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import torch
from import Dataset
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import random
import logging
from os.path import join, exists
from utils.basic_utils import load_jsonl, l2_normalize_np_array
from utils.tensor_utils import pad_sequences_1d
from moment_detr.span_utils import span_xx_to_cxw
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StartEndDataset(Dataset):
Q_FEAT_TYPES = ["pooler_output", "last_hidden_state"]
"""One line in data loaded from data_path."
"qid": 7803,
"query": "Man in gray top walks from outside to inside.",
"duration": 150,
"vid": "RoripwjYFp8_360.0_510.0",
"relevant_clip_ids": [13, 14, 15, 16, 17],
"relevant_windows": [[26, 36]]
def __init__(self, dset_name, data_path, v_feat_dirs, q_feat_dir,
max_q_l=32, max_v_l=75, data_ratio=1.0, ctx_mode="video",
normalize_v=True, normalize_t=True, load_labels=True,
clip_len=2, max_windows=5, span_loss_type="l1", txt_drop_ratio=0):
self.dset_name = dset_name
self.data_path = data_path
self.data_ratio = data_ratio
self.v_feat_dirs = v_feat_dirs \
if isinstance(v_feat_dirs, list) else [v_feat_dirs]
self.q_feat_dir = q_feat_dir
self.q_feat_type = q_feat_type
self.max_q_l = max_q_l
self.max_v_l = max_v_l
self.ctx_mode = ctx_mode
self.use_tef = "tef" in ctx_mode
self.use_video = "video" in ctx_mode
self.normalize_t = normalize_t
self.normalize_v = normalize_v
self.load_labels = load_labels
self.clip_len = clip_len
self.max_windows = max_windows # maximum number of windows to use as labels
self.span_loss_type = span_loss_type
self.txt_drop_ratio = txt_drop_ratio
if "val" in data_path or "test" in data_path:
assert txt_drop_ratio == 0
# checks
assert q_feat_type in self.Q_FEAT_TYPES
# data = self.load_data()
def load_data(self):
datalist = load_jsonl(self.data_path)
if self.data_ratio != 1:
n_examples = int(len(datalist) * self.data_ratio)
datalist = datalist[:n_examples]"Using {}% of the data: {} examples"
.format(self.data_ratio * 100, n_examples))
return datalist
def __len__(self):
return len(
def __getitem__(self, index):
meta =[index]
model_inputs = dict()
model_inputs["query_feat"] = self._get_query_feat_by_qid(meta["qid"]) # (Dq, ) or (Lq, Dq)
if self.use_video:
model_inputs["video_feat"] = self._get_video_feat_by_vid(meta["vid"]) # (Lv, Dv)
ctx_l = len(model_inputs["video_feat"])
ctx_l = self.max_v_l
if self.use_tef:
tef_st = torch.arange(0, ctx_l, 1.0) / ctx_l
tef_ed = tef_st + 1.0 / ctx_l
tef = torch.stack([tef_st, tef_ed], dim=1) # (Lv, 2)
if self.use_video:
model_inputs["video_feat"] =
[model_inputs["video_feat"], tef], dim=1) # (Lv, Dv+2)
model_inputs["video_feat"] = tef
if self.load_labels:
model_inputs["span_labels"] = self.get_span_labels(meta["relevant_windows"], ctx_l) # (#windows, 2)
if "subs_train" not in self.data_path:
model_inputs["saliency_pos_labels"], model_inputs["saliency_neg_labels"] = \
self.get_saliency_labels(meta["relevant_clip_ids"], meta["saliency_scores"], ctx_l)
model_inputs["saliency_pos_labels"], model_inputs["saliency_neg_labels"] = \
self.get_saliency_labels_sub_as_query(meta["relevant_windows"][0], ctx_l) # only one gt
return dict(meta=meta, model_inputs=model_inputs)
def get_saliency_labels_sub_as_query(self, gt_window, ctx_l, max_n=2):
gt_st = int(gt_window[0] / self.clip_len)
gt_ed = max(0, min(int(gt_window[1] / self.clip_len), ctx_l) - 1)
if gt_st > gt_ed:
gt_st = gt_ed
if gt_st != gt_ed:
pos_clip_indices = random.sample(range(gt_st, gt_ed+1), k=max_n)
pos_clip_indices = [gt_st, gt_st]
neg_pool = list(range(0, gt_st)) + list(range(gt_ed+1, ctx_l))
neg_clip_indices = random.sample(neg_pool, k=max_n)
return pos_clip_indices, neg_clip_indices
def get_saliency_labels(self, rel_clip_ids, scores, ctx_l, max_n=1, add_easy_negative=True):
"""Sum the scores from the three annotations, then take the two clips with the
maximum scores as positive, and two with the minimum scores as negative.
rel_clip_ids: list(int), list of relevant clip ids
scores: list([anno1_score, anno2_score, anno3_score]),
ctx_l: int
max_n: int, #clips to use as positive and negative, for easy and hard negative, respectively.
add_easy_negative: bool, if True, sample eay negative outside the relevant_clip_ids.
# indices inside rel_clip_ids
scores = np.array(scores) # (#rel_clips, 3)
agg_scores = np.sum(scores, 1) # (#rel_clips, )
sort_indices = np.argsort(agg_scores) # increasing
# indices in the whole video
# the min(_, ctx_l-1) here is incorrect, but should not cause
# much troubles since this should be rarely used.
hard_pos_clip_indices = [min(rel_clip_ids[idx], ctx_l-1) for idx in sort_indices[-max_n:]]
hard_neg_clip_indices = [min(rel_clip_ids[idx], ctx_l-1) for idx in sort_indices[:max_n]]
easy_pos_clip_indices = []
easy_neg_clip_indices = []
if add_easy_negative:
easy_neg_pool = list(set(range(ctx_l)) - set(rel_clip_ids))
if len(easy_neg_pool) >= max_n:
easy_pos_clip_indices = random.sample(rel_clip_ids, k=max_n)
easy_neg_clip_indices = random.sample(easy_neg_pool, k=max_n)
else: # copy the hard ones
easy_pos_clip_indices = hard_pos_clip_indices
easy_neg_clip_indices = hard_neg_clip_indices
pos_clip_indices = hard_pos_clip_indices + easy_pos_clip_indices
neg_clip_indices = hard_neg_clip_indices + easy_neg_clip_indices
return pos_clip_indices, neg_clip_indices
def get_span_labels(self, windows, ctx_l):
windows: list([st, ed]) in seconds. E.g. [[26, 36]], corresponding st_ed clip_indices [[13, 17]] (inclusive)
Note a maximum of `self.max_windows` windows are used.
returns Tensor of shape (#windows, 2), each row is [center, width] normalized by video length
if len(windows) > self.max_windows:
windows = windows[:self.max_windows]
if self.span_loss_type == "l1":
windows = torch.Tensor(windows) / (ctx_l * self.clip_len) # normalized windows in xx
windows = span_xx_to_cxw(windows) # normalized windows in cxw
elif self.span_loss_type == "ce":
windows = torch.Tensor([
[int(w[0] / self.clip_len), min(int(w[1] / self.clip_len), ctx_l) - 1]
for w in windows]).long() # inclusive
raise NotImplementedError
return windows
def _get_query_feat_by_qid(self, qid):
q_feat_path = join(self.q_feat_dir, f"qid{qid}.npz")
q_feat = np.load(q_feat_path)[self.q_feat_type].astype(np.float32)
if self.q_feat_type == "last_hidden_state":
q_feat = q_feat[:self.max_q_l]
if self.normalize_t:
q_feat = l2_normalize_np_array(q_feat)
if self.txt_drop_ratio > 0:
q_feat = self.random_drop_rows(q_feat)
return torch.from_numpy(q_feat) # (D, ) or (Lq, D)
def random_drop_rows(self, embeddings):
"""randomly mask num_drop rows in embeddings to be zero.
embeddings: np.ndarray (L, D)
num_drop_rows = round(len(embeddings) * self.txt_drop_ratio)
if num_drop_rows > 0:
row_indices = np.random.choice(
len(embeddings), size=num_drop_rows, replace=False)
embeddings[row_indices] = 0
return embeddings
def _get_video_feat_by_vid(self, vid):
v_feat_list = []
for _feat_dir in self.v_feat_dirs:
_feat_path = join(_feat_dir, f"{vid}.npz")
_feat = np.load(_feat_path)["features"][:self.max_v_l].astype(np.float32)
if self.normalize_v:
_feat = l2_normalize_np_array(_feat)
# some features are slightly longer than the others
min_len = min([len(e) for e in v_feat_list])
v_feat_list = [e[:min_len] for e in v_feat_list]
v_feat = np.concatenate(v_feat_list, axis=1)
return torch.from_numpy(v_feat) # (Lv, D)
def start_end_collate(batch):
batch_meta = [e["meta"] for e in batch] # seems no need to collate ?
model_inputs_keys = batch[0]["model_inputs"].keys()
batched_data = dict()
for k in model_inputs_keys:
if k == "span_labels":
batched_data[k] = [dict(spans=e["model_inputs"]["span_labels"]) for e in batch]
if k in ["saliency_pos_labels", "saliency_neg_labels"]:
batched_data[k] = torch.LongTensor([e["model_inputs"][k] for e in batch])
batched_data[k] = pad_sequences_1d(
[e["model_inputs"][k] for e in batch], dtype=torch.float32, fixed_length=None)
return batch_meta, batched_data
def prepare_batch_inputs(batched_model_inputs, device, non_blocking=False):
model_inputs = dict(
src_txt=batched_model_inputs["query_feat"][0].to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking),
src_txt_mask=batched_model_inputs["query_feat"][1].to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking),
src_vid=batched_model_inputs["video_feat"][0].to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking),
src_vid_mask=batched_model_inputs["video_feat"][1].to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking),
targets = {}
if "span_labels" in batched_model_inputs:
targets["span_labels"] = [
dict(spans=e["spans"].to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking))
for e in batched_model_inputs["span_labels"]
if "saliency_pos_labels" in batched_model_inputs:
for name in ["saliency_pos_labels", "saliency_neg_labels"]:
targets[name] = batched_model_inputs[name].to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking)
targets = None if len(targets) == 0 else targets
return model_inputs, targets