Runtime error
Runtime error
import tensorflow as tf | |
import numpy as np | |
class MiGRUCell(tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell): | |
def __init__(self, num_units, input_size = None, activation = tf.tanh, reuse = None): | |
self.numUnits = num_units | |
self.activation = activation | |
self.reuse = reuse | |
def state_size(self): | |
return self.numUnits | |
def output_size(self): | |
return self.numUnits | |
def mulWeights(self, inp, inDim, outDim, name = ""): | |
with tf.variable_scope("weights" + name): | |
W = tf.get_variable("weights", shape = (inDim, outDim), | |
initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) | |
output = tf.matmul(inp, W) | |
return output | |
def addBiases(self, inp1, inp2, dim, bInitial = 0, name = ""): | |
with tf.variable_scope("additiveBiases" + name): | |
b = tf.get_variable("biases", shape = (dim,), | |
initializer = tf.zeros_initializer()) + bInitial | |
with tf.variable_scope("multiplicativeBias" + name): | |
beta = tf.get_variable("biases", shape = (3 * dim,), | |
initializer = tf.ones_initializer()) | |
Wx, Uh, inter = tf.split(beta * tf.concat([inp1, inp2, inp1 * inp2], axis = 1), | |
num_or_size_splits = 3, axis = 1) | |
output = Wx + Uh + inter + b | |
return output | |
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope = None): | |
scope = scope or type(self).__name__ | |
with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse = self.reuse): | |
inputSize = int(inputs.shape[1]) | |
Wxr = self.mulWeights(inputs, inputSize, self.numUnits, name = "Wxr") | |
Uhr = self.mulWeights(state, self.numUnits, self.numUnits, name = "Uhr") | |
r = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.addBiases(Wxr, Uhr, self.numUnits, bInitial = 1, name = "r")) | |
Wxu = self.mulWeights(inputs, inputSize, self.numUnits, name = "Wxu") | |
Uhu = self.mulWeights(state, self.numUnits, self.numUnits, name = "Uhu") | |
u = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.addBiases(Wxu, Uhu, self.numUnits, bInitial = 1, name = "u")) | |
# r, u = tf.split(gates, num_or_size_splits = 2, axis = 1) | |
Wx = self.mulWeights(inputs, inputSize, self.numUnits, name = "Wxl") | |
Urh = self.mulWeights(r * state, self.numUnits, self.numUnits, name = "Uhl") | |
c = self.activation(self.addBiases(Wx, Urh, self.numUnits, name = "2")) | |
newH = u * state + (1 - u) * c # switch u and 1-u? | |
return newH, newH | |
def zero_state(self, batchSize, dtype = tf.float32): | |
return tf.zeros((batchSize, self.numUnits), dtype = dtype) | |