Runtime error
Runtime error
import time | |
import re | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
import graphviz as graphviz | |
import pydeck as pdk | |
import streamlit as st | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel | |
from tokenizers import Tokenizer, AddedToken | |
from st_click_detector import click_detector | |
# Define selection options and sort alphabetically | |
st.graphviz_chart(''' | |
graph G { | |
fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
layout=fdp | |
e | |
subgraph clusterA { | |
a -- b; | |
subgraph clusterC { | |
C -- D; | |
} | |
} | |
subgraph clusterB { | |
d -- f | |
} | |
d -- D | |
e -- clusterB | |
clusterC -- clusterB | |
} | |
''') | |
st.graphviz_chart(''' | |
graph Transparency { | |
layout=neato | |
start=11 // empiric value to set orientation | |
bgcolor="#0000ff11" | |
node [shape=circle width=2.22 label="" style=filled] | |
5 [color="#0000ff80"] | |
6 [color="#ee00ee80"] | |
1 [color="#ff000080"] | |
2 [color="#eeee0080"] | |
3 [color="#00ff0080"] | |
4 [color="#00eeee80"] | |
1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 1 | |
} | |
''') | |
st.graphviz_chart(''' | |
digraph UML_Class_diagram { | |
fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
labelloc="t" | |
label="UML Class diagram demo" | |
graph [splines=false] | |
node [shape=record style=filled fillcolor=gray95] | |
edge [arrowhead=vee style=dashed] | |
Client -> Interface1 [xlabel=dependency] | |
Client -> Interface2 | |
edge [dir=back arrowtail=empty style=""] | |
Interface1 -> Class1 [xlabel=inheritance] | |
Interface2 -> Class1 [dir=none] | |
Interface2 [label="" xlabel="Simple\ninterface" shape=circle] | |
Interface1[label = <{<b>«interface» I/O</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
Class1[label = <{<b>I/O class</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
edge [dir=back arrowtail=empty style=dashed] | |
Class1 -> System_1 [xlabel=implementation] | |
System_1 [label = <{<b>System</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
"Shared resource" [label = <{<b>Shared resource</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
edge [dir=back arrowtail=diamond] | |
"System_1" -> Subsystem_1 [xlabel="composition"] | |
Subsystem_1[label = <{<b>Subsystem 1</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
Subsystem_2[label = <{<b>Subsystem 2</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
Subsystem_3[label = <{<b>Subsystem 3</b> | + property<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>|+ method<br align="left"/>...<br align="left"/>}>] | |
"System_1" -> Subsystem_2 | |
"System_1" -> Subsystem_3 | |
edge [xdir=back arrowtail=odiamond] | |
Subsystem_1 -> "Shared resource" [xlabel=aggregation] | |
{Subsystem_2 Subsystem_3 } -> "Shared resource" | |
} | |
''') | |
st.graphviz_chart(''' | |
digraph G { | |
fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
subgraph cluster_1 { | |
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="antiquewhite:aquamarine" ]n5; | |
node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="bisque4:blue2" ]n4; | |
node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="cadetblue1:chocolate1" ]n3; | |
node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="crimson:cyan4" ]n2; | |
node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="deepskyblue2:firebrick" ]n1; | |
node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="gray24:gray88" ]n0; | |
label = "X11 Colors"; | |
} | |
subgraph cluster_2 { | |
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="bisque:brown" ]n11; | |
node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="green:darkorchid" ]n10; | |
node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="deepskyblue:gold" ]n9; | |
node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="lightseagreen:orangered" ]n8; | |
node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="turquoise:salmon" ]n7; | |
node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="snow:black" ]n6; | |
label = "SVG Colors"; | |
} | |
subgraph cluster_3 { | |
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="/accent3/1:/accent3/3" ]n17; | |
node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="/accent4/1:/accent4/4" ]n16; | |
node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="/accent5/1:/accent5/5" ]n15; | |
node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="/accent6/1:/accent6/6" ]n14; | |
node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="/accent7/1:/accent7/7" ]n13; | |
node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="/accent8/1:/accent8/8" ]n12; | |
label = "Brewer - accent"; | |
} | |
subgraph cluster_4 { | |
node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="/blues3/1:/blues3/2" ]n23; | |
node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="/blues4/1:/blues4/3" ]n22; | |
node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="/blues5/1:/blues5/4" ]n21; | |
node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="/blues6/1:/blues6/5" ]n20; | |
node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="/blues7/1:/blues7/6" ]n19; | |
node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="/blues8/1:/blues8/7" ]n18; | |
label = "Brewer - blues"; | |
} | |
n3 -> n9 -> n15 -> n21; | |
} | |
''') | |
st.graphviz_chart(''' | |
digraph G {bgcolor="#0000FF44:#FF000044" gradientangle=90 | |
fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] | |
subgraph cluster_0 { | |
style=filled; | |
color=lightgrey; | |
fillcolor="darkgray:gold"; | |
gradientangle=0 | |
node [fillcolor="yellow:green" style=filled gradientangle=270] a0; | |
node [fillcolor="lightgreen:red"] a1; | |
node [fillcolor="lightskyblue:darkcyan"] a2; | |
node [fillcolor="cyan:lightslateblue"] a3; | |
a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3; | |
label = "process #1"; | |
} | |
subgraph cluster_1 { | |
node [fillcolor="yellow:magenta" | |
style=filled gradientangle=270] b0; | |
node [fillcolor="violet:darkcyan"] b1; | |
node [fillcolor="peachpuff:red"] b2; | |
node [fillcolor="mediumpurple:purple"] b3; | |
b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3; | |
label = "process #2"; | |
color=blue | |
fillcolor="darkgray:gold"; | |
gradientangle=0 | |
style=filled; | |
} | |
start -> a0; | |
start -> b0; | |
a1 -> b3; | |
b2 -> a3; | |
a3 -> a0; | |
a3 -> end; | |
b3 -> end; | |
start [shape=Mdiamond , | |
fillcolor="pink:red", | |
gradientangle=90, | |
style=radial]; | |
end [shape=Msquare, | |
fillcolor="lightyellow:orange", | |
style=radial, | |
gradientangle=90]; | |
} | |
''') | |
st.graphviz_chart(''' | |
graph Color_wheel { | |
graph [ | |
layout = neato | |
label = "Color wheel, 33 colors.\nNeato layout" | |
labelloc = b | |
fontname = "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
start = regular | |
normalize = 0 | |
] | |
node [ | |
shape = circle | |
style = filled | |
color = "#00000088" | |
fontname = "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
] | |
edge [ | |
len = 2.7 | |
color = "#00000088" | |
fontname = "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" | |
] | |
subgraph Dark { | |
node [fontcolor = white width = 1.4] | |
center [width = 1 style = invis shape = point] | |
center -- darkred [label = "0°/360°"] | |
darkred [fillcolor = darkred] | |
brown [fillcolor = brown] | |
brown -- center [label = "30°"] | |
olive [fillcolor = olive] | |
olive -- center [label = "60°"] | |
darkolivegreen [fillcolor = darkolivegreen fontsize = 10] | |
darkolivegreen -- center [label = "90°"] | |
darkgreen [fillcolor = darkgreen] | |
darkgreen -- center [label = "120°"] | |
"dark hue 0.416" [color = ".416 1 .6" fontcolor = white] | |
"dark hue 0.416" -- center [label = "150°"] | |
darkcyan [fillcolor = darkcyan] | |
darkcyan -- center [label = "180°"] | |
"dark hue 0.583" [color = ".583 1 .6" fontcolor = white] | |
"dark hue 0.583" -- center [label = "210°"] | |
darkblue [fillcolor = darkblue] | |
darkblue -- center [label = "240°"] | |
"dark hue 0.750" [color = ".750 1 .6"] | |
"dark hue 0.750" -- center [label = "270°"] | |
darkmagenta [fillcolor = darkmagenta] | |
darkmagenta -- center [label = "300°"] | |
"dark hue 0.916" [color = ".916 1 .6"] | |
"dark hue 0.916" -- center [label = "330°"] | |
} | |
subgraph Tue { | |
node [width = 1.3] | |
"hue 0.083" -- brown | |
"hue 0.083" [color = ".083 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.125" [color = ".125 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.166" -- olive | |
"hue 0.166" [color = ".166 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.208" [color = ".208 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.250" -- darkolivegreen | |
"hue 0.250" [color = ".250 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.291" [color = ".291 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.333" -- darkgreen | |
"hue 0.333" [color = ".333 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.375" [color = ".375 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.416" -- "dark hue 0.416" | |
"hue 0.416" [color = ".416 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.458" [color = ".458 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.500" -- darkcyan | |
"hue 0.500" [color = ".500 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.541" [color = ".541 1 1"] | |
node [fontcolor = white] | |
"hue 0.000" [color = ".000 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.000" -- darkred | |
"hue 0.041" [color = ".041 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.583" -- "dark hue 0.583" | |
"hue 0.583" [color = ".583 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.625" [color = ".625 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.666" -- darkblue | |
"hue 0.666" [color = ".666 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.708" [color = ".708 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.750" -- "dark hue 0.750" | |
"hue 0.750" [color = ".750 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.791" [color = ".791 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.833" -- darkmagenta | |
"hue 0.833" [color = ".833 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.875" [color = ".875 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.916" -- "dark hue 0.916" | |
"hue 0.916" [color = ".916 1 1"] | |
"hue 0.958" [color = ".958 1 1"] | |
edge [len = 1] | |
"hue 0.000" -- "hue 0.041" -- "hue 0.083" -- "hue 0.125" -- "hue 0.166" -- "hue 0.208" | |
"hue 0.208" -- "hue 0.250" -- "hue 0.291" -- "hue 0.333" -- "hue 0.375" -- "hue 0.416" | |
"hue 0.416" -- "hue 0.458" -- "hue 0.500" --"hue 0.541" -- "hue 0.583" -- "hue 0.625" | |
"hue 0.625" -- "hue 0.666" -- "hue 0.708" -- "hue 0.750" -- "hue 0.791" -- "hue 0.833" | |
"hue 0.833" -- "hue 0.875" -- "hue 0.916" -- "hue 0.958" -- "hue 0.000" | |
} | |
subgraph Main_colors { | |
node [width = 2 fontsize = 20] | |
red [fillcolor = red fontcolor = white] | |
orangered [fillcolor = orangered] | |
orange [fillcolor = orange] | |
gold [fillcolor = gold] | |
yellow [fillcolor = yellow] | |
yellowgreen [fillcolor = yellowgreen] | |
deeppink [fillcolor = deeppink fontcolor = white] | |
fuchsia [label = "fuchsia\nmagenta" fillcolor = fuchsia fontcolor = white] | |
purple [fillcolor = purple fontcolor = white] | |
blue [fillcolor = blue fontcolor = white] | |
cornflowerblue [fillcolor = cornflowerblue] | |
deepskyblue [fillcolor = deepskyblue] | |
aqua [fillcolor = aqua label = "aqua\ncyan"] | |
springgreen [fillcolor = springgreen] | |
green [fillcolor = green] | |
purple -- fuchsia -- deeppink -- red | |
cornflowerblue -- blue -- purple | |
cornflowerblue -- deepskyblue -- aqua [len = 1.7] | |
aqua -- springgreen -- green -- yellowgreen -- yellow | |
yellow -- gold -- orange -- orangered -- red [len = 1.6] | |
orange -- "hue 0.083" | |
deeppink -- "hue 0.916" | |
deeppink -- "hue 0.875" | |
red -- "hue 0.000" | |
yellowgreen -- "hue 0.250" | |
blue -- "hue 0.666" | |
yellow -- "hue 0.166" | |
gold -- "hue 0.125" | |
green -- "hue 0.333" | |
springgreen -- "hue 0.416" | |
aqua -- "hue 0.500" | |
cornflowerblue -- "hue 0.583" | |
deepskyblue -- "hue 0.541" | |
purple -- "hue 0.791" | |
purple -- "hue 0.750" | |
fuchsia -- "hue 0.833" | |
} | |
subgraph Light_colors { | |
node [width = 2 fontsize = 20] | |
node [shape = circle width = 1.8] | |
edge [len = 2.1] | |
pink [fillcolor = pink] | |
pink -- red | |
lightyellow [fillcolor = lightyellow] | |
lightyellow -- yellow | |
mediumpurple [fillcolor = mediumpurple] | |
mediumpurple -- purple | |
violet [fillcolor = violet] | |
violet -- fuchsia | |
hotpink [fillcolor = hotpink] | |
hotpink -- deeppink | |
"light hue 0.250" [color = ".250 .2 1"] | |
"light hue 0.250" -- yellowgreen | |
lightcyan [fillcolor = lightcyan] | |
lightcyan -- aqua | |
lightslateblue [fillcolor = lightslateblue] | |
lightslateblue -- blue | |
lightgreen [fillcolor = lightgreen] | |
lightgreen -- green | |
lightskyblue [fillcolor = lightskyblue] | |
lightskyblue -- deepskyblue | |
peachpuff [fillcolor = peachpuff] | |
peachpuff -- orange | |
"light hue 0.416" [color = ".416 .2 1"] | |
"light hue 0.416" -- springgreen | |
} | |
subgraph Tints { | |
node [width = 1] | |
edge [len = 2.4] | |
"hue 0 tint" -- pink | |
"hue 0 tint" [color = "0 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.041 tint" [color = ".041 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.083 tint" -- peachpuff | |
"hue 0.083 tint" [color = ".083 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.125 tint" [color = ".125 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.166 tint" -- lightyellow | |
"hue 0.166 tint" [color = ".166 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.208 tint" [color = ".208 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.250 tint" -- "light hue 0.250" | |
"hue 0.250 tint" [color = ".250 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.291 tint" [color = ".291 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.333 tint" -- lightgreen | |
"hue 0.333 tint" [color = ".333 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.375 tint" [color = ".375 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.416 tint" -- "light hue 0.416" | |
"hue 0.416 tint" [color = ".416 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.458 tint" [color = ".458 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.5 tint" -- lightcyan | |
"hue 0.5 tint" [color = ".5 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.541 tint" -- lightskyblue | |
"hue 0.541 tint" [color = ".541 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.583 tint" [color = ".583 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.625 tint" [color = ".625 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.666 tint" -- lightslateblue | |
"hue 0.666 tint" [color = ".666 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.708 tint" [color = ".708 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.750 tint" -- mediumpurple | |
"hue 0.750 tint" [color = ".750 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.791 tint" [color = ".791 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.833 tint" -- violet | |
"hue 0.833 tint" [color = ".833 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.875 tint" [color = ".875 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.916 tint" -- hotpink | |
"hue 0.916 tint" [color = ".916 .1 1"] | |
"hue 0.958 tint" [color = ".958 .1 1"] | |
edge [len = 2] | |
"hue 0 tint" -- "hue 0.041 tint" -- "hue 0.083 tint" -- "hue 0.125 tint" -- "hue 0.166 tint" -- "hue 0.208 tint" | |
"hue 0.208 tint" -- "hue 0.250 tint" -- "hue 0.291 tint" -- "hue 0.333 tint" -- "hue 0.375 tint" -- "hue 0.416 tint" | |
"hue 0.416 tint" -- "hue 0.458 tint" -- "hue 0.5 tint" --"hue 0.541 tint" -- "hue 0.583 tint" -- "hue 0.625 tint" | |
"hue 0.625 tint" -- "hue 0.666 tint" -- "hue 0.708 tint" -- "hue 0.750 tint" -- "hue 0.791 tint" -- "hue 0.833 tint" | |
"hue 0.833 tint" -- "hue 0.875 tint" -- "hue 0.916 tint" -- "hue 0.958 tint" -- "hue 0 tint" | |
} | |
} | |
''') |