import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import as px | |
import plotly.graph_objects as go | |
from Eda_functions import format_numbers,line_plot,summary | |
import numpy as np | |
import re | |
def sanitize_key(key, prefix=""): | |
# Use regular expressions to remove non-alphanumeric characters and spaces | |
key = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', key) | |
return f"{prefix}{key}" | |
def check_box(options, ad_stock_value,lag_value,num_columns=4, prefix=""): | |
num_rows = -(-len(options) // num_columns) # Ceiling division to calculate rows | |
selected_options = [] | |
adstock_info = {} # Store adstock and lag info for each selected option | |
if ad_stock_value!=0: | |
for row in range(num_rows): | |
cols = st.columns(num_columns) | |
for col in cols: | |
if options: | |
option = options.pop(0) | |
key = sanitize_key(f"{option}_{row}", prefix=prefix) | |
selected = col.checkbox(option, key=key) | |
if selected: | |
selected_options.append(option) | |
# Input minimum and maximum adstock values | |
adstock = col.slider('Select Adstock Range', 0.0, 1.0, ad_stock_value, step=0.05, format="%.2f",key= f"adstock_{key}" ) | |
# Input minimum and maximum lag values | |
lag = col.slider('Select Lag Range', 0, 7, lag_value, step=1,key=f"lag_{key}" ) | |
# Create a dictionary to store adstock and lag info for the option | |
option_info = { | |
'adstock': adstock, | |
'lag': lag} | |
# Append the dictionary to the adstock_info list | |
adstock_info[option]=option_info | |
else:adstock_info[option]={ | |
'adstock': ad_stock_value, | |
'lag': lag_value} | |
return selected_options, adstock_info | |
else: | |
for row in range(num_rows): | |
cols = st.columns(num_columns) | |
for col in cols: | |
if options: | |
option = options.pop(0) | |
key = sanitize_key(f"{option}_{row}", prefix=prefix) | |
selected = col.checkbox(option, key=key) | |
if selected: | |
selected_options.append(option) | |
# Input minimum and maximum lag values | |
lag = col.slider('Select Lag Range', 0, 7, lag_value, step=1,key=f"lag_{key}" ) | |
# dictionary to store adstock and lag info for the option | |
option_info = { | |
'lag': lag} | |
# Append the dictionary to the adstock_info list | |
adstock_info[option]=option_info | |
else:adstock_info[option]={ | |
'lag': lag_value} | |
return selected_options, adstock_info | |
def apply_lag(X, features,lag_dict): | |
#lag_data=pd.DataFrame() | |
for col in features: | |
for lag in range(lag_dict[col]['lag'][0], lag_dict[col]['lag'][1] + 1): | |
if lag>0: | |
X[f'{col}_lag{lag}'] = X[col].shift(periods=lag, fill_value=0) | |
return X | |
def apply_adstock(X, variable_name, decay): | |
values = X[variable_name].values | |
adstock = np.zeros(len(values)) | |
for row in range(len(values)): | |
if row == 0: | |
adstock[row] = values[row] | |
else: | |
adstock[row] = values[row] + adstock[row - 1] * decay | |
return adstock | |
def top_correlated_features(df,target,media_data): | |
corr_df=df.drop(target,axis=1) | |
#corr_df[target]=df[target] | |
#st.dataframe(corr_df) | |
for i in media_data: | |
#st.write(media_data[2]) | |
#st.dataframe(corr_df.filter(like=media_data[2])) | |
d=(pd.concat([corr_df.filter(like=i),df[target]],axis=1)).corr()[target] | |
d=d.sort_values(ascending=False) | |
d=d.drop(target,axis=0) | |
corr=pd.DataFrame({'Feature_name':d.index,"Correlation":d.values}) | |
corr.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[i], ['Feature_name', 'Correlation']]) | |
return corr | |
def top_correlated_features(df,variables,target): | |
correlation_df=pd.DataFrame() | |
for col in variables: | |
d=pd.concat([df.filter(like=col),df[target]],axis=1).corr()[target] | |
#st.dataframe(d) | |
d=d.sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[1:] | |
corr_df=pd.DataFrame({'Media_channel':d.index,'Correlation':d.values}) | |
corr_df.columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(col, 'Variable'), (col, 'Correlation')]) | |
correlation_df=pd.concat([corr_df,correlation_df],axis=1) | |
return correlation_df | |
def top_correlated_feature(df,variable,target): | |
d=pd.concat([df.filter(like=variable),df[target]],axis=1).corr()[target] | |
# st.dataframe(d) | |
d=d.sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[1:] | |
# st.dataframe(d) | |
corr_df=pd.DataFrame({'Media_channel':d.index,'Correlation':d.values}) | |
corr_df['Adstock']=corr_df['Media_channel'].map(lambda x:x.split('_adst')[1] if len(x.split('_adst'))>1 else '-') | |
corr_df['Lag']=corr_df['Media_channel'].map(lambda x:x.split('_lag')[1][0] if len(x.split('_lag'))>1 else '-' ) | |
corr_df.drop(['Correlation'],axis=1,inplace=True) | |
corr_df['Correlation']=np.round(d.values,2) | |
sorted_corr_df= corr_df.loc[corr_df['Correlation'].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index] | |
#corr_df.columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(variable, 'Variable'), (variable, 'Correlation')]) | |
#correlation_df=pd.concat([corr_df,correlation_df],axis=1) | |
return sorted_corr_df |