import base64 |
import json |
import logging |
import secrets |
from typing import Optional |
import click |
from flask import current_app |
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound |
from configs import dify_config |
from constants.languages import languages |
from core.rag.datasource.vdb.vector_factory import Vector |
from core.rag.datasource.vdb.vector_type import VectorType |
from core.rag.models.document import Document |
from events.app_event import app_was_created |
from extensions.ext_database import db |
from extensions.ext_redis import redis_client |
from libs.helper import email as email_validate |
from libs.password import hash_password, password_pattern, valid_password |
from libs.rsa import generate_key_pair |
from models import Tenant |
from models.dataset import Dataset, DatasetCollectionBinding, DocumentSegment |
from models.dataset import Document as DatasetDocument |
from models.model import Account, App, AppAnnotationSetting, AppMode, Conversation, MessageAnnotation |
from models.provider import Provider, ProviderModel |
from services.account_service import RegisterService, TenantService |
@click.command("reset-password", help="Reset the account password.") |
@click.option("--email", prompt=True, help="Account email to reset password for") |
@click.option("--new-password", prompt=True, help="New password") |
@click.option("--password-confirm", prompt=True, help="Confirm new password") |
def reset_password(email, new_password, password_confirm): |
""" |
Reset password of owner account |
Only available in SELF_HOSTED mode |
""" |
if str(new_password).strip() != str(password_confirm).strip(): |
click.echo(click.style("Passwords do not match.", fg="red")) |
return |
account = db.session.query(Account).filter(Account.email == email).one_or_none() |
if not account: |
click.echo(click.style("Account not found for email: {}".format(email), fg="red")) |
return |
try: |
valid_password(new_password) |
except: |
click.echo(click.style("Invalid password. Must match {}".format(password_pattern), fg="red")) |
return |
salt = secrets.token_bytes(16) |
base64_salt = base64.b64encode(salt).decode() |
password_hashed = hash_password(new_password, salt) |
base64_password_hashed = base64.b64encode(password_hashed).decode() |
account.password = base64_password_hashed |
account.password_salt = base64_salt |
db.session.commit() |
click.echo(click.style("Password reset successfully.", fg="green")) |
@click.command("reset-email", help="Reset the account email.") |
@click.option("--email", prompt=True, help="Current account email") |
@click.option("--new-email", prompt=True, help="New email") |
@click.option("--email-confirm", prompt=True, help="Confirm new email") |
def reset_email(email, new_email, email_confirm): |
""" |
Replace account email |
:return: |
""" |
if str(new_email).strip() != str(email_confirm).strip(): |
click.echo(click.style("New emails do not match.", fg="red")) |
return |
account = db.session.query(Account).filter(Account.email == email).one_or_none() |
if not account: |
click.echo(click.style("Account not found for email: {}".format(email), fg="red")) |
return |
try: |
email_validate(new_email) |
except: |
click.echo(click.style("Invalid email: {}".format(new_email), fg="red")) |
return |
account.email = new_email |
db.session.commit() |
click.echo(click.style("Email updated successfully.", fg="green")) |
@click.command( |
"reset-encrypt-key-pair", |
help="Reset the asymmetric key pair of workspace for encrypt LLM credentials. " |
"After the reset, all LLM credentials will become invalid, " |
"requiring re-entry." |
"Only support SELF_HOSTED mode.", |
) |
@click.confirmation_option( |
prompt=click.style( |
"Are you sure you want to reset encrypt key pair? This operation cannot be rolled back!", fg="red" |
) |
) |
def reset_encrypt_key_pair(): |
""" |
Reset the encrypted key pair of workspace for encrypt LLM credentials. |
After the reset, all LLM credentials will become invalid, requiring re-entry. |
Only support SELF_HOSTED mode. |
""" |
if dify_config.EDITION != "SELF_HOSTED": |
click.echo(click.style("This command is only for SELF_HOSTED installations.", fg="red")) |
return |
tenants = db.session.query(Tenant).all() |
for tenant in tenants: |
if not tenant: |
click.echo(click.style("No workspaces found. Run /install first.", fg="red")) |
return |
tenant.encrypt_public_key = generate_key_pair(tenant.id) |
db.session.query(Provider).filter(Provider.provider_type == "custom", Provider.tenant_id == tenant.id).delete() |
db.session.query(ProviderModel).filter(ProviderModel.tenant_id == tenant.id).delete() |
db.session.commit() |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
"Congratulations! The asymmetric key pair of workspace {} has been reset.".format(tenant.id), |
fg="green", |
) |
) |
@click.command("vdb-migrate", help="Migrate vector db.") |
@click.option("--scope", default="all", prompt=False, help="The scope of vector database to migrate, Default is All.") |
def vdb_migrate(scope: str): |
if scope in {"knowledge", "all"}: |
migrate_knowledge_vector_database() |
if scope in {"annotation", "all"}: |
migrate_annotation_vector_database() |
def migrate_annotation_vector_database(): |
""" |
Migrate annotation datas to target vector database . |
""" |
click.echo(click.style("Starting annotation data migration.", fg="green")) |
create_count = 0 |
skipped_count = 0 |
total_count = 0 |
page = 1 |
while True: |
try: |
apps = ( |
App.query.filter(App.status == "normal") |
.order_by(App.created_at.desc()) |
.paginate(page=page, per_page=50) |
) |
except NotFound: |
break |
page += 1 |
for app in apps: |
total_count = total_count + 1 |
click.echo( |
f"Processing the {total_count} app {app.id}. " + f"{create_count} created, {skipped_count} skipped." |
) |
try: |
click.echo("Creating app annotation index: {}".format(app.id)) |
app_annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app.id).first() |
) |
if not app_annotation_setting: |
skipped_count = skipped_count + 1 |
click.echo("App annotation setting disabled: {}".format(app.id)) |
continue |
dataset_collection_binding = ( |
db.session.query(DatasetCollectionBinding) |
.filter(DatasetCollectionBinding.id == app_annotation_setting.collection_binding_id) |
.first() |
) |
if not dataset_collection_binding: |
click.echo("App annotation collection binding not found: {}".format(app.id)) |
continue |
annotations = db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.app_id == app.id).all() |
dataset = Dataset( |
id=app.id, |
tenant_id=app.tenant_id, |
indexing_technique="high_quality", |
embedding_model_provider=dataset_collection_binding.provider_name, |
embedding_model=dataset_collection_binding.model_name, |
collection_binding_id=dataset_collection_binding.id, |
) |
documents = [] |
if annotations: |
for annotation in annotations: |
document = Document( |
page_content=annotation.question, |
metadata={"annotation_id": annotation.id, "app_id": app.id, "doc_id": annotation.id}, |
) |
documents.append(document) |
vector = Vector(dataset, attributes=["doc_id", "annotation_id", "app_id"]) |
click.echo(f"Migrating annotations for app: {app.id}.") |
try: |
vector.delete() |
click.echo(click.style(f"Deleted vector index for app {app.id}.", fg="green")) |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo(click.style(f"Failed to delete vector index for app {app.id}.", fg="red")) |
raise e |
if documents: |
try: |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
f"Creating vector index with {len(documents)} annotations for app {app.id}.", |
fg="green", |
) |
) |
vector.create(documents) |
click.echo(click.style(f"Created vector index for app {app.id}.", fg="green")) |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo(click.style(f"Failed to created vector index for app {app.id}.", fg="red")) |
raise e |
click.echo(f"Successfully migrated app annotation {app.id}.") |
create_count += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
"Error creating app annotation index: {} {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), fg="red" |
) |
) |
continue |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
f"Migration complete. Created {create_count} app annotation indexes. Skipped {skipped_count} apps.", |
fg="green", |
) |
) |
def migrate_knowledge_vector_database(): |
""" |
Migrate vector database datas to target vector database . |
""" |
click.echo(click.style("Starting vector database migration.", fg="green")) |
create_count = 0 |
skipped_count = 0 |
total_count = 0 |
vector_type = dify_config.VECTOR_STORE |
upper_collection_vector_types = { |
VectorType.MILVUS, |
VectorType.PGVECTOR, |
VectorType.RELYT, |
VectorType.WEAVIATE, |
VectorType.ORACLE, |
} |
lower_collection_vector_types = { |
VectorType.ANALYTICDB, |
VectorType.CHROMA, |
VectorType.MYSCALE, |
VectorType.PGVECTO_RS, |
VectorType.TIDB_VECTOR, |
VectorType.OPENSEARCH, |
VectorType.TENCENT, |
VectorType.BAIDU, |
VectorType.VIKINGDB, |
VectorType.UPSTASH, |
VectorType.COUCHBASE, |
VectorType.OCEANBASE, |
} |
page = 1 |
while True: |
try: |
datasets = ( |
Dataset.query.filter(Dataset.indexing_technique == "high_quality") |
.order_by(Dataset.created_at.desc()) |
.paginate(page=page, per_page=50) |
) |
except NotFound: |
break |
page += 1 |
for dataset in datasets: |
total_count = total_count + 1 |
click.echo( |
f"Processing the {total_count} dataset {dataset.id}. {create_count} created, {skipped_count} skipped." |
) |
try: |
click.echo("Creating dataset vector database index: {}".format(dataset.id)) |
if dataset.index_struct_dict: |
if dataset.index_struct_dict["type"] == vector_type: |
skipped_count = skipped_count + 1 |
continue |
collection_name = "" |
dataset_id = dataset.id |
if vector_type in upper_collection_vector_types: |
collection_name = Dataset.gen_collection_name_by_id(dataset_id) |
elif vector_type == VectorType.QDRANT: |
if dataset.collection_binding_id: |
dataset_collection_binding = ( |
db.session.query(DatasetCollectionBinding) |
.filter(DatasetCollectionBinding.id == dataset.collection_binding_id) |
.one_or_none() |
) |
if dataset_collection_binding: |
collection_name = dataset_collection_binding.collection_name |
else: |
raise ValueError("Dataset Collection Binding not found") |
else: |
collection_name = Dataset.gen_collection_name_by_id(dataset_id) |
elif vector_type in lower_collection_vector_types: |
collection_name = Dataset.gen_collection_name_by_id(dataset_id).lower() |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Vector store {vector_type} is not supported.") |
index_struct_dict = {"type": vector_type, "vector_store": {"class_prefix": collection_name}} |
dataset.index_struct = json.dumps(index_struct_dict) |
vector = Vector(dataset) |
click.echo(f"Migrating dataset {dataset.id}.") |
try: |
vector.delete() |
click.echo( |
click.style(f"Deleted vector index {collection_name} for dataset {dataset.id}.", fg="green") |
) |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
f"Failed to delete vector index {collection_name} for dataset {dataset.id}.", fg="red" |
) |
) |
raise e |
dataset_documents = ( |
db.session.query(DatasetDocument) |
.filter( |
DatasetDocument.dataset_id == dataset.id, |
DatasetDocument.indexing_status == "completed", |
DatasetDocument.enabled == True, |
DatasetDocument.archived == False, |
) |
.all() |
) |
documents = [] |
segments_count = 0 |
for dataset_document in dataset_documents: |
segments = ( |
db.session.query(DocumentSegment) |
.filter( |
DocumentSegment.document_id == dataset_document.id, |
DocumentSegment.status == "completed", |
DocumentSegment.enabled == True, |
) |
.all() |
) |
for segment in segments: |
document = Document( |
page_content=segment.content, |
metadata={ |
"doc_id": segment.index_node_id, |
"doc_hash": segment.index_node_hash, |
"document_id": segment.document_id, |
"dataset_id": segment.dataset_id, |
}, |
) |
documents.append(document) |
segments_count = segments_count + 1 |
if documents: |
try: |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
f"Creating vector index with {len(documents)} documents of {segments_count}" |
f" segments for dataset {dataset.id}.", |
fg="green", |
) |
) |
vector.create(documents) |
click.echo(click.style(f"Created vector index for dataset {dataset.id}.", fg="green")) |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo(click.style(f"Failed to created vector index for dataset {dataset.id}.", fg="red")) |
raise e |
db.session.add(dataset) |
db.session.commit() |
click.echo(f"Successfully migrated dataset {dataset.id}.") |
create_count += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
db.session.rollback() |
click.echo( |
click.style("Error creating dataset index: {} {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), fg="red") |
) |
continue |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
f"Migration complete. Created {create_count} dataset indexes. Skipped {skipped_count} datasets.", fg="green" |
) |
) |
@click.command("convert-to-agent-apps", help="Convert Agent Assistant to Agent App.") |
def convert_to_agent_apps(): |
""" |
Convert Agent Assistant to Agent App. |
""" |
click.echo(click.style("Starting convert to agent apps.", fg="green")) |
proceeded_app_ids = [] |
while True: |
sql_query = """SELECT a.id AS id FROM apps a |
INNER JOIN app_model_configs am ON a.app_model_config_id=am.id |
WHERE a.mode = 'chat' |
AND am.agent_mode is not null |
AND ( |
am.agent_mode like '%"strategy": "function_call"%' |
OR am.agent_mode like '%"strategy": "react"%' |
) |
AND ( |
am.agent_mode like '{"enabled": true%' |
OR am.agent_mode like '{"max_iteration": %' |
) ORDER BY a.created_at DESC LIMIT 1000 |
""" |
with db.engine.begin() as conn: |
rs = conn.execute(db.text(sql_query)) |
apps = [] |
for i in rs: |
app_id = str(i.id) |
if app_id not in proceeded_app_ids: |
proceeded_app_ids.append(app_id) |
app = db.session.query(App).filter(App.id == app_id).first() |
if app is not None: |
apps.append(app) |
if len(apps) == 0: |
break |
for app in apps: |
click.echo("Converting app: {}".format(app.id)) |
try: |
app.mode = AppMode.AGENT_CHAT.value |
db.session.commit() |
db.session.query(Conversation).filter(Conversation.app_id == app.id).update( |
{Conversation.mode: AppMode.AGENT_CHAT.value} |
) |
db.session.commit() |
click.echo(click.style("Converted app: {}".format(app.id), fg="green")) |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo(click.style("Convert app error: {} {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), fg="red")) |
click.echo(click.style("Conversion complete. Converted {} agent apps.".format(len(proceeded_app_ids)), fg="green")) |
@click.command("add-qdrant-doc-id-index", help="Add Qdrant doc_id index.") |
@click.option("--field", default="metadata.doc_id", prompt=False, help="Index field , default is metadata.doc_id.") |
def add_qdrant_doc_id_index(field: str): |
click.echo(click.style("Starting Qdrant doc_id index creation.", fg="green")) |
vector_type = dify_config.VECTOR_STORE |
if vector_type != "qdrant": |
click.echo(click.style("This command only supports Qdrant vector store.", fg="red")) |
return |
create_count = 0 |
try: |
bindings = db.session.query(DatasetCollectionBinding).all() |
if not bindings: |
click.echo(click.style("No dataset collection bindings found.", fg="red")) |
return |
import qdrant_client |
from qdrant_client.http.exceptions import UnexpectedResponse |
from qdrant_client.http.models import PayloadSchemaType |
from core.rag.datasource.vdb.qdrant.qdrant_vector import QdrantConfig |
for binding in bindings: |
if dify_config.QDRANT_URL is None: |
raise ValueError("Qdrant URL is required.") |
qdrant_config = QdrantConfig( |
endpoint=dify_config.QDRANT_URL, |
api_key=dify_config.QDRANT_API_KEY, |
root_path=current_app.root_path, |
timeout=dify_config.QDRANT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, |
grpc_port=dify_config.QDRANT_GRPC_PORT, |
prefer_grpc=dify_config.QDRANT_GRPC_ENABLED, |
) |
try: |
client = qdrant_client.QdrantClient(**qdrant_config.to_qdrant_params()) |
client.create_payload_index(binding.collection_name, field, field_schema=PayloadSchemaType.KEYWORD) |
create_count += 1 |
except UnexpectedResponse as e: |
if e.status_code == 404: |
click.echo(click.style(f"Collection not found: {binding.collection_name}.", fg="red")) |
continue |
else: |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
f"Failed to create Qdrant index for collection: {binding.collection_name}.", fg="red" |
) |
) |
except Exception as e: |
click.echo(click.style("Failed to create Qdrant client.", fg="red")) |
click.echo(click.style(f"Index creation complete. Created {create_count} collection indexes.", fg="green")) |
@click.command("create-tenant", help="Create account and tenant.") |
@click.option("--email", prompt=True, help="Tenant account email.") |
@click.option("--name", prompt=True, help="Workspace name.") |
@click.option("--language", prompt=True, help="Account language, default: en-US.") |
def create_tenant(email: str, language: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None): |
""" |
Create tenant account |
""" |
if not email: |
click.echo(click.style("Email is required.", fg="red")) |
return |
email = email.strip() |
if "@" not in email: |
click.echo(click.style("Invalid email address.", fg="red")) |
return |
account_name = email.split("@")[0] |
if language not in languages: |
language = "en-US" |
name = name.strip().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") if name else None |
new_password = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) |
account = RegisterService.register( |
email=email, |
name=account_name, |
password=new_password, |
language=language, |
create_workspace_required=False, |
) |
TenantService.create_owner_tenant_if_not_exist(account, name) |
click.echo( |
click.style( |
"Account and tenant created.\nAccount: {}\nPassword: {}".format(email, new_password), |
fg="green", |
) |
) |
@click.command("upgrade-db", help="Upgrade the database") |
def upgrade_db(): |
click.echo("Preparing database migration...") |
lock = redis_client.lock(name="db_upgrade_lock", timeout=60) |
if lock.acquire(blocking=False): |
try: |
click.echo(click.style("Starting database migration.", fg="green")) |
import flask_migrate |
flask_migrate.upgrade() |
click.echo(click.style("Database migration successful!", fg="green")) |
except Exception as e: |
logging.exception("Failed to execute database migration") |
finally: |
lock.release() |
else: |
click.echo("Database migration skipped") |
@click.command("fix-app-site-missing", help="Fix app related site missing issue.") |
def fix_app_site_missing(): |
""" |
Fix app related site missing issue. |
""" |
click.echo(click.style("Starting fix for missing app-related sites.", fg="green")) |
failed_app_ids = [] |
while True: |
sql = """select apps.id as id from apps left join sites on sites.app_id=apps.id |
where sites.id is null limit 1000""" |
with db.engine.begin() as conn: |
rs = conn.execute(db.text(sql)) |
processed_count = 0 |
for i in rs: |
processed_count += 1 |
app_id = str(i.id) |
if app_id in failed_app_ids: |
continue |
try: |
app = db.session.query(App).filter(App.id == app_id).first() |
if not app: |
print(f"App {app_id} not found") |
continue |
tenant = app.tenant |
if tenant: |
accounts = tenant.get_accounts() |
if not accounts: |
print("Fix failed for app {}".format(app.id)) |
continue |
account = accounts[0] |
print("Fixing missing site for app {}".format(app.id)) |
app_was_created.send(app, account=account) |
except Exception as e: |
failed_app_ids.append(app_id) |
click.echo(click.style("Failed to fix missing site for app {}".format(app_id), fg="red")) |
logging.exception(f"Failed to fix app related site missing issue, app_id: {app_id}") |
continue |
if not processed_count: |
break |
click.echo(click.style("Fix for missing app-related sites completed successfully!", fg="green")) |