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import contextlib
import logging
import math
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union
import numpy
import torch
from pytorch_modules import RetrievedSample
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
from relik.common.log import get_logger
from relik.common.utils import is_package_available
from relik.retriever.common.model_inputs import ModelInputs
from relik.retriever.data.base.datasets import BaseDataset
from relik.retriever.data.labels import Labels
from relik.retriever.indexers.base import BaseDocumentIndex
from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules import PRECISION_MAP
from relik.retriever.pytorch_modules.model import GoldenRetriever
if is_package_available("faiss"):
import faiss
import faiss.contrib.torch_utils
logger = get_logger(__name__, level=logging.INFO)
class FaissOutput:
indices: Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]
distances: Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]
class FaissDocumentIndex(BaseDocumentIndex):
DOCUMENTS_FILE_NAME = "documents.json"
EMBEDDINGS_FILE_NAME = "embeddings.pt"
INDEX_FILE_NAME = "index.faiss"
def __init__(
documents: Union[List[str], Labels],
embeddings: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]] = None,
index_type: str = "Flat",
metric: int = faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT,
normalize: bool = False,
device: str = "cpu",
name_or_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(documents, embeddings, name_or_dir)
if embeddings is not None and documents is not None:
logger.info("Both documents and embeddings are provided.")
if documents.get_label_size() != embeddings.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"The number of documents and embeddings must be the same."
# device to store the embeddings
self.device = device
# params
self.index_type = index_type
self.metric = metric
self.normalize = normalize
if index is not None:
self.embeddings = index
if self.device == "cuda":
# use a single GPU
faiss_resource = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
self.embeddings = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(
faiss_resource, 0, self.embeddings
if embeddings is not None:
# build the faiss index
logger.info("Building the index from the embeddings.")
self.embeddings = self._build_faiss_index(
def _build_faiss_index(
embeddings: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]],
index_type: str,
normalize: bool,
metric: int,
# build the faiss index
self.normalize = (
and metric == faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT
and not isinstance(embeddings, torch.Tensor)
if self.normalize:
index_type = f"L2norm,{index_type}"
faiss_vector_size = embeddings.shape[1]
if self.device == "cpu":
index_type = index_type.replace("x,", "x_HNSW32,")
index_type = index_type.replace(
"x", str(math.ceil(math.sqrt(faiss_vector_size)) * 4)
self.embeddings = faiss.index_factory(faiss_vector_size, index_type, metric)
# convert to GPU
if self.device == "cuda":
# use a single GPU
faiss_resource = faiss.StandardGpuResources()
self.embeddings = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(faiss_resource, 0, self.embeddings)
# move to CPU if embeddings is a torch.Tensor
embeddings = (
embeddings.cpu() if isinstance(embeddings, torch.Tensor) else embeddings
# convert to float32 if embeddings is a torch.Tensor and is float16
if isinstance(embeddings, torch.Tensor) and embeddings.dtype == torch.float16:
embeddings = embeddings.float()
# save parameters for saving/loading
self.index_type = index_type
self.metric = metric
# clear the embeddings to free up memory
embeddings = None
return self.embeddings
def index(
retriever: GoldenRetriever,
documents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
batch_size: int = 32,
num_workers: int = 4,
max_length: Optional[int] = None,
collate_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
encoder_precision: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None,
compute_on_cpu: bool = False,
force_reindex: bool = False,
) -> "FaissDocumentIndex":
Index the documents using the encoder.
retriever (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`):
The encoder to be used for indexing.
documents (:obj:`List[str]`, `optional`, defaults to None):
The documents to be indexed.
batch_size (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 32):
The batch size to be used for indexing.
num_workers (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 4):
The number of workers to be used for indexing.
max_length (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to None):
The maximum length of the input to the encoder.
collate_fn (:obj:`Callable`, `optional`, defaults to None):
The collate function to be used for batching.
encoder_precision (:obj:`Union[str, int]`, `optional`, defaults to None):
The precision to be used for the encoder.
compute_on_cpu (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False):
Whether to compute the embeddings on CPU.
force_reindex (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to False):
Whether to force reindexing.
:obj:`InMemoryIndexer`: The indexer object.
if self.embeddings is not None and not force_reindex:
"Embeddings are already present and `force_reindex` is `False`. Skipping indexing."
if documents is None:
return self
# release the memory
if collate_fn is None:
tokenizer = retriever.passage_tokenizer
def collate_fn(x):
return ModelInputs(
max_length=max_length or tokenizer.model_max_length,
if force_reindex:
if documents is not None:
data = [k for k in self.documents.get_labels()]
if documents is not None:
data = [k for k in Labels(documents).get_labels()]
return self
dataloader = DataLoader(
BaseDataset(name="passage", data=data),
encoder = retriever.passage_encoder
# Create empty lists to store the passage embeddings and passage index
passage_embeddings: List[torch.Tensor] = []
encoder_device = "cpu" if compute_on_cpu else self.device
# fucking autocast only wants pure strings like 'cpu' or 'cuda'
# we need to convert the model device to that
device_type_for_autocast = str(encoder_device).split(":")[0]
# autocast doesn't work with CPU and stuff different from bfloat16
autocast_pssg_mngr = (
if device_type_for_autocast == "cpu"
else (
with autocast_pssg_mngr:
# Iterate through each batch in the dataloader
for batch in tqdm(dataloader, desc="Indexing"):
# Move the batch to the device
batch: ModelInputs = batch.to(encoder_device)
# Compute the passage embeddings
passage_outs = encoder(**batch)
# Append the passage embeddings to the list
if self.device == "cpu":
passage_embeddings.extend([c.detach().cpu() for c in passage_outs])
passage_embeddings.extend([c for c in passage_outs])
# move the passage embeddings to the CPU if not already done
passage_embeddings = [c.detach().cpu() for c in passage_embeddings]
# stack it
passage_embeddings: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(passage_embeddings, dim=0)
# convert to float32 for faiss
# index the embeddings
self.embeddings = self._build_faiss_index(
# free up memory from the unused variable
del passage_embeddings
return self
def search(self, query: torch.Tensor, k: int = 1) -> list[list[RetrievedSample]]:
k = min(k, self.embeddings.ntotal)
if self.normalize:
if isinstance(query, torch.Tensor) and self.device == "cpu":
query = query.detach().cpu()
# Retrieve the indices of the top k passage embeddings
retriever_out = self.embeddings.search(query, k)
# get int values (second element of the tuple)
batch_top_k: List[List[int]] = retriever_out[1].detach().cpu().tolist()
# get float values (first element of the tuple)
batch_scores: List[List[float]] = retriever_out[0].detach().cpu().tolist()
# Retrieve the passages corresponding to the indices
batch_passages = [
[self.documents.get_label_from_index(i) for i in indices]
for indices in batch_top_k
# build the output object
batch_retrieved_samples = [
RetrievedSample(label=passage, index=index, score=score)
for passage, index, score in zip(passages, indices, scores)
for passages, indices, scores in zip(
batch_passages, batch_top_k, batch_scores
return batch_retrieved_samples
# def save(self, saving_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike]):
# """
# Save the indexer to the disk.
# Args:
# saving_dir (:obj:`Union[str, os.PathLike]`):
# The directory where the indexer will be saved.
# """
# saving_dir = Path(saving_dir)
# # save the passage embeddings
# index_path = saving_dir / self.INDEX_FILE_NAME
# logger.info(f"Saving passage embeddings to {index_path}")
# faiss.write_index(self.embeddings, str(index_path))
# # save the passage index
# documents_path = saving_dir / self.DOCUMENTS_FILE_NAME
# logger.info(f"Saving passage index to {documents_path}")
# self.documents.save(documents_path)
# @classmethod
# def load(
# cls,
# loading_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike],
# device: str = "cpu",
# document_file_name: Optional[str] = None,
# embedding_file_name: Optional[str] = None,
# index_file_name: Optional[str] = None,
# **kwargs,
# ) -> "FaissDocumentIndex":
# loading_dir = Path(loading_dir)
# document_file_name = document_file_name or cls.DOCUMENTS_FILE_NAME
# embedding_file_name = embedding_file_name or cls.EMBEDDINGS_FILE_NAME
# index_file_name = index_file_name or cls.INDEX_FILE_NAME
# # load the documents
# documents_path = loading_dir / document_file_name
# if not documents_path.exists():
# raise ValueError(f"Document file `{documents_path}` does not exist.")
# logger.info(f"Loading documents from {documents_path}")
# documents = Labels.from_file(documents_path)
# index = None
# embeddings = None
# # try to load the index directly
# index_path = loading_dir / index_file_name
# if not index_path.exists():
# # try to load the embeddings
# embedding_path = loading_dir / embedding_file_name
# # run some checks
# if embedding_path.exists():
# logger.info(f"Loading embeddings from {embedding_path}")
# embeddings = torch.load(embedding_path, map_location="cpu")
# logger.warning(
# f"Index file `{index_path}` and embedding file `{embedding_path}` do not exist."
# )
# else:
# logger.info(f"Loading index from {index_path}")
# index = faiss.read_index(str(embedding_path))
# return cls(
# documents=documents,
# embeddings=embeddings,
# index=index,
# device=device,
# **kwargs,
# )
def get_embeddings_from_index(
self, index: int
) -> Union[torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]:
Get the document vector from the index.
index (`int`):
The index of the document.
`torch.Tensor`: The document vector.
if self.embeddings is None:
raise ValueError(
"The documents must be indexed before they can be retrieved."
if index >= self.embeddings.ntotal:
raise ValueError(
f"The index {index} is out of bounds. The maximum index is {self.embeddings.ntotal}."
return self.embeddings.reconstruct(index)