dify / api /app.py
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import os
import sys
def is_db_command():
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[0].endswith("flask") and sys.argv[1] == "db":
return True
return False
# create app
if is_db_command():
from app_factory import create_migrations_app
app = create_migrations_app()
# It seems that JetBrains Python debugger does not work well with gevent,
# so we need to disable gevent in debug mode.
# If you are using debugpy and set GEVENT_SUPPORT=True, you can debug with gevent.
if (flask_debug := os.environ.get("FLASK_DEBUG", "0")) and flask_debug.lower() in {"false", "0", "no"}:
from gevent import monkey # type: ignore
# gevent
from grpc.experimental import gevent as grpc_gevent # type: ignore
# grpc gevent
import psycogreen.gevent # type: ignore
from app_factory import create_app
app = create_app()
celery = app.extensions["celery"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=5001)