import os |
import csv |
import easyocr |
import shutil |
import random |
import cv2 |
from glob import glob |
from ultralytics import YOLOv10 |
import random |
from glob import glob |
from ultralytics import YOLOv10 |
import supervision as sva |
from ultralytics import YOLOv10 |
import supervision as sv |
import supervision as sv |
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, send_from_directory, render_template |
import textwrap |
app = Flask(__name__) |
def enhance_contrast(image): |
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
equalized_image = cv2.equalizeHist(gray_image) |
return equalized_image |
def calculate_iou(bbox1, bbox2): |
x1_max = max(bbox1[0], bbox2[0]) |
y1_max = max(bbox1[1], bbox2[1]) |
x2_min = min(bbox1[2], bbox2[2]) |
y2_min = min(bbox1[3], bbox2[3]) |
inter_area = max(0, x2_min - x1_max) * max(0, y2_min - y1_max) |
bbox1_area = (bbox1[2] - bbox1[0]) * (bbox1[3] - bbox1[1]) |
bbox2_area = (bbox2[2] - bbox2[0]) * (bbox2[3] - bbox2[1]) |
iou = inter_area / float(bbox1_area + bbox2_area - inter_area) if (bbox1_area + bbox2_area - inter_area) > 0 else 0 |
return iou |
cropped_dir = "D:/demo/OCR-Project/cropped_images/" |
if os.path.exists(cropped_dir): |
shutil.rmtree(cropped_dir) |
os.makedirs(cropped_dir, exist_ok=True) |
output_dir1 = "D:/demo/OCR-Project/Folder1" |
output_dir2 = "D:/demo/OCR-Project/Folder2" |
output_dir3 = "D:/demo/OCR-Project/Folder3" |
UPLOAD_FOLDER = "D:/demo/OCR-Project/data1" |
os.makedirs(output_dir1, exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(output_dir2, exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(output_dir3, exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return render_template('index3.html') |
@app.route('/upload', methods=['POST']) |
def upload_file(): |
if 'invoice-upload' not in request.files: |
return jsonify({'error': 'No file part'}), 400 |
file = request.files['invoice-upload'] |
if file.filename == '': |
return jsonify({'error': 'No selected file'}), 400 |
if file: |
file_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, file.filename) |
file.save(file_path) |
output_image, output_csv = process_image() |
return jsonify({ |
'image_path': output_image, |
'csv_path': output_csv |
}) |
def process_image(): |
model = YOLOv10(f'./Maryam156/mydemo1/runs/detect/train3/weights/best (1).pt') |
dataset = sv.DetectionDataset.from_yolo( |
images_directory_path=f"/data/MyNewVersion5.0Dataset/valid/images", |
annotations_directory_path=f"/data/MyNewVersion5.0Dataset/valid/labels", |
data_yaml_path=f"/data/MyNewVersion5.0Dataset/data.yaml" |
) |
bounding_box_annotator = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator() |
label_annotator = sv.LabelAnnotator() |
image_dir = "./data1" |
files = os.listdir('/data1') |
files.sort() |
files = files[0:100] |
print(files) |
counter = 0 |
for ii in files: |
random_image_data = cv2.imread('./data1/' + ii) |
random_image_data1 = cv2.imread('./data1/' + ii) |
results = model(source='./data1/' + ii, conf=0.07)[0] |
detections = sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(results) |
annotated_image = bounding_box_annotator.annotate(scene=random_image_data, detections=detections) |
annotated_image = label_annotator.annotate(scene=annotated_image, detections=detections) |
save_path = "./Folder1/" + "detection" + ii |
cv2.imwrite(save_path, annotated_image) |
print(f"Annotated image saved at {save_path}") |
bounding_boxes = results.boxes.xyxy.cpu().numpy() |
class_ids = results.boxes.cls.cpu().numpy() |
confidences = results.boxes.conf.cpu().numpy() |
bounding_box_save_path = "/bounding_boxes.txt" |
with open(bounding_box_save_path, 'w') as f: |
for i, (bbox, class_id, confidence) in enumerate(zip(bounding_boxes, class_ids, confidences)): |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, bbox) |
f.write(f"Object {i + 1}: Class {class_id}, Confidence: {confidence:.2f}, " |
f"Bounding box: ({x1}, {y1}, {x2}, {y2})\n") |
cropped_image = random_image_data1[y1:y2, x1:x2] |
cropped_image_path = os.path.join(cropped_dir, f"cropped_object_{i + 1}.jpg") |
cv2.imwrite(cropped_image_path, cropped_image) |
print(f"Enhanced cropped image saved at {cropped_image_path}") |
print(f"Bounding box coordinates saved at {bounding_box_save_path}") |
reader = easyocr.Reader( |
['en'], |
recog_network='en_sample', |
model_storage_directory='/EasyOCR-Trainer/EasyOCR/easyocr/model', |
user_network_directory='/EasyOCR-Trainer/EasyOCR/user_network') |
import re |
input_file_path = '/bounding_boxes.txt' |
cropped_images_folder = '/cropped_images/' |
output_csv_path = '/Folder2/' + ii + 'bounding_boxes_with_recognition.csv' |
with open(input_file_path, 'r') as infile: |
lines = infile.readlines() |
with open(output_csv_path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: |
csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile) |
csv_writer.writerow(['Object ID', 'Bounding Box', 'Image Name', 'Recognized Text']) |
for i, line in enumerate(lines): |
object_id = f"Object_{i + 1}" |
bounding_box_info = line.strip() |
cropped_image_name = f"cropped_object_{i + 1}.jpg" |
cropped_image_path = os.path.join(cropped_images_folder, cropped_image_name) |
if os.path.exists(cropped_image_path): |
bbox_match = re.search(r"Bounding box: \((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)", bounding_box_info) |
if bbox_match: |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, bbox_match.groups()) |
detected_boxes = [[x1, x2, y1, y2]] |
else: |
print("No bounding box found in the info.") |
cropped_image = cv2.imread(cropped_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) |
horizontal_list1, free_list1 = reader.detect(cropped_image) |
free_list1 = free_list1 if free_list1 is not None else [] |
horizontal_list1 = [box for sublist in horizontal_list1 for box in sublist] |
free_list1 = [] |
horizontal_list_for_recognize = detected_boxes if not horizontal_list1 else horizontal_list1 |
if horizontal_list1: |
result = reader.recognize(cropped_image, detail=0, horizontal_list=horizontal_list1, |
free_list=free_list1) |
else: |
result = reader.recognize(random_image_data1, detail=0, horizontal_list=detected_boxes, |
free_list=free_list1) |
recognized_text = ' '.join(result) if result else '' |
else: |
recognized_text = 'No image found' |
csv_writer.writerow([object_id, bounding_box_info, cropped_image_name, recognized_text]) |
print(f"CSV file with recognition results saved at {output_csv_path}") |
def calculate_iou(bbox1, bbox2): |
x1_max = max(bbox1[0], bbox2[0]) |
y1_max = max(bbox1[1], bbox2[1]) |
x2_min = min(bbox1[2], bbox2[2]) |
y2_min = min(bbox1[3], bbox2[3]) |
inter_area = max(0, x2_min - x1_max) * max(0, y2_min - y1_max) |
bbox1_area = (bbox1[2] - bbox1[0]) * (bbox1[3] - bbox1[1]) |
bbox2_area = (bbox2[2] - bbox2[0]) * (bbox2[3] - bbox2[1]) |
iou = inter_area / float(bbox1_area + bbox2_area - inter_area) if (bbox1_area + bbox2_area - inter_area) > 0 else 0 |
return iou |
image_path = "/data1" + ii |
csv_file_path = output_csv_path = '/Folder2/' + ii + 'bounding_boxes_with_recognition.csv' |
image = cv2.imread(image_path) |
font_scale = 1.3 |
font_thickness = 2 |
color = (255, 0, 255) |
bboxes = [] |
recognized_texts = [] |
with open(csv_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: |
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) |
for row in csv_reader: |
bbox_match = re.search(r'\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)', row['Bounding Box']) |
if bbox_match: |
bbox = [int(bbox_match.group(i)) for i in range(1, 5)] |
bboxes.append(bbox) |
recognized_texts.append(row['Recognized Text']) |
filtered_bboxes = [] |
filtered_texts = [] |
iou_threshold = 0.4 |
for i, bbox1 in enumerate(bboxes): |
keep = True |
for j, bbox2 in enumerate(filtered_bboxes): |
if calculate_iou(bbox1, bbox2) > iou_threshold: |
keep = False |
break |
if keep: |
filtered_bboxes.append(bbox1) |
filtered_texts.append(recognized_texts[i]) |
for bbox, recognized_text in zip(filtered_bboxes, filtered_texts): |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox |
cv2.rectangle(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, 2) |
max_chars_per_line = 60 |
wrapped_text = textwrap.wrap(recognized_text, width=max_chars_per_line) |
text_y = y1 - 10 if y1 - 10 > 10 else y1 + 10 |
for line in wrapped_text: |
cv2.putText(image, line, (x1, text_y), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) |
text_y += int(font_scale * 20) |
output_image_path = "/Folder3/" + "annotated" + ii + ".png" |
cv2.imwrite(output_image_path, image) |
print(f"Annotated image saved at {output_image_path}") |
counter += 1 |
@app.route('/download_csv/<filename>') |
def download_csv(filename): |
return send_from_directory(output_dir2, filename, as_attachment=True) |
@app.route('/download_image/<filename>') |
def download_image(filename): |
return send_from_directory(output_dir3, filename, as_attachment=True) |