text-to-video / text_to_video.py
lysandre's picture
lysandre HF staff
Torch 16
import torch
from transformers.tools.base import Tool, get_default_device
from transformers.utils import is_accelerate_available, is_diffusers_available
if is_diffusers_available():
from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline
"This is a tool that creates a video according to a text description. It takes an input named `prompt` which "
"contains the image description, as well as an optional input `seconds` which will be the duration of the video. "
"The default is of two seconds. The tool outputs a video object."
class TextToVideoTool(Tool):
default_checkpoint = "damo-vilab/text-to-video-ms-1.7b"
inputs = ['text']
outputs = ['video']
def __init__(self, device=None, **hub_kwargs) -> None:
if not is_accelerate_available():
raise ImportError("Accelerate should be installed in order to use tools.")
if not is_diffusers_available():
raise ImportError("Diffusers should be installed in order to use the StableDiffusionTool.")
self.device = device
self.pipeline = None
self.hub_kwargs = hub_kwargs
def setup(self):
if self.device is None:
self.device = get_default_device()
self.pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
self.default_checkpoint, variant="fp16"
self.is_initialized = True
def __call__(self, prompt, seconds=2):
if not self.is_initialized:
return self.pipeline(prompt, num_frames=8 * seconds).frames