regionclip-demo / detectron2 /checkpoint /
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
import copy
import logging
import re
from typing import Dict, List
import torch
from tabulate import tabulate
def convert_basic_clip_names(original_keys, add_backbone_prefix=False, use_whole_clip=False, use_fpn_arch=False, regionclip=False):
Apply some basic name conversion to names in CLIP weights.
It only deals with typical backbone models.
original_keys (list[str]):
list[str]: The same number of strings matching those in original_keys.
layer_keys = copy.deepcopy(original_keys)
vit = False
for l_k in layer_keys:
if 'visual.transformer' in l_k:
vit = True
# load pretrained oai clip
if not vit: # resnet
if add_backbone_prefix: # CLIPRCNN or CLIPFastRCNN
if use_whole_clip: # CLIPRCNN
layer_keys = [k.replace("visual.", "clip_backbone.visual.") for k in layer_keys]
else: # CLIPFastRCNN
if use_fpn_arch: # FPN
layer_keys = [k.replace("visual.", "backbone.bottom_up.") for k in layer_keys]
else: # C4
layer_keys = [k.replace("visual.", "backbone.") for k in layer_keys]
else: # GeneralizedRCNN or ProposalNetwork
#layer_keys = [k.replace("visual.", "backbone.bottom_up.") for k in layer_keys] #
layer_keys = [k.replace("visual.", "") for k in layer_keys] #
#layer_keys = [k.replace("visual.", "backbone.visual.") for k in layer_keys] #
else: # vit
return layer_keys, vit
def convert_clip_names(weights, add_backbone_prefix=False, use_whole_clip=False, use_fpn_arch=False, regionclip=False):
Map CLIP Detectron weight names to Detectron2 names.
weights (dict): name -> tensor
dict: detectron2 names -> tensor
dict: detectron2 names -> C2 names
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Renaming CLIP weights ......")
original_keys = sorted(weights.keys())
layer_keys = copy.deepcopy(original_keys)
layer_keys, use_vit = convert_basic_clip_names(layer_keys, add_backbone_prefix, use_whole_clip, use_fpn_arch, regionclip)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RPN hidden representation conv
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FPN case
# In the C2 model, the RPN hidden layer conv is defined for FPN level 2 and then
# shared for all other levels, hence the appearance of "fpn2"
layer_keys = [
k.replace("conv.rpn.fpn2", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.conv") for k in layer_keys
# Non-FPN case
layer_keys = [k.replace("conv.rpn", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.conv") for k in layer_keys]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RPN box transformation conv
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FPN case (see note above about "fpn2")
layer_keys = [
k.replace("rpn.bbox.pred.fpn2", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.anchor_deltas")
for k in layer_keys
layer_keys = [
k.replace("rpn.cls.logits.fpn2", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.objectness_logits")
for k in layer_keys
# Non-FPN case
layer_keys = [
k.replace("rpn.bbox.pred", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.anchor_deltas") for k in layer_keys
layer_keys = [
k.replace("rpn.cls.logits", "proposal_generator.rpn_head.objectness_logits")
for k in layer_keys
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fast R-CNN box head
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
layer_keys = [re.sub("^bbox\\.pred", "bbox_pred", k) for k in layer_keys]
layer_keys = [re.sub("^cls\\.score", "cls_score", k) for k in layer_keys]
layer_keys = [re.sub("^fc6\\.", "box_head.fc1.", k) for k in layer_keys]
layer_keys = [re.sub("^fc7\\.", "box_head.fc2.", k) for k in layer_keys]
# 4conv1fc head tensor names: head_conv1_w, head_conv1_gn_s
layer_keys = [re.sub("^head\\.conv", "box_head.conv", k) for k in layer_keys]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FPN lateral and output convolutions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def fpn_map(name):
Look for keys with the following patterns:
1) Starts with "fpn.inner."
Example: "fpn.inner.res2.2.sum.lateral.weight"
Meaning: These are lateral pathway convolutions
2) Starts with "fpn.res"
Example: "fpn.res2.2.sum.weight"
Meaning: These are FPN output convolutions
splits = name.split(".")
norm = ".norm" if "norm" in splits else ""
if name.startswith("fpn.inner."):
# splits example: ['fpn', 'inner', 'res2', '2', 'sum', 'lateral', 'weight']
stage = int(splits[2][len("res") :])
return "fpn_lateral{}{}.{}".format(stage, norm, splits[-1])
elif name.startswith("fpn.res"):
# splits example: ['fpn', 'res2', '2', 'sum', 'weight']
stage = int(splits[1][len("res") :])
return "fpn_output{}{}.{}".format(stage, norm, splits[-1])
return name
layer_keys = [fpn_map(k) for k in layer_keys]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mask R-CNN mask head
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# roi_heads.StandardROIHeads case
layer_keys = [k.replace(".[mask].fcn", "mask_head.mask_fcn") for k in layer_keys]
layer_keys = [re.sub("^\\.mask\\.fcn", "mask_head.mask_fcn", k) for k in layer_keys]
layer_keys = [k.replace("mask.fcn.logits", "mask_head.predictor") for k in layer_keys]
# roi_heads.Res5ROIHeads case
layer_keys = [k.replace("conv5.mask", "mask_head.deconv") for k in layer_keys]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Keypoint R-CNN head
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# interestingly, the keypoint head convs have blob names that are simply "conv_fcnX"
layer_keys = [k.replace("conv.fcn", "roi_heads.keypoint_head.conv_fcn") for k in layer_keys]
layer_keys = [
k.replace("kps.score.lowres", "roi_heads.keypoint_head.score_lowres") for k in layer_keys
layer_keys = [k.replace("kps.score.", "roi_heads.keypoint_head.score.") for k in layer_keys]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Done with replacements
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
assert len(set(layer_keys)) == len(layer_keys)
assert len(original_keys) == len(layer_keys)
new_weights = {}
new_keys_to_original_keys = {}
for orig, renamed in zip(original_keys, layer_keys):
new_keys_to_original_keys[renamed] = orig
if renamed.startswith("bbox_pred.") or renamed.startswith("mask_head.predictor."):
# remove the meaningless prediction weight for background class
new_start_idx = 4 if renamed.startswith("bbox_pred.") else 1
new_weights[renamed] = weights[orig][new_start_idx:]
"Remove prediction weight for background class in {}. The shape changes from "
"{} to {}.".format(
renamed, tuple(weights[orig].shape), tuple(new_weights[renamed].shape)
elif renamed.startswith("cls_score."):
# move weights of bg class from original index 0 to last index
"Move classification weights for background class in {} from index 0 to "
"index {}.".format(renamed, weights[orig].shape[0] - 1)
new_weights[renamed] =[weights[orig][1:], weights[orig][:1]])
new_weights[renamed] = weights[orig]
return new_weights, new_keys_to_original_keys, use_vit
# Note the current matching is not symmetric.
# it assumes model_state_dict will have longer names.
def align_and_update_state_dicts_for_CLIP(model_state_dict, ckpt_state_dict, c2_conversion=True, bb_rpn_weights=False, regionclip=False):
Extended from ./
Match names between the two state-dict, and returns a new chkpt_state_dict with names
converted to match model_state_dict with heuristics. The returned dict can be later
loaded with fvcore checkpointer.
If `c2_conversion==True`, `ckpt_state_dict` is assumed to be a Caffe2
model and will be renamed at first.
Strategy: suppose that the models that we will create will have prefixes appended
to each of its keys, for example due to an extra level of nesting that the original
pre-trained weights from ImageNet won't contain. For example, model.state_dict()
might return backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight, while the pre-trained model contains
res2.conv1.weight. We thus want to match both parameters together.
For that, we look for each model weight, look among all loaded keys if there is one
that is a suffix of the current weight name, and use it if that's the case.
If multiple matches exist, take the one with longest size
of the corresponding name. For example, for the same model as before, the pretrained
weight file can contain both res2.conv1.weight, as well as conv1.weight. In this case,
we want to match backbone[0].body.conv1.weight to conv1.weight, and
backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight to res2.conv1.weight.
model_keys = sorted(model_state_dict.keys())
use_whole_clip = False # whether use the whole clip (text & visual encoders), typically in CLIPRCNN meta arch
add_backbone_prefix = False # convert to 'backbone.' prefix, typically in CLIPFastRCNN meta arch
use_fpn_arch = False # if use FPN arch then convert to `bottom_up`, typically in CLIPFastRCNN meta arch with FPN backbone
if bb_rpn_weights: # a 2nd pretrained weights to load, for offline backbone & RPN, then convert the ckpt key names and only keep the ones we need
new_ckpt_state_dict = {}
for original_k in ckpt_state_dict:
if 'backbone' in original_k:
new_key = original_k.replace('backbone', 'offline_backbone')
new_ckpt_state_dict[new_key] = ckpt_state_dict[original_k]
if 'proposal_generator' in original_k:
new_key = original_k.replace('proposal_generator', 'offline_proposal_generator')
new_ckpt_state_dict[new_key] = ckpt_state_dict[original_k]
new_ckpt_state_dict['ignore_others'] = torch.tensor([1]) # ignore other model weights (not 'offline_*') in
ckpt_state_dict = new_ckpt_state_dict
else: # the 1st pretrained weigths to load
for model_key in model_keys: # if use the whole clip, then convert ckpt 'visual.' names to 'clip_backbone.visual.'
if 'clip_backbone' in model_key:
use_whole_clip = True
for model_key in model_keys: # if there are backbone & offline_backbone, then convert the ckpt 'visual.' names to 'backbone.' to avoid ambiguity
if 'offline_backbone' in model_key:
add_backbone_prefix = True
if 'fpn' in model_key:
use_fpn_arch = True
# original_keys: the name in the original dict (before renaming)
ckpt_state_dict, original_keys, use_vit = convert_clip_names(ckpt_state_dict, add_backbone_prefix, use_whole_clip, use_fpn_arch, regionclip)
ckpt_keys = sorted(ckpt_state_dict.keys())
def match(a, b):
# Matched ckpt_key should be a complete (starts with '.') suffix.
# For example, roi_heads.mesh_head.whatever_conv1 does not match conv1,
# but matches whatever_conv1 or mesh_head.whatever_conv1.
return a == b or a.endswith("." + b)
# get a matrix of string matches, where each (i, j) entry correspond to the size of the
# ckpt_key string, if it matches
match_matrix = [len(j) if match(i, j) else 0 for i in model_keys for j in ckpt_keys]
match_matrix = torch.as_tensor(match_matrix).view(len(model_keys), len(ckpt_keys))
# use the matched one with longest size in case of multiple matches
max_match_size, idxs = match_matrix.max(1)
# remove indices that correspond to no-match
idxs[max_match_size == 0] = -1
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# matched_pairs (matched checkpoint key --> matched model key)
matched_keys = {}
result_state_dict = {}
for idx_model, idx_ckpt in enumerate(idxs.tolist()):
if idx_ckpt == -1:
key_model = model_keys[idx_model]
key_ckpt = ckpt_keys[idx_ckpt]
value_ckpt = ckpt_state_dict[key_ckpt]
shape_in_model = model_state_dict[key_model].shape
if shape_in_model != value_ckpt.shape:
"Shape of {} in checkpoint is {}, while shape of {} in model is {}.".format(
key_ckpt, value_ckpt.shape, key_model, shape_in_model
"{} will not be loaded. Please double check and see if this is desired.".format(
assert key_model not in result_state_dict
result_state_dict[key_model] = value_ckpt
if key_ckpt in matched_keys: # already added to matched_keys
"Ambiguity found for {} in checkpoint!"
"It matches at least two keys in the model ({} and {}).".format(
key_ckpt, key_model, matched_keys[key_ckpt]
raise ValueError("Cannot match one checkpoint key to multiple keys in the model.")
matched_keys[key_ckpt] = key_model
# logging:
matched_model_keys = sorted(matched_keys.values())
mmk_list = "The following model parameters are loaded from checkpoints:\n"
for mmk in matched_model_keys:
mmk_list += mmk + "\n"
if len(matched_model_keys) == 0:
logger.warning("No weights in checkpoint matched with model.")
return ckpt_state_dict
common_prefix = _longest_common_prefix(matched_model_keys)
rev_matched_keys = {v: k for k, v in matched_keys.items()}
original_keys = {k: original_keys[rev_matched_keys[k]] for k in matched_model_keys}
model_key_groups = _group_keys_by_module(matched_model_keys, original_keys)
table = []
memo = set()
for key_model in matched_model_keys:
if key_model in memo:
if key_model in model_key_groups:
group = model_key_groups[key_model]
memo |= set(group)
shapes = [tuple(model_state_dict[k].shape) for k in group]
_longest_common_prefix([k[len(common_prefix) :] for k in group]) + "*",
_group_str([original_keys[k] for k in group]),
" ".join([str(x).replace(" ", "") for x in shapes]),
key_checkpoint = original_keys[key_model]
shape = str(tuple(model_state_dict[key_model].shape))
table.append((key_model[len(common_prefix) :], key_checkpoint, shape))
table_str = tabulate(
table, tablefmt="pipe", headers=["Names in Model", "Names in Checkpoint", "Shapes"]
if len(table) != 1 and not use_vit: # do this for now; the table function has some bugs when the whole CLIP is loaded
"Following weights matched with "
+ (f"submodule {common_prefix[:-1]}" if common_prefix else "model")
+ ":\n"
+ table_str
unmatched_ckpt_keys = [k for k in ckpt_keys if k not in set(matched_keys.keys())]
for k in unmatched_ckpt_keys:
result_state_dict[k] = ckpt_state_dict[k]
return result_state_dict
def _group_keys_by_module(keys: List[str], original_names: Dict[str, str]):
Params in the same submodule are grouped together.
keys: names of all parameters
original_names: mapping from parameter name to their name in the checkpoint
dict[name -> all other names in the same group]
def _submodule_name(key):
pos = key.rfind(".")
if pos < 0:
return None
prefix = key[: pos + 1]
return prefix
all_submodules = [_submodule_name(k) for k in keys]
all_submodules = [x for x in all_submodules if x]
all_submodules = sorted(all_submodules, key=len)
ret = {}
for prefix in all_submodules:
group = [k for k in keys if k.startswith(prefix)]
if len(group) <= 1:
original_name_lcp = _longest_common_prefix_str([original_names[k] for k in group])
if len(original_name_lcp) == 0:
# don't group weights if original names don't share prefix
for k in group:
if k in ret:
ret[k] = group
return ret
def _longest_common_prefix(names: List[str]) -> str:
["abc.zfg", "abc.zef"] -> "abc."
names = [n.split(".") for n in names]
m1, m2 = min(names), max(names)
ret = [a for a, b in zip(m1, m2) if a == b]
ret = ".".join(ret) + "." if len(ret) else ""
return ret
def _longest_common_prefix_str(names: List[str]) -> str:
m1, m2 = min(names), max(names)
lcp = [a for a, b in zip(m1, m2) if a == b]
lcp = "".join(lcp)
return lcp
def _group_str(names: List[str]) -> str:
Turn "common1", "common2", "common3" into "common{1,2,3}"
lcp = _longest_common_prefix_str(names)
rest = [x[len(lcp) :] for x in names]
rest = "{" + ",".join(rest) + "}"
ret = lcp + rest
# add some simplification for BN specifically
ret = ret.replace("bn_{beta,running_mean,running_var,gamma}", "bn_*")
ret = ret.replace("bn_beta,bn_running_mean,bn_running_var,bn_gamma", "bn_*")
return ret