WavJourney / pipeline.py
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import argparse
import datetime
import os
import subprocess
from string import Template
import openai
import re
from pathlib import Path
import glob
from utils import get_key
import pickle
import time
import json5
from retrying import retry
from code_generator import check_json_script, collect_and_check_audio_data
from tabulate import tabulate
import random
import string
import utils
import voice_presets
from code_generator import AudioCodeGenerator
openai_cache = []
os.makedirs('cache', exist_ok=True)
for cache_file in glob.glob('cache/*.pkl'):
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as file:
openai.api_key = get_key()
def chat_with_gpt(prompt):
filtered_object = list(filter(lambda x: x['prompt'] == prompt, openai_cache))
if len(filtered_object) > 0:
response = filtered_object[0]['response']
return response
chat = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
# model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful assistant."
"role": "user",
"content": prompt
cache_obj = {
'prompt': prompt,
'response': chat['choices'][0]['message']['content']
with open(f'cache/{time.time()}.pkl', 'wb') as _openai_cache:
pickle.dump(cache_obj, _openai_cache)
return chat['choices'][0]['message']['content']
def get_file_content(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
return file.read().strip()
def write_to_file(filename, content):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
def extract_substring_with_quotes(input_string, quotes="'''"):
pattern = f"{quotes}(.*?){quotes}"
matches = re.findall(pattern, input_string, re.DOTALL)
return matches
def try_extract_content_from_quotes(content):
if "'''" in content:
return extract_substring_with_quotes(content)[0]
elif "```" in content:
return extract_substring_with_quotes(content, quotes="```")[0]
return content
def maybe_get_content_from_file(content_or_filename):
if os.path.exists(content_or_filename):
with open(content_or_filename, 'r') as file:
return file.read().strip()
return content_or_filename
# Pipeline Interface Guidelines:
# Init calls:
# - Init calls must be called before running the actual steps
# - init_session() is called every time a gradio webpage is loaded
# Single Step:
# - takes input (file or content) and output path as input
# - most of time just returns output content
# Compositional Step:
# - takes session_id as input (you have session_id, you have all the paths)
# - run a series of steps
# This is called for every new gradio webpage
def init_session(session_id=''):
def uid8():
return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=8))
if session_id == '':
session_id = f'{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}_{uid8()}'
# create the paths
return session_id
def input_text_to_json_script_with_retry(complete_prompt_path):
print(" trying ...")
complete_prompt = get_file_content(complete_prompt_path)
json_response = try_extract_content_from_quotes(chat_with_gpt(complete_prompt))
json_data = json5.loads(json_response)
except Exception as err:
print(f'JSON ERROR: {err}')
retry_complete_prompt = f'{complete_prompt}\n```\n{json_response}```\nThe script above has format error(s). Return the fixed script.\n\nScript:\n'
write_to_file(complete_prompt_path, retry_complete_prompt)
raise err
return json_response
# Step 1: input_text to json
def input_text_to_json_script(input_text, output_path):
print('Step 1: Writing audio script with LLM ...')
input_text = maybe_get_content_from_file(input_text)
text_to_audio_script_prompt = get_file_content('prompts/text_to_json.prompt')
prompt = f'{text_to_audio_script_prompt}\n\nInput text: {input_text}\n\nScript:\n'
complete_prompt_path = output_path / 'complete_input_text_to_audio_script.prompt'
write_to_file(complete_prompt_path, prompt)
audio_script_response = input_text_to_json_script_with_retry(complete_prompt_path)
generated_audio_script_filename = output_path / 'audio_script.json'
write_to_file(generated_audio_script_filename, audio_script_response)
return audio_script_response
# Step 2: json to char-voice map
def json_script_to_char_voice_map(json_script, voices, output_path):
def create_complete_char_voice_map(char_voice_map):
print('Step 2: Parsing character voice with LLM...')
json_script_content = maybe_get_content_from_file(json_script)
prompt = get_file_content('prompts/audio_script_to_character_voice_map.prompt')
presets_str = '\n'.join(f"{preset['id']}: {preset['desc']}" for preset in voices.values())
prompt = Template(prompt).substitute(voice_and_desc=presets_str)
prompt = f"{prompt}\n\nAudio script:\n'''\n{json_script_content}\n'''\n\noutput:\n"
write_to_file(output_path / 'complete_audio_script_to_char_voice_map.prompt', prompt)
char_voice_map_response = try_extract_content_from_quotes(chat_with_gpt(prompt))
char_voice_map = json5.loads(char_voice_map_response)
# enrich char_voice_map with voice preset metadata
complete_char_voice_map = {c: voices[char_voice_map[c]] for c in char_voice_map}
char_voice_map_filename = output_path / 'character_voice_map.json'
write_to_file(char_voice_map_filename, json5.dumps(complete_char_voice_map))
return complete_char_voice_map
# Step 3: json to py code
def json_script_and_char_voice_map_to_audio_gen_code(json_script_filename, char_voice_map_filename, output_path, result_filename):
print('Step 3: Compiling audio script to Python program ...')
audio_code_generator = AudioCodeGenerator()
code = audio_code_generator.parse_and_generate(
write_to_file(output_path / 'audio_generation.py', code)
# Step 4: py code to final wav
def audio_code_gen_to_result(audio_gen_code_path):
print('Step 4: Start running Python program ...')
audio_gen_code_filename = audio_gen_code_path / 'audio_generation.py'
os.system(f'python {audio_gen_code_filename}')
# Function call used by Gradio: input_text to json
def generate_json_file(session_id, input_text):
output_path = utils.get_session_path(session_id)
# Step 1
return input_text_to_json_script(input_text, output_path)
# Function call used by Gradio: json to result wav
def generate_audio(session_id, json_script):
output_path = utils.get_session_path(session_id)
output_audio_path = utils.get_session_audio_path(session_id)
voices = voice_presets.get_merged_voice_presets(session_id)
# Step 2
json_script_to_char_voice_map(json_script, voices, output_path)
# Step 3
json_script_filename = output_path / 'audio_script.json'
char_voice_map_filename = output_path / 'character_voice_map.json'
result_wav_basename = f'res_{session_id}'
json_script_and_char_voice_map_to_audio_gen_code(json_script_filename, char_voice_map_filename, output_path, result_wav_basename)
# Step 4
result_wav_filename = output_audio_path / f'{result_wav_basename}.wav'
print(f'Done all processes, result: {result_wav_filename}')
return result_wav_filename
# Convenient function call used by wavjourney_cli
def full_steps(session_id, input_text):
json_script = generate_json_file(session_id, input_text)
return generate_audio(session_id, json_script)
def convert_json_to_md(audio_script_response):
audio_json_data = json5.loads(audio_script_response)
table = [[node.get(field, 'N/A') for field in ["audio_type", "layout", "id", "character", "action", 'vol']] +
[node.get("desc", "N/A") if node.get("audio_type") != "speech" else node.get("text", "N/A")] +
[node.get("len", "Auto") if "len" in node else "Auto"]
for i, node in enumerate(audio_json_data)]
headers = ["Audio Type", "Layout", "ID", "Character", "Action", 'Volume', "Description", "Length" ]
# Tabulate
table_txt = tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="github")
return table_txt