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"""A set of functions for passively checking environment implementations."""
import inspect
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from gym import Space, error, logger, spaces
def _check_box_observation_space(observation_space: spaces.Box):
"""Checks that a :class:`Box` observation space is defined in a sensible way.
observation_space: A box observation space
# Check if the box is an image
if len(observation_space.shape) == 3:
if observation_space.dtype != np.uint8:
f"It seems a Box observation space is an image but the `dtype` is not `np.uint8`, actual type: {observation_space.dtype}. "
"If the Box observation space is not an image, we recommend flattening the observation to have only a 1D vector."
if np.any(observation_space.low != 0) or np.any(observation_space.high != 255):
"It seems a Box observation space is an image but the upper and lower bounds are not in [0, 255]. "
"Generally, CNN policies assume observations are within that range, so you may encounter an issue if the observation values are not."
if len(observation_space.shape) not in [1, 3]:
"A Box observation space has an unconventional shape (neither an image, nor a 1D vector). "
"We recommend flattening the observation to have only a 1D vector or use a custom policy to properly process the data. "
f"Actual observation shape: {observation_space.shape}"
assert (
observation_space.low.shape == observation_space.shape
), f"The Box observation space shape and low shape have different shapes, low shape: {observation_space.low.shape}, box shape: {observation_space.shape}"
assert (
observation_space.high.shape == observation_space.shape
), f"The Box observation space shape and high shape have have different shapes, high shape: {observation_space.high.shape}, box shape: {observation_space.shape}"
if np.any(observation_space.low == observation_space.high):
logger.warn("A Box observation space maximum and minimum values are equal.")
elif np.any(observation_space.high < observation_space.low):
logger.warn("A Box observation space low value is greater than a high value.")
def _check_box_action_space(action_space: spaces.Box):
"""Checks that a :class:`Box` action space is defined in a sensible way.
action_space: A box action space
assert (
action_space.low.shape == action_space.shape
), f"The Box action space shape and low shape have have different shapes, low shape: {action_space.low.shape}, box shape: {action_space.shape}"
assert (
action_space.high.shape == action_space.shape
), f"The Box action space shape and high shape have different shapes, high shape: {action_space.high.shape}, box shape: {action_space.shape}"
if np.any(action_space.low == action_space.high):
logger.warn("A Box action space maximum and minimum values are equal.")
elif np.any(action_space.high < action_space.low):
logger.warn("A Box action space low value is greater than a high value.")
def check_space(
space: Space, space_type: str, check_box_space_fn: Callable[[spaces.Box], None]
"""A passive check of the environment action space that should not affect the environment."""
if not isinstance(space, spaces.Space):
raise AssertionError(
f"{space_type} space does not inherit from `gym.spaces.Space`, actual type: {type(space)}"
elif isinstance(space, spaces.Box):
elif isinstance(space, spaces.Discrete):
assert (
0 < space.n
), f"Discrete {space_type} space's number of elements must be positive, actual number of elements: {space.n}"
assert (
space.shape == ()
), f"Discrete {space_type} space's shape should be empty, actual shape: {space.shape}"
elif isinstance(space, spaces.MultiDiscrete):
assert (
space.shape == space.nvec.shape
), f"Multi-discrete {space_type} space's shape must be equal to the nvec shape, space shape: {space.shape}, nvec shape: {space.nvec.shape}"
assert np.all(
0 < space.nvec
), f"Multi-discrete {space_type} space's all nvec elements must be greater than 0, actual nvec: {space.nvec}"
elif isinstance(space, spaces.MultiBinary):
assert np.all(
0 < np.asarray(space.shape)
), f"Multi-binary {space_type} space's all shape elements must be greater than 0, actual shape: {space.shape}"
elif isinstance(space, spaces.Tuple):
assert 0 < len(
), f"An empty Tuple {space_type} space is not allowed."
for subspace in space.spaces:
check_space(subspace, space_type, check_box_space_fn)
elif isinstance(space, spaces.Dict):
assert 0 < len(
), f"An empty Dict {space_type} space is not allowed."
for subspace in space.values():
check_space(subspace, space_type, check_box_space_fn)
check_observation_space = partial(
check_action_space = partial(
check_space, space_type="action", check_box_space_fn=_check_box_action_space
def check_obs(obs, observation_space: spaces.Space, method_name: str):
"""Check that the observation returned by the environment correspond to the declared one.
obs: The observation to check
observation_space: The observation space of the observation
method_name: The method name that generated the observation
pre = f"The obs returned by the `{method_name}()` method"
if isinstance(observation_space, spaces.Discrete):
if not isinstance(obs, (np.int64, int)):
logger.warn(f"{pre} should be an int or np.int64, actual type: {type(obs)}")
elif isinstance(observation_space, spaces.Box):
if observation_space.shape != ():
if not isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
f"{pre} was expecting a numpy array, actual type: {type(obs)}"
elif obs.dtype != observation_space.dtype:
f"{pre} was expecting numpy array dtype to be {observation_space.dtype}, actual type: {obs.dtype}"
elif isinstance(observation_space, (spaces.MultiBinary, spaces.MultiDiscrete)):
if not isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
logger.warn(f"{pre} was expecting a numpy array, actual type: {type(obs)}")
elif isinstance(observation_space, spaces.Tuple):
if not isinstance(obs, tuple):
logger.warn(f"{pre} was expecting a tuple, actual type: {type(obs)}")
assert len(obs) == len(
), f"{pre} length is not same as the observation space length, obs length: {len(obs)}, space length: {len(observation_space.spaces)}"
for sub_obs, sub_space in zip(obs, observation_space.spaces):
check_obs(sub_obs, sub_space, method_name)
elif isinstance(observation_space, spaces.Dict):
assert isinstance(obs, dict), f"{pre} must be a dict, actual type: {type(obs)}"
assert (
obs.keys() == observation_space.spaces.keys()
), f"{pre} observation keys is not same as the observation space keys, obs keys: {list(obs.keys())}, space keys: {list(observation_space.spaces.keys())}"
for space_key in observation_space.spaces.keys():
check_obs(obs[space_key], observation_space[space_key], method_name)
if obs not in observation_space:
logger.warn(f"{pre} is not within the observation space.")
except Exception as e:
logger.warn(f"{pre} is not within the observation space with exception: {e}")
def env_reset_passive_checker(env, **kwargs):
"""A passive check of the `Env.reset` function investigating the returning reset information and returning the data unchanged."""
signature = inspect.signature(env.reset)
if "seed" not in signature.parameters and "kwargs" not in signature.parameters:
"Future gym versions will require that `Env.reset` can be passed a `seed` instead of using `Env.seed` for resetting the environment random number generator."
seed_param = signature.parameters.get("seed")
# Check the default value is None
if seed_param is not None and seed_param.default is not None:
"The default seed argument in `Env.reset` should be `None`, otherwise the environment will by default always be deterministic. "
f"Actual default: {seed_param}"
if "options" not in signature.parameters and "kwargs" not in signature.parameters:
"Future gym versions will require that `Env.reset` can be passed `options` to allow the environment initialisation to be passed additional information."
# Checks the result of env.reset with kwargs
result = env.reset(**kwargs)
if not isinstance(result, tuple):
f"The result returned by `env.reset()` was not a tuple of the form `(obs, info)`, where `obs` is a observation and `info` is a dictionary containing additional information. Actual type: `{type(result)}`"
elif len(result) != 2:
"The result returned by `env.reset()` should be `(obs, info)` by default, , where `obs` is a observation and `info` is a dictionary containing additional information."
obs, info = result
check_obs(obs, env.observation_space, "reset")
assert isinstance(
info, dict
), f"The second element returned by `env.reset()` was not a dictionary, actual type: {type(info)}"
return result
def env_step_passive_checker(env, action):
"""A passive check for the environment step, investigating the returning data then returning the data unchanged."""
# We don't check the action as for some environments then out-of-bounds values can be given
result = env.step(action)
assert isinstance(
result, tuple
), f"Expects step result to be a tuple, actual type: {type(result)}"
if len(result) == 4:
"Core environment is written in old step API which returns one bool instead of two. "
"It is recommended to rewrite the environment with new step API. "
obs, reward, done, info = result
if not isinstance(done, (bool, np.bool8)):
f"Expects `done` signal to be a boolean, actual type: {type(done)}"
elif len(result) == 5:
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = result
# np.bool is actual python bool not np boolean type, therefore bool_ or bool8
if not isinstance(terminated, (bool, np.bool8)):
f"Expects `terminated` signal to be a boolean, actual type: {type(terminated)}"
if not isinstance(truncated, (bool, np.bool8)):
f"Expects `truncated` signal to be a boolean, actual type: {type(truncated)}"
raise error.Error(
f"Expected `Env.step` to return a four or five element tuple, actual number of elements returned: {len(result)}."
check_obs(obs, env.observation_space, "step")
if not (
np.issubdtype(type(reward), np.integer)
or np.issubdtype(type(reward), np.floating)
f"The reward returned by `step()` must be a float, int, np.integer or np.floating, actual type: {type(reward)}"
if np.isnan(reward):
logger.warn("The reward is a NaN value.")
if np.isinf(reward):
logger.warn("The reward is an inf value.")
assert isinstance(
info, dict
), f"The `info` returned by `step()` must be a python dictionary, actual type: {type(info)}"
return result
def env_render_passive_checker(env, *args, **kwargs):
"""A passive check of the `Env.render` that the declared render modes/fps in the metadata of the environment is declared."""
render_modes = env.metadata.get("render_modes")
if render_modes is None:
"No render modes was declared in the environment (env.metadata['render_modes'] is None or not defined), you may have trouble when calling `.render()`."
if not isinstance(render_modes, (list, tuple)):
f"Expects the render_modes to be a sequence (i.e. list, tuple), actual type: {type(render_modes)}"
elif not all(isinstance(mode, str) for mode in render_modes):
f"Expects all render modes to be strings, actual types: {[type(mode) for mode in render_modes]}"
render_fps = env.metadata.get("render_fps")
# We only require `render_fps` if rendering is actually implemented
if len(render_modes) > 0:
if render_fps is None:
"No render fps was declared in the environment (env.metadata['render_fps'] is None or not defined), rendering may occur at inconsistent fps."
if not (
np.issubdtype(type(render_fps), np.integer)
or np.issubdtype(type(render_fps), np.floating)
f"Expects the `env.metadata['render_fps']` to be an integer or a float, actual type: {type(render_fps)}"
assert (
render_fps > 0
), f"Expects the `env.metadata['render_fps']` to be greater than zero, actual value: {render_fps}"
# env.render is now an attribute with default None
if len(render_modes) == 0:
assert (
env.render_mode is None
), f"With no render_modes, expects the Env.render_mode to be None, actual value: {env.render_mode}"
assert env.render_mode is None or env.render_mode in render_modes, (
"The environment was initialized successfully however with an unsupported render mode. "
f"Render mode: {env.render_mode}, modes: {render_modes}"
result = env.render(*args, **kwargs)
# TODO: Check that the result is correct
return result