makeitmeta /
Arkadiusz Czerwiński
feat: initial changes
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import os
from pathlib import Path
from streamlit.errors import DuplicateWidgetID
main_content, right_sidebar = st.columns([5, 2])
def toggle_state():
return {"toggled": False}
if 'onthology' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['onthology'] = "No onthology selected"
def get_similar_meta_file(path):
return path.parent / (str(path.stem) + "_meta.csv")
def projects():
with main_content:
projects = ["my_project", "make_it_meta"]
st.markdown("# Project Creation and Naming")
markdown = ""
for project in projects:
markdown += f"- {project}\n"
def datasets():
with main_content:
datasets = list((Path(".").resolve() / "samples").glob("*"))
datasets_not_meta = [x for x in datasets if ("csv" in str(x) or "tsv" in str(x)) and "_meta" not in str(x)]
datasets_meta = [x for x in datasets if ("csv" in str(x) or "tsv" in str(x)) and "_meta" in str(x)]
st.markdown("# Data selection and Uploading")
selected_option = st.selectbox("Select a dataset", set([x.stem for x in datasets_not_meta if get_similar_meta_file(x) in datasets_meta]))
selected_mode = st.selectbox("Select mode", ["Causual", "Makeitmeta"])
for file in datasets:
if selected_option == file.stem:
sep = "," if "csv" in file.stem else "\t"
if selected_mode == "Makeitmeta":
file = get_similar_meta_file(file)
sep = ","
df = pd.read_csv(str(file), sep=sep)
st.experimental_data_editor(df, key="data_editor_" + str(selected_mode))
st.markdown("### If you want to upload a dataset you can do it below:")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a file", type=["csv", "tsv", "pk", "gz"])
if uploaded_file is not None:
# Do something with the uploaded file, e.g., display its name
except DuplicateWidgetID as e:
def labeling():
with main_content:
st.markdown("# Labeling selection and Uploading")
if st.session_state.onthology:
st.markdown(f"### Current onthologdy: {st.session_state.onthology}")
with right_sidebar:
query = st.text_input('Search bar', '')
if query == "":
st.write("Search results")
st.write(f"Printing results for query: {query}")
def ontologies():
with main_content:
onthologies = ["caDSR", "UMLS"]
st.markdown("# Ontology Selection")
onthology = st.selectbox(
'Select your onthology',
st.session_state.onthology = onthology
st.write('You selected:', onthology)
pages = {
"Datasets": datasets,
"Projects": projects,
"Labeling": labeling,
"Ontologies": ontologies
# st.sidebar.title("Navigation")
# selection1 = st.sidebar.button("Projects")
# if selection1:
# projects()
# selection2 = st.sidebar.button("Datasets")
# if selection2:
# datasets()
# selection3 = st.sidebar.button("Labeling")
# if selection3:
# labeling()
# selection4 = st.sidebar.button("Ontologies")
# if selection4:
# ontologies()
selected_page = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a page", pages.keys())