<html><head><title>dlib C++ Library - hog_abstract.h</title></head><body bgcolor='white'><pre> |
<font color='#009900'>// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) |
</font><font color='#009900'>// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. |
</font><font color='#0000FF'>#undef</font> DLIB_HoG_ABSTRACT_Hh_ |
<font color='#0000FF'>#ifdef</font> DLIB_HoG_ABSTRACT_Hh_ |
<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> "<a style='text-decoration:none' href='../algs.h.html'>../algs.h</a>" |
<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> "<a style='text-decoration:none' href='../matrix.h.html'>../matrix.h</a>" |
<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> "<a style='text-decoration:none' href='../array2d.h.html'>../array2d.h</a>" |
<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> "<a style='text-decoration:none' href='../geometry.h.html'>../geometry.h</a>" |
<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font>cmath<font color='#5555FF'>></font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>namespace</font> dlib |
<b>{</b> |
<font color='#0000FF'>enum</font> |
<b>{</b> |
hog_no_interpolation, |
hog_angle_interpolation, |
hog_full_interpolation, |
hog_signed_gradient, |
hog_unsigned_gradient |
<b>}</b>; |
<font color='#0000FF'>template</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> cell_size_, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> block_size_, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> cell_stride_, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> num_orientation_bins_, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> gradient_type_, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> interpolation_type_ |
<font color='#5555FF'>></font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>class</font> <b><a name='hog_image'></a>hog_image</b> : noncopyable |
<b>{</b> |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
- cell_size_ > 1 |
- block_size_ > 0 |
- cell_stride_ > 0 |
- num_orientation_bins_ > 0 |
- gradient_type_ == hog_signed_gradient or hog_unsigned_gradient |
- interpolation_type_ == hog_no_interpolation, hog_angle_interpolation, or |
hog_full_interpolation |
- size() == 0 |
This object is a tool for performing the image feature extraction algorithm |
described in the following paper: |
Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection |
by Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs |
To summarize the technique, this object tiles non-overlapping cells over an |
image. Each of these cells is a box that is cell_size by cell_size pixels |
in size. Each cell contains an array of size num_orientation_bins. The array |
in a cell is used to store a histogram of all the edge orientations contained |
within the cell's image region. |
Once the grid of cells and their histograms has been computed (via load()) |
you can obtain descriptors for each "block" in the image. A block is just a |
group of cells and blocks are allowed to overlap. Each block is square and |
made up of block_size*block_size cells. So when you call operator()(r,c) |
what you obtain is a vector that is just a bunch of cell histograms that |
have been concatenated (and length normalized). |
The template arguments control the various parameters of this algorithm. |
The interpolation_type parameter controls the amount of interpolation |
that happens during the creation of the edge orientation histograms. It |
varies from no interpolation at all to full spatial and angle interpolation. |
Angle interpolation means that an edge doesn't just go into its nearest |
histogram bin but instead gets interpolated into its two nearest neighbors. |
Similarly, spatial interpolation means that an edge doesn't just go into |
the cell it is in but it also contributes to nearby cells depending on how |
close they are. |
The gradient_type parameter controls how edge orientations are measured. |
Consider the following ASCII art: |
signed gradients: unsigned gradients: |
/\ | |
|| | |
<--- ----> ------+------ |
|| | |
\/ | |
An image is full of gradients caused by edges between objects. The direction |
of a gradient is determined by which end of it has pixels of highest intensity. |
So for example, suppose you had a picture containing black and white stripes. |
Then the magnitude of the gradient at each point in the image tells you if you |
are on the edge of a stripe and the gradient's orientation tells you which |
direction you have to move get into the white stripe. |
Signed gradients preserve this direction information while unsigned gradients |
do not. An unsigned gradient will only tell you the orientation of the stripe |
but not which direction leads to the white stripe. |
Finally, the cell_stride parameter controls how much overlap you get between |
blocks. The maximum amount of overlap is obtained when cell_stride == 1. |
At the other extreme, you would have no overlap if cell_stride == block_size. |
Concurrent access to an instance of this object is not safe and should be protected |
by a mutex lock except for the case where you are copying the configuration |
(via copy_configuration()) of a hog_image object to many other threads. |
In this case, it is safe to copy the configuration of a shared object so long |
as no other operations are performed on it. |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>public</font>: |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> cell_size <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> cell_size_; |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> block_size <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> block_size_; |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> cell_stride <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> cell_stride_; |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> num_orientation_bins <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> num_orientation_bins_; |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> gradient_type <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> gradient_type_; |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> interpolation_type <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> interpolation_type_; |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> <font color='#0000FF'>static</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> min_size <font color='#5555FF'>=</font> cell_size<font color='#5555FF'>*</font>block_size<font color='#5555FF'>+</font><font color='#979000'>2</font>; |
<font color='#0000FF'>typedef</font> matrix<font color='#5555FF'><</font><font color='#0000FF'><u>double</u></font>, block_size<font color='#5555FF'>*</font>block_size<font color='#5555FF'>*</font>num_orientation_bins, <font color='#979000'>1</font><font color='#5555FF'>></font> descriptor_type; |
<b><a name='hog_image'></a>hog_image</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- this object is properly initialized |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='clear'></a>clear</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- this object will have its initial value |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='copy_configuration'></a>copy_configuration</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> hog_image<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> item |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- copies all the state information of item into *this, except for state |
information populated by load(). More precisely, given two hog_image |
objects H1 and H2, the following sequence of instructions should always |
result in both of them having the exact same state. |
H2.copy_configuration(H1); |
H1.load(img); |
H2.load(img); |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>template</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>typename</font> image_type |
<font color='#5555FF'>></font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>inline</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='load'></a>load</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> image_type<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> img |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
requires |
- image_type is a dlib::matrix or something convertible to a matrix |
via mat(). |
- pixel_traits<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type>::has_alpha == false |
ensures |
- if (img.nr() < min_size || img.nc() < min_size) then |
- the image is too small so we don't compute anything on it |
- #size() == 0 |
- else |
- generates a HOG image from the given image. |
- #size() > 0 |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>inline</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='unload'></a>unload</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- #nr() == 0 |
- #nc() == 0 |
- clears only the state information which is populated by load(). For |
example, let H be a hog_image object. Then consider the two sequences |
of instructions: |
Sequence 1: |
H.load(img); |
H.unload(); |
H.load(img); |
Sequence 2: |
H.load(img); |
Both sequence 1 and sequence 2 should have the same effect on H. |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>inline</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>size_t</u></font> <b><a name='size'></a>size</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns nr()*nc() |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>inline</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> <b><a name='nr'></a>nr</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns the number of rows in this HOG image |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>inline</font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> <b><a name='nc'></a>nc</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns the number of columns in this HOG image |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> <b><a name='get_num_dimensions'></a>get_num_dimensions</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns the number of dimensions in the feature vectors generated by |
this object. |
- In particular, returns the value block_size*block_size*num_orientation_bins |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>inline</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font> descriptor_type<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> <b><a name='operator'></a>operator</b><font face='Lucida Console'>(</font><font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> row, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> col |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
requires |
- 0 <= row < nr() |
- 0 <= col < nc() |
ensures |
- returns the descriptor for the HOG block at the given row and column. This descriptor |
will include information from a window that is located at get_block_rect(row,col) in |
the original image given to load(). |
- The returned descriptor vector will have get_num_dimensions() elements. |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> rectangle <b><a name='get_block_rect'></a>get_block_rect</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> row, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> col |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns a rectangle that tells you what part of the original image is associated |
with a particular HOG block. That is, what part of the input image is associated |
with (*this)(row,col). |
- The returned rectangle will be cell_size*block_size pixels wide and tall. |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> point <b><a name='image_to_feat_space'></a>image_to_feat_space</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> point<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> p |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- Each local feature is extracted from a certain point in the input image. |
This function returns the identity of the local feature corresponding |
to the image location p. Or in other words, let P == image_to_feat_space(p), |
then (*this)(P.y(),P.x()) == the local feature closest to, or centered at, |
the point p in the input image. Note that some image points might not have |
corresponding feature locations. E.g. border points or points outside the |
image. In these cases the returned point will be outside get_rect(*this). |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> rectangle <b><a name='image_to_feat_space'></a>image_to_feat_space</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> rectangle<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> rect |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns rectangle(image_to_feat_space(rect.tl_corner()), image_to_feat_space(rect.br_corner())); |
(i.e. maps a rectangle from image space to feature space) |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> point <b><a name='feat_to_image_space'></a>feat_to_image_space</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> point<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> p |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- returns the location in the input image space corresponding to the center |
of the local feature at point p. In other words, this function computes |
the inverse of image_to_feat_space(). Note that it may only do so approximately, |
since more than one image location might correspond to the same local feature. |
That is, image_to_feat_space() might not be invertible so this function gives |
the closest possible result. |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> rectangle <b><a name='feat_to_image_space'></a>feat_to_image_space</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> rectangle<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> rect |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font> <font color='#0000FF'>const</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
ensures |
- return rectangle(feat_to_image_space(rect.tl_corner()), feat_to_image_space(rect.br_corner())); |
(i.e. maps a rectangle from feature space to image space) |
!*/</font> |
<b>}</b>; |
<font color='#009900'>// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>template</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T1, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T2, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T3, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T4, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> T5, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> T6 |
<font color='#5555FF'>></font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='serialize'></a>serialize</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>const</font> hog_image<font color='#5555FF'><</font>T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6<font color='#5555FF'>></font><font color='#5555FF'>&</font> item, |
std::ostream<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> out |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
provides serialization support |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'>template</font> <font color='#5555FF'><</font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T1, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T2, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T3, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>unsigned</u></font> <font color='#0000FF'><u>long</u></font> T4, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> T5, |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>int</u></font> T6 |
<font color='#5555FF'>></font> |
<font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='deserialize'></a>deserialize</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font> |
hog_image<font color='#5555FF'><</font>T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6<font color='#5555FF'>></font><font color='#5555FF'>&</font> item, |
std::istream<font color='#5555FF'>&</font> in |
<font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>; |
<font color='#009900'>/*! |
provides deserialization support |
!*/</font> |
<font color='#009900'>// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
</font> |
<b>}</b> |
<font color='#0000FF'>#endif</font> <font color='#009900'>// DLIB_HoG_ABSTRACT_Hh_ |
</font> |
</pre></body></html> |