# This file is needed to check what the user wants to do when using Chelsea. The structure is similar to the prompts. | |
# id: just a number between 1 and 100, an integer | |
# command_dict: all options for how the user can pronounce the command, divided into two languages - English (en) and Ukrainian (ua) | |
# description: a simple description of the command | |
commands: | |
- id: 1 | |
command_dict: {"en": ["Documentation"], "ua": ["Документація"]} | |
description: receive documentation | |
- id: 2 | |
command_dict: {"en": ["Buy Me A Coffee", "BMAC", "Coffee", "Pay the ghost"], "ua": ["Кава", "Заплати примарі"]} | |
description: support project on Buy Me A Coffee | |
- id: 3 | |
command_dict: {"en": ["Translate"], "ua": ["Переклад"]} | |
description: translate | |
- id: 4 | |
command_dict: {"en": ["Change model"], "ua": ["Змінити модель"]} | |
description: change model | |
- id: 5 | |
command_dict: {"en": ["Yes", "Yeah", "Yep"], "ua": ["Так", "Ага"]} | |
description: positive agreement | |
- id: 6 | |
command_dict: {"en": ["No", "Nah"], "ua": ["Ні", "Ніт", "Ніц"]} | |
description: negative agreement | |