Aging_MouthReplace / dlibs /tools /python /src /simple_object_detector.h
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// Copyright (C) 2014 Davis E. King (
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#include "dlib/image_processing/object_detector.h"
#include "dlib/string.h"
#include "dlib/image_processing/scan_fhog_pyramid.h"
#include "dlib/svm/structural_object_detection_trainer.h"
#include "dlib/geometry.h"
#include "dlib/data_io/load_image_dataset.h"
#include "dlib/image_processing/remove_unobtainable_rectangles.h"
#include "serialize_object_detector.h"
#include "dlib/svm.h"
#include <sstream>
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef object_detector<scan_fhog_pyramid<pyramid_down<6> > > simple_object_detector;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct simple_object_detector_training_options
be_verbose = false;
add_left_right_image_flips = false;
num_threads = 4;
detection_window_size = 80*80;
C = 1;
epsilon = 0.01;
upsample_limit = 2;
nuclear_norm_regularization_strength = 0;
max_runtime_seconds = 86400.0*365.0*100.0; // 100 years
bool be_verbose;
bool add_left_right_image_flips;
unsigned long num_threads;
unsigned long detection_window_size;
double C;
double epsilon;
unsigned long upsample_limit;
double nuclear_norm_regularization_strength;
double max_runtime_seconds;
inline std::string print_simple_object_detector_training_options(const simple_object_detector_training_options& o)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "simple_object_detector_training_options("
<< "be_verbose=" << o.be_verbose << ", "
<< "add_left_right_image_flips=" << o.add_left_right_image_flips << ", "
<< "num_threads=" << o.num_threads << ", "
<< "detection_window_size=" << o.detection_window_size << ", "
<< "C=" << o.C << ", "
<< "epsilon=" << o.epsilon << ", "
<< "max_runtime_seconds=" << o.max_runtime_seconds << ", "
<< "upsample_limit=" << o.upsample_limit << ", "
<< "nuclear_norm_regularization_strength=" << o.nuclear_norm_regularization_strength
<< ")";
return sout.str();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace impl
inline void pick_best_window_size (
const std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& boxes,
unsigned long& width,
unsigned long& height,
const unsigned long target_size
// find the average width and height
running_stats<double> avg_width, avg_height;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < boxes.size(); ++i)
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < boxes[i].size(); ++j)
// now adjust the box size so that it is about target_pixels pixels in size
double size = avg_width.mean()*avg_height.mean();
double scale = std::sqrt(target_size/size);
width = (unsigned long)(avg_width.mean()*scale+0.5);
height = (unsigned long)(avg_height.mean()*scale+0.5);
// make sure the width and height never round to zero.
if (width == 0)
width = 1;
if (height == 0)
height = 1;
inline bool contains_any_boxes (
const std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& boxes
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < boxes.size(); ++i)
if (boxes[i].size() != 0)
return true;
return false;
inline void throw_invalid_box_error_message (
const std::string& dataset_filename,
const std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& removed,
const simple_object_detector_training_options& options
std::ostringstream sout;
// Note that the 1/16 factor is here because we will try to upsample the image
// 2 times to accommodate small boxes. We also take the max because we want to
// lower bound the size of the smallest recommended box. This is because the
// 8x8 HOG cells can't really deal with really small object boxes.
sout << "Error! An impossible set of object boxes was given for training. ";
sout << "All the boxes need to have a similar aspect ratio and also not be ";
sout << "smaller than about " << std::max<long>(20*20,options.detection_window_size/16) << " pixels in area. ";
std::ostringstream sout2;
if (dataset_filename.size() != 0)
sout << "The following images contain invalid boxes:\n";
image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
load_image_dataset_metadata(data, dataset_filename);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < removed.size(); ++i)
if (removed[i].size() != 0)
const std::string imgname = data.images[i].filename;
sout2 << " " << imgname << "\n";
throw error("\n"+wrap_string(sout.str()) + "\n" + sout2.str());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename image_array>
inline simple_object_detector_py train_simple_object_detector_on_images (
const std::string& dataset_filename, // can be "" if it's not applicable
image_array& images,
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& boxes,
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& ignore,
const simple_object_detector_training_options& options
if (options.C <= 0)
throw error("Invalid C value given to train_simple_object_detector(), C must be > 0.");
if (options.epsilon <= 0)
throw error("Invalid epsilon value given to train_simple_object_detector(), epsilon must be > 0.");
if (options.max_runtime_seconds <= 0)
throw error("Invalid max_runtime_seconds value given to train_simple_object_detector(), max_runtime_seconds must be > 0.");
if (options.nuclear_norm_regularization_strength < 0)
throw error("Invalid nuclear_norm_regularization_strength value given to train_simple_object_detector(), it must be must be >= 0.");
if (images.size() != boxes.size())
throw error("The list of images must have the same length as the list of boxes.");
if (images.size() != ignore.size())
throw error("The list of images must have the same length as the list of ignore boxes.");
if (impl::contains_any_boxes(boxes) == false)
throw error("Error, the training dataset does not have any labeled object boxes in it.");
typedef scan_fhog_pyramid<pyramid_down<6> > image_scanner_type;
image_scanner_type scanner;
unsigned long width, height;
impl::pick_best_window_size(boxes, width, height, options.detection_window_size);
scanner.set_detection_window_size(width, height);
structural_object_detection_trainer<image_scanner_type> trainer(scanner);
if (options.be_verbose)
std::cout << "Training with C: " << options.C << std::endl;
std::cout << "Training with epsilon: " << options.epsilon << std::endl;
std::cout << "Training using " << options.num_threads << " threads."<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Training with sliding window " << width << " pixels wide by " << height << " pixels tall." << std::endl;
if (options.add_left_right_image_flips)
std::cout << "Training on both left and right flipped versions of images." << std::endl;
unsigned long upsampling_amount = 0;
// now make sure all the boxes are obtainable by the scanner. We will try and
// upsample the images at most two times to help make the boxes obtainable.
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > temp(boxes), removed;
removed = remove_unobtainable_rectangles(trainer, images, temp);
while (impl::contains_any_boxes(removed) && upsampling_amount < options.upsample_limit)
if (options.be_verbose)
std::cout << "Upsample images..." << std::endl;
upsample_image_dataset<pyramid_down<2> >(images, boxes, ignore);
temp = boxes;
removed = remove_unobtainable_rectangles(trainer, images, temp);
// if we weren't able to get all the boxes to match then throw an error
if (impl::contains_any_boxes(removed))
impl::throw_invalid_box_error_message(dataset_filename, removed, options);
if (options.add_left_right_image_flips)
add_image_left_right_flips(images, boxes, ignore);
simple_object_detector detector = trainer.train(images, boxes, ignore);
if (options.be_verbose)
std::cout << "Training complete." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trained with C: " << options.C << std::endl;
std::cout << "Training with epsilon: " << options.epsilon << std::endl;
std::cout << "Trained using " << options.num_threads << " threads."<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Trained with sliding window " << width << " pixels wide by " << height << " pixels tall." << std::endl;
if (upsampling_amount != 0)
// Unsampled images # time(s) to allow detection of small boxes
std::cout << "Upsampled images " << upsampling_amount;
std::cout << ((upsampling_amount > 1) ? " times" : " time");
std::cout << " to allow detection of small boxes." << std::endl;
if (options.add_left_right_image_flips)
std::cout << "Trained on both left and right flipped versions of images." << std::endl;
return simple_object_detector_py(detector, upsampling_amount);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void train_simple_object_detector (
const std::string& dataset_filename,
const std::string& detector_output_filename,
const simple_object_detector_training_options& options
dlib::array<array2d<rgb_pixel> > images;
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > boxes, ignore;
ignore = load_image_dataset(images, boxes, dataset_filename);
simple_object_detector_py detector = train_simple_object_detector_on_images(dataset_filename, images, boxes, ignore, options);
save_simple_object_detector_py(detector, detector_output_filename);
if (options.be_verbose)
std::cout << "Saved detector to file " << detector_output_filename << std::endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct simple_test_results
double precision;
double recall;
double average_precision;
template <typename image_array>
inline const simple_test_results test_simple_object_detector_with_images (
image_array& images,
const unsigned int upsample_amount,
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& boxes,
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> >& ignore,
simple_object_detector& detector
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < upsample_amount; ++i)
upsample_image_dataset<pyramid_down<2> >(images, boxes);
matrix<double,1,3> res = test_object_detection_function(detector, images, boxes, ignore);
simple_test_results ret;
ret.precision = res(0);
ret.recall = res(1);
ret.average_precision = res(2);
return ret;
inline const simple_test_results test_simple_object_detector2 (
const std::string& dataset_filename,
simple_object_detector_py& detector,
const int upsample_amount
// Load all the testing images
dlib::array<array2d<rgb_pixel> > images;
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > boxes, ignore;
ignore = load_image_dataset(images, boxes, dataset_filename);
unsigned int final_upsampling_amount = 0;
if (upsample_amount < 0)
final_upsampling_amount = detector.upsampling_amount;
return test_simple_object_detector_with_images(images, final_upsampling_amount, boxes, ignore, detector.detector);
inline const simple_test_results test_simple_object_detector (
const std::string& dataset_filename,
const std::string& detector_filename,
const int upsample_amount
// Load all the testing images
dlib::array<array2d<rgb_pixel> > images;
std::vector<std::vector<rectangle> > boxes, ignore;
ignore = load_image_dataset(images, boxes, dataset_filename);
// Load the detector off disk (We have to use the explicit serialization here
// so that we have an open file stream)
simple_object_detector detector;
std::ifstream fin(detector_filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
if (!fin)
throw error("Unable to open file " + detector_filename);
deserialize(detector, fin);
/* Here we need a little hack to deal with whether we are going to be loading a
* simple_object_detector (possibly trained outside of Python) or a
* simple_object_detector_py (definitely trained from Python). In order to do this
* we peek into the filestream to see if there is more data after the object
* detector. If there is, it will be the version and upsampling amount. Therefore,
* by default we set the upsampling amount to -1 so that we can catch when no
* upsampling amount has been passed (numbers less than 0). If -1 is passed, we
* assume no upsampling and use 0. If a number > 0 is passed, we use that, else we
* use the upsampling amount saved in the detector file (if it exists).
unsigned int final_upsampling_amount = 0;
if (fin.peek() != EOF)
int version = 0;
deserialize(version, fin);
if (version != 1)
throw error("Unknown simple_object_detector format.");
deserialize(final_upsampling_amount, fin);
if (upsample_amount >= 0)
final_upsampling_amount = upsample_amount;
return test_simple_object_detector_with_images(images, final_upsampling_amount, boxes, ignore, detector);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------