chgrdj's picture
Remove-embedder-choice (#1)
dd2fdf9 verified
import streamlit as st
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ast import literal_eval
model_choice = "Embedder-typosquat-detect-Canine"
def load_model() -> SentenceTransformer:
return SentenceTransformer(f"./{model_choice}")
st.title("Search for the target of typosquat domains with our Domain Embedder")
st.markdown("This streamlit demonstrates how you can use our domain embedder to find the targets of typosquatted domains. "
"Each domain is represented as an vector embedding that can be stored in a vector store for efficient retrieval. "
"The domains you can search for in this application are the top 4k most popular domains, like ``. "
"You can use the domain embedder to create a vector store specifically for the websites **you want to monitor**. "
"This can include the services your company uses like Office365, or the websites of your company that may "
"become spear phishing targets.")
model = load_model()
domains_df = pd.read_csv(f'./{model_choice}/domains_embs.csv')
domains_df.embedding = domains_df.embedding.apply(literal_eval)
corpus_domains = domains_df.domain.to_list()
corpus_embeddings = np.stack(domains_df.embedding.values).astype(np.float32) # Ensure embeddings are float32
st.header("Enter a potential typosquatted domain and select the number of top results to retrieve. ")
domain = st.text_input("Potential Typosquatted Domain")
top_k = st.number_input("Top K Results", min_value=1, max_value=50, value=5, step=1)
if st.button("Search for Legitimate Domains"):
if domain:
# Perform Semantic Search
query_emb = model.encode(domain).astype(np.float32) # Ensure query embedding is also float32
semantic_res = util.semantic_search(query_emb, corpus_embeddings, top_k=top_k)[0]
ids = [r['corpus_id'] for r in semantic_res]
scores = [r['score'] for r in semantic_res]
res_df = domains_df.loc[ids, ['domain']].copy()
res_df['score'] = scores
st.write("Mined Domains:")
st.warning("Please enter a domain to perform the search.")