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+ ID,Start time,Completion time,Email,Name,Total points,Quiz feedback,in a scale of 1-10 how much do you know about China ?,Points - in a scale of 1-10 how much do you know about China ?,Feedback - in a scale of 1-10 how much do you know about China ?,Do you know CCP's history?,Points - Do you know CCP's history?,Feedback - Do you know CCP's history?,What is your interest about China?,Points - What is your interest about China?,Feedback - What is your interest about China?,Do you know the Chinese-Western memes and joke community?,Points - Do you know the Chinese-Western memes and joke community?,Feedback - Do you know the Chinese-Western memes and joke community?,How old are you?,Points - How old are you?,Feedback - How old are you?,Do you want to learn some knowledge of the Chinese POV?,Points - Do you want to learn some knowledge of the Chinese POV?,Feedback - Do you want to learn some knowledge of the Chinese POV?,Do you want to take the CCP test?,Points - Do you want to take the CCP test?,Feedback - Do you want to take the CCP test?,"(Optional) Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch 2, which one is better?","Points - (Optional) Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch 2, which one is better?","Feedback - (Optional) Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch 2, which one is better?"
+ 1,12/7/22 10:39:08,12/7/22 10:39:58,,KaHam Kaiser Lai,,,10 I know everything,,,what is that?,,,Culture/Religion;people (any chinese);technology/knowledge;food;poetry;writing/language;internet;Chinese system;medicine;,,,no,,,10-15,,,no,,,yes,,,Team Fortress 2,,
+ 2,12/14/22 10:03:30,12/14/22 10:03:50,,Auston An,,,2 tiny bit,,,what is that?,,,people (any chinese);medicine;Chinese system;writing/language;Culture/Religion;,,,yes,,,10-15,,,yes,,,no,,,Team Fortress 2,,