gistillery / tests /
Benjamin Bossan
Add actual code for processing web pages
history blame
11 kB
import datetime as dt
import os
from types import SimpleNamespace
import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
def is_roughly_now(datetime_str):
"""Check if a datetime string is roughly from now"""
now = dt.datetime.utcnow()
datetime = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(datetime_str)
return (now - datetime).total_seconds() < 3
class TestWebservice:
def db_file(self, tmp_path):
filename = tmp_path / "test-db.sqlite"
os.environ["DB_FILE_NAME"] = str(filename)
def cursor(self):
from gistillery.db import get_db_cursor
with get_db_cursor() as cursor:
yield cursor
def client(self):
from gistillery.webservice import app
client = TestClient(app)
return client
def mlregistry(self):
# use dummy models
from import Summarizer, Tagger
from gistillery.preprocessing import RawTextProcessor
from gistillery.registry import MlRegistry
class DummySummarizer(Summarizer):
"""Returns the first 10 characters of the input"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def get_name(self):
return "dummy summarizer"
def __call__(self, x):
return x[:10]
class DummyTagger(Tagger):
"""Returns the first 3 words of the input"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def get_name(self):
return "dummy tagger"
def __call__(self, x):
return ["#" + word for word in x.split(maxsplit=4)[:3]]
registry = MlRegistry()
# arguments don't matter for dummy summarizer and tagger
summarizer = DummySummarizer(None, None, None, None)
tagger = DummyTagger(None, None, None, None)
return registry
def process_jobs(self, registry):
# emulate work of the background worker
from gistillery.worker import check_pending_jobs, process_job
jobs = check_pending_jobs()
for job in jobs:
process_job(job, registry)
def test_status(self, client):
resp = client.get("/status")
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert resp.json() == "OK"
def test_recent_empty(self, client):
resp = client.get("/recent")
assert resp.json() == []
def test_recent_tag_empty(self, client):
resp = client.get("/recent/general")
assert resp.json() == []
def test_submitted_job_status_pending(self, client, monkeypatch):
# monkeypatch uuid4 to return a known value
job_id = "abc1234"
monkeypatch.setattr("uuid.uuid4", lambda: SimpleNamespace(hex=job_id))"/submit", json={"author": "ben", "content": "this is a test"})
resp = client.get(f"/check_job_status/{job_id}")
output = resp.json()
last_updated = output.pop("last_updated")
assert output == {
"id": job_id,
"status": "pending",
assert is_roughly_now(last_updated)
def test_submitted_job_status_not_found(self, client, monkeypatch):
# monkeypatch uuid4 to return a known value
job_id = "abc1234"
monkeypatch.setattr("uuid.uuid4", lambda: SimpleNamespace(hex=job_id))"/submit", json={"author": "ben", "content": "this is a test"})
other_job_id = "def5678"
resp = client.get(f"/check_job_status/{other_job_id}")
output = resp.json()
last_updated = output.pop("last_updated")
assert output == {
"id": other_job_id,
"status": "not found",
assert last_updated is None
def test_submitted_job_failed(self, client, mlregistry, monkeypatch):
# monkeypatch uuid4 to return a known value
job_id = "abc1234"
monkeypatch.setattr("uuid.uuid4", lambda: SimpleNamespace(hex=job_id))"/submit", json={"author": "ben", "content": "this is a test"})
# patch gistillery.worker._process_job to raise an exception
def raise_(ex):
raise ex
# make the job processing fail
lambda job, registry: raise_(RuntimeError("something went wrong")),
resp = client.get(f"/check_job_status/{job_id}")
output = resp.json()
assert output == {
"id": job_id,
"status": "failed",
def test_submitted_job_status_done(self, client, mlregistry, monkeypatch):
# monkeypatch uuid4 to return a known value
job_id = "abc1234"
monkeypatch.setattr("uuid.uuid4", lambda: SimpleNamespace(hex=job_id))"/submit", json={"author": "ben", "content": "this is a test"})
resp = client.get(f"/check_job_status/{job_id}")
output = resp.json()
last_updated = output.pop("last_updated")
assert output == {
"id": job_id,
"status": "done",
assert is_roughly_now(last_updated)
def test_recent_with_entries(self, client, mlregistry):
# submit 2 entries
"/submit", json={"author": "maxi", "content": "this is a first test"}
json={"author": "mini", "content": "this would be something else"},
resp = client.get("/recent").json()
# results are sorted by recency but since dummy models are so fast, the
# date in the db could be the same, so we sort by author
resp = sorted(resp, key=lambda x: x["author"])
assert len(resp) == 2
resp0 = resp[0]
assert resp0["author"] == "maxi"
assert resp0["summary"] == "this is a "
assert resp0["tags"] == sorted(["#this", "#is", "#a"])
resp1 = resp[1]
assert resp1["author"] == "mini"
assert resp1["summary"] == "this would"
assert resp1["tags"] == sorted(["#this", "#would", "#be"])
def test_recent_tag_with_entries(self, client, mlregistry):
# submit 2 entries
"/submit", json={"author": "maxi", "content": "this is a first test"}
json={"author": "mini", "content": "this would be something else"},
# the "this" tag is in both entries
resp = client.get("/recent/this").json()
assert len(resp) == 2
# the "would" tag is in only one entry
resp = client.get("/recent/would").json()
assert len(resp) == 1
resp0 = resp[0]
assert resp0["author"] == "mini"
assert resp0["summary"] == "this would"
assert resp0["tags"] == sorted(["#this", "#would", "#be"])
def test_clear(self, client, cursor, mlregistry):"/submit", json={"author": "ben", "content": "this is a test"})
assert cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) c FROM entries").fetchone()[0] == 1
assert cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) c FROM entries").fetchone()[0] == 0
def test_inputs_stored(self, client, cursor, mlregistry):"/submit", json={"author": "ben", "content": " this is a test\n"})
rows = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM inputs").fetchall()
assert len(rows) == 1
assert rows[0].input == "this is a test"
def test_submit_url(self, client, cursor, mlregistry, monkeypatch):
class MockClient:
"""Mock httpx Client, return content"""
def get(self, url):
return SimpleNamespace(
text=''' <!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n <title>Example
Domain</title>\n\n <meta charset="utf-8" />\n <meta
http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
/>\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
initial-scale=1" />\n <style type="text/css">\n body {\n
background-color: #f0f0f2;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n
font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont,
"Segoe UI", "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial,
sans-serif;\n \n }\n div {\n width: 600px;\n margin: 5em
auto;\n padding: 2em;\n background-color: #fdfdff;\n
border-radius: 0.5em;\n box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px 2px
rgba(0,0,0,0.02);\n }\n a:link, a:visited {\n color:
#38488f;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n @media (max-width:
700px) {\n div {\n margin: 0 auto;\n width: auto;\n }\n }\n
</style> \n</head>\n\n<body>\n<div>\n <h1>Example
Domain</h1>\n <p>This domain is for use in illustrative
examples in documents. You may use this\n domain in
literature without prior coordination or asking for
permission.</p>\n <p><a
monkeypatch.setattr("gistillery.preprocessing.Client", MockClient)
from gistillery.preprocessing import DefaultUrlProcessor
# register url processor, put it before the default processor
mlregistry.register_processor(DefaultUrlProcessor(), last=False)
"author": "ben",
"content": "",
rows = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM inputs").fetchall()
assert len(rows) == 1
expected = "\n".join(
'This domain is for use in illustrative',
'examples in documents. You may use this',
'domain in',
'literature without prior coordination or asking for',
assert rows[0].input == expected