append(wv[w2i[a], :] - center)
matrix.append(wv[w2i[b], :] - center)
cnt += 1
for a in pairs:
if not (a in w2i): continue
matrix.append(wv[w2i[a], :])
cnt += 1
embeds = np.array(matrix)
wv_mean = np.mean(np.array(embeds), axis=0)
wv_hat = np.zeros(embeds.shape).astype(float)
for i in range(len(embeds)):
wv_hat[i, :] = embeds[i, :] - wv_mean
matrix = wv_hat
matrix = np.array(matrix)
pca = PCA()
print('pairs used in PCA: ', cnt)
return pca
# get tuples of biases and counts of masculine/feminine NN for each word (for bias-by-neighbors)
import operator
def bias_by_neighbors(wv, w2i, vocab, gender_bias_bef, size, neighbours_num = 100):
tuples = []
sorted_g = sorted(gender_bias_bef.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
female = [item[0] for item in sorted_g[:size]]
male = [item[0] for item in sorted_g[-size:]]
# vocab = male + female
selected = female + male if size > 0 else vocab
for w in selected:
top = topK(w, wv, w2i, vocab, k=neighbours_num+5)[:neighbours_num]
m = 0
f = 0
for t in top:
if gender_bias_bef[t] > 0:
tuples.append((w, gender_bias_bef[w], m, f))
return tuples
def get_tuples_prof(wv, w2i, vocab, words, gender_bias_dict):
wv = normalize(wv)
tuples = []
for w in words:
if w not in gender_bias_dict:
top = topK(w, wv, w2i, vocab, k=105)[:100]
m = 0
f = 0
for t in top:
if gender_bias_dict[t] > 0:
tuples.append((w, gender_bias_dict[w], m, f))
return tuples
# compute correlation between bias-by-projection and bias-by-neighbors
import scipy.stats
def pearson(a,b):
return scipy.stats.pearsonr(a,b)
def compute_corr(tuples, i1, i2):
a = []
b = []
for t in tuples:
print('pearson: ', scipy.stats.pearsonr(a,b))
print('spearman: ', scipy.stats.spearmanr(a, b))
# Auxiliary finctions
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
def visualize(vectors, y_true, y_pred, ax, title, random_state, num_clusters = 2):
# perform TSNE
X_embedded = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=random_state).fit_transform(vectors)
for x,p,y in zip(X_embedded, y_pred, y_true):
if p:
if y:
ax.scatter(x[0], x[1], marker = '.', c = 'c')
ax.scatter(x[0], x[1], marker = 'x', c = 'c')
if y:
ax.scatter(x[0], x[1], marker = '.', c = 'darkviolet')
ax.scatter(x[0], x[1], marker = 'x', c = 'darkviolet')
ax.text(.01, .9, title ,transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=15)
def extract_vectors(words, wv, w2i):
X = [wv[w2i[x],:] for x in words]
return X
def cluster_and_visualize(words, X, random_state, y_true, num=2):
y_pred = KMeans(n_clusters=num, random_state=random_state).fit_predict(X)
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3))
# visualize(X, y_true, y_pred, axs, 'Original', random_state)
correct = [1 if item1 == item2 else 0 for (item1,item2) in zip(y_true, y_pred) ]
print('precision', max(sum(correct)/float(len(correct)), 1 - sum(correct)/float(len(correct))))
import scipy.stats
from sklearn import svm
def train_and_predict(wv, w2i, vocab, size_train, size_test, males, females):
X_train = [wv[w2i[w],:] for w in males[:size_train]+females[:size_train]]
Y_train = [1]*size_train + [0]*size_train
X_test = [wv[w2i[w],:] for w in males[size_train:]+females[size_train:]]
Y_test = [1]*size_test + [0]*size_test
clf = svm.SVC(gamma='auto'), Y_train)
preds = clf.predict(X_test)
accuracy = [1 if y==z else 0 for y,z in zip(preds, Y_test)]
acc = float(sum(accuracy))/len(accuracy)
print('accuracy:', float(sum(accuracy))/len(accuracy))
return acc
# Auxiliary functions for experiments by Caliskan et al.
import scipy
import scipy.misc as misc
import itertools
def s_word(w, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words):
if w in all_s_words:
return all_s_words[w]
mean_a = []
mean_b = []
for a in A:
mean_a.append(similarity(w, a, wv, w2i))
for b in B:
mean_b.append(similarity(w, b, wv, w2i))
mean_a = sum(mean_a)/float(len(mean_a))
mean_b = sum(mean_b)/float(len(mean_b))
all_s_words[w] = mean_a - mean_b
return all_s_words[w]
def s_group(X, Y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words):
total = 0
for x in X:
total += s_word(x, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words)
for y in Y:
total -= s_word(y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words)
return total
def p_value_exhust(X, Y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab):
if len(X) > 10:
print('might take too long, use sampled version: p_value')
assert(len(X) == len(Y))
all_s_words = {}
s_orig = s_group(X, Y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words)
union = set(X+Y)
subset_size = int(len(union)/2)
larger = 0
total = 0
for subset in set(itertools.combinations(union, subset_size)):
total += 1
Xi = list(set(subset))
Yi = list(union - set(subset))
if s_group(Xi, Yi, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words) > s_orig:
larger += 1
print('num of samples', total)
return larger/float(total)
def association_diff(t, A, B, wv, w2i):
mean_a = []
mean_b = []
for a in A:
mean_a.append(similarity(t, a, wv, w2i))
for b in B:
mean_b.append(similarity(t, b, wv, w2i))
mean_a = sum(mean_a)/float(len(mean_a))
mean_b = sum(mean_b)/float(len(mean_b))
return mean_a - mean_b
def effect_size(X, Y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab):
assert(len(X) == len(Y))
assert(len(A) == len(B))
norm_x = []
norm_y = []
for x in X:
norm_x.append(association_diff(x, A, B, wv, w2i))
for y in Y:
norm_y.append(association_diff(y, A, B, wv, w2i))
std = np.std(norm_x+norm_y, ddof=1)
norm_x = sum(norm_x) / float(len(norm_x))
norm_y = sum(norm_y) / float(len(norm_y))
return (norm_x-norm_y)/std
def p_value_sample(X, Y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab):
all_s_words = {}
assert(len(X) == len(Y))
length = len(X)
s_orig = s_group(X, Y, A, B, wv, w2i, vocab, all_s_words)
num_of_samples = min(1000000, int(scipy.special.comb(length*2,length)*100))
print('num of samples', num_of_samples)
larger = 0
for i in range(num_of_samples):
permute = np.random.permutation(X+Y)
Xi = permute[:length]
Yi = permute[length:]
if s_group(Xi, Yi, A, B, space, all_s_words) > s_orig:
larger += 1
return larger/float(num_of_samples)