EduConnect / app /admin /
dtyago's picture
Comply PDPA
from fastapi import UploadFile, File
import bcrypt
import os
import shutil
from utils.chat_rag import sanitize_collection_name
from utils.ec_image_utils import get_user_cropped_image_from_photo
# Import vector store for database operations
from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma
# Import embeddings module from langchain for vector representations of text
from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
# Registrering a face
async def register_user(db, email: str, name: str, role: str, file: UploadFile = File(...)):
Processes and stores the image uploaded into vectordb as image embeddings.
:param db: The vector db collection handle to which the image embedding with email id as key will be upserted
:param email: The email id of the user being registered, this is assumed to be unique per user record
:param name: The user name (different from email) for display
:param role: The role associated with the user, it can only be student or teacher
:param file: The facial image of the user being registered, the first recognized face image would be used.
:return: email
unique_filename = f"{email}.jpg" # Use the email as the filename
file_path = f"/home/user/data/tmp/{unique_filename}" # Specify our upload directory
# Ensure the directory exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
# Then, proceed to open the file
with open(file_path, "wb") as buffer:
contents = await
# Process the image to extract the face
cropped_face = get_user_cropped_image_from_photo(file_path)
os.remove(file_path) # Remove the file after processing, PDPA.
if cropped_face is not None:
# Here we can store the embeddings along with user details in ChromaDB
# chroma_db.save_embeddings(user_id, embeddings)
db.upsert(images=[cropped_face], ids=[email], metadatas=[{"name":name, "role":role}])
return {"status": "User registered successfully", "image": cropped_face}
return {"error": "No faces detected"}
# Admin Authentication
def verify_admin_password(submitted_user: str, submitted_password: str) -> bool:
Verifies the submitted password against the stored hash.
:param submitted_user: The username submitted by the user.
:param submitted_password: The password submitted by the user.
:return: True if the password is correct, False otherwise.
if submitted_user == "admin":
# Retrieve the stored hash from environment variable
stored_password_hash = os.getenv("EC_ADMIN_PWD", "").encode('utf-8')
# Directly compare the submitted password with the stored hash
return bcrypt.checkpw(submitted_password.encode('utf-8'), stored_password_hash)
return False
# Get disk usage
def get_disk_usage(path="/home/user/data"):
total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(path)
# Convert bytes to MB by dividing by 2^20
return {
"total": total / (2**20),
"used": used / (2**20),
"free": free / (2**20)
# Additional Admin Functions
# we could include other administrative functionalities here, such as:
# - Listing all registered users.
# - Moderating chat messages or viewing chat history.
# - Managing system settings or configurations.
# Display all faces in collection
def faces_count(client, db):
return {
"face_count" : db.count(),
"all_faces" : db.get(),
"all_collections" : client.list_collections() # List all collections at this location
# Delete all faces in collection
def remove_all_faces(client, user_faces_collection="user_faces_db"):
# Fetch all user IDs from the user_faces_db collection
all_user_ids = client.get_all_ids(collection_name=user_faces_collection)
# Loop through all user IDs and delete associated collections
for user_id in all_user_ids:
sanitized_collection_name = sanitize_collection_name(user_id)
vectordb = Chroma(
persist_directory=f"{CHROMADB_LOC}/{sanitized_collection_name}", # Optional: Separate directory for each user's data
all_ids = vectordb._collection.get()
# Finally, delete the user_faces_db collection itself
print(f"All user collections and {user_faces_collection} have been removed.")