writing-prototypes / custom_llm_inference.py
kcarnold's picture
copy in the backend code
import torch
from transformers.cache_utils import DynamicCache
def get_tokenized_chat(tokenizer, prompt, doc):
messages = [
"role": "user",
"content": f"{prompt}\n\n{doc}",
tokenized_chat = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, tokenize=True, add_generation_prompt=True, return_tensors="pt")[0]
return tokenized_chat
def tokenize_doc_in_progress(tokenizer, doc_in_progress):
if len(doc_in_progress) == 0:
# Some tokenizers give tensors of the wrong dtype if the input is empty
return torch.empty(0, dtype=torch.int64)
doc_in_progress_ids = tokenizer(
doc_in_progress, return_tensors='pt')['input_ids'][0]
# strip the first token, the "beginning of document" token
# TODO: make this robust to switching models
# since some models will use different special tokens
doc_in_progress_ids = doc_in_progress_ids[1:]
return doc_in_progress_ids
def get_highlights_inner(model, tokenizer, doc, prompt, updated_doc, k):
tokenized_chat = get_tokenized_chat(tokenizer, prompt, doc)
assert len(tokenized_chat.shape) == 1
if updated_doc is None or len(updated_doc.strip()) == 0:
updated_doc = doc
updated_doc_ids = tokenize_doc_in_progress(tokenizer, updated_doc)
joined_ids = torch.cat([tokenized_chat, updated_doc_ids])
# Call the model
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(joined_ids[None].to(model.device)).logits[0].cpu()
highlights = []
length_so_far = 0
for idx in range(len(tokenized_chat), len(joined_ids)):
probs = logits[idx - 1].softmax(dim=-1)
token_id = joined_ids[idx]
token = tokenizer.decode(token_id)
token_loss = -probs[token_id].log().item()
topk_tokens = probs.topk(k).indices.cpu().numpy().tolist()
topk_tokens_decoded = tokenizer.batch_decode(topk_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True)
end=length_so_far + len(token),
length_so_far += len(token)
return highlights
def get_next_token_predictions_inner(
model, tokenizer, original_doc, prompt, doc_in_progress, k):
tokenized_chat = get_tokenized_chat(tokenizer, prompt, original_doc)
doc_in_progress_ids = tokenize_doc_in_progress(tokenizer, doc_in_progress)
device = model.device
joined_ids = torch.cat([tokenized_chat, doc_in_progress_ids])
hypotheses = joined_ids[None].to(model.device)
# For each of the k next tokens, generate most-likely next tokens and append back on until we
# reach a token with a space
past_key_values = DynamicCache()
with torch.no_grad():
model_outs_onestep = model(hypotheses, output_hidden_states=True, past_key_values=past_key_values)
branch_tokens = model_outs_onestep.logits[0, -1].topk(k).indices
# split the cache into k reps. We pretend we're doing a "Beam search"...
past_key_values.reorder_cache(torch.zeros((k,), dtype=torch.long, device=device))
# Now call the model again, passing the kv cache, so we can continue generating.
# Each of the k next tokens will be considered as one sequence in a "batch".
next_tokens_as_batch = branch_tokens.unsqueeze(1)
assert next_tokens_as_batch.shape == (k, 1)
position_id_for_final_token = joined_ids.shape[0]
cache_position = torch.full((1,), position_id_for_final_token, dtype=int, device=device)
with torch.no_grad():
model_outs = model(
# the cache surprisingly doesn't know the position of the last token
# Grab the single most likely token from each of the k sequences
next_token_logits = model_outs.logits[:, -1]
vocab_size = model.config.vocab_size
assert next_token_logits.shape == (k, vocab_size), f"{next_token_logits.shape=}, {k=}, {vocab_size=}"
most_likely_token_ids = next_token_logits.argmax(dim=-1)
# Stick them at the end of the branch tokens.
assert most_likely_token_ids.shape == (k,)
lookahead_sequences = torch.cat([
], dim=1)
assert lookahead_sequences.shape == (k, 2)
decoded_next_tokens = tokenizer.batch_decode(lookahead_sequences, skip_special_tokens=True)
return decoded_next_tokens, next_token_logits
def get_next_token_predictions_generate(
model, tokenizer, original_doc, prompt, doc_in_progress, k):
tokenized_chat = get_tokenized_chat(tokenizer, prompt, original_doc)
doc_in_progress_ids = tokenize_doc_in_progress(tokenizer, doc_in_progress)
joined_ids = torch.cat([tokenized_chat, doc_in_progress_ids])
context_without_special_tokens = tokenizer.batch_decode(joined_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
prefix_length = len(context_without_special_tokens)
hypotheses = joined_ids[None].to(model.device)
generation_output = model.generate(
num_beams=5, num_beam_groups=5, max_new_tokens=10, do_sample=False, diversity_penalty=1e5, top_k=None, num_return_sequences=5)#, token_healing=True, tokenizer=tokenizer)
sequences = [
for decoded in tokenizer.batch_decode(generation_output.sequences, skip_special_tokens=True)
return sequences,
def get_next_token_predictions_slow(
model, tokenizer, original_doc, prompt, doc_in_progress, k):
tokenized_chat = get_tokenized_chat(tokenizer, prompt, original_doc)
doc_in_progress_ids = tokenize_doc_in_progress(tokenizer, doc_in_progress)
joined_ids = torch.cat([tokenized_chat, doc_in_progress_ids])
hypotheses = joined_ids[None].to(model.device)
# For each of the k next tokens, generate most-likely next tokens and append back on until we
# reach a token with a space
with torch.no_grad():
model_outs = model(hypotheses, output_hidden_states=True)
next_token_logits = model_outs.logits[0, -1]
branch_tokens = next_token_logits.topk(k).indices
# Slow mode: concat the branch tokens to the hypotheses.
# Then call the model on the full sequence.
# This is slow because the beginning of the sequence is re-processed each time.
hypotheses_with_next_tokens = torch.cat([
torch.repeat_interleave(hypotheses, k, dim=0),
], dim=1)
assert hypotheses_with_next_tokens.shape == (k, len(joined_ids) + 1)
with torch.no_grad():
model_outs = model(hypotheses_with_next_tokens)
# Grab the single most likely token from each of the k sequences
next_token_logits = model_outs.logits[:, -1]
vocab_size = model.config.vocab_size
assert next_token_logits.shape == (k, vocab_size), f"{next_token_logits.shape=}, {k=}, {vocab_size=}"
most_likely_token_ids = next_token_logits.argmax(dim=-1)
# Stick them at the end of the branch tokens.
assert most_likely_token_ids.shape == (k,)
lookahead_sequences = torch.cat([
], dim=1)
assert lookahead_sequences.shape == (k, 2)
decoded_next_tokens = tokenizer.batch_decode(lookahead_sequences, skip_special_tokens=True)
return decoded_next_tokens, next_token_logits