# Exit on error | |
set -e | |
echo "Starting build process..." | |
# Install system dependencies for tesseract | |
echo "Installing Tesseract and dependencies..." | |
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ | |
tesseract-ocr \ | |
tesseract-ocr-eng \ | |
libtesseract-dev \ | |
libleptonica-dev \ | |
pkg-config \ | |
wget | |
# Create tessdata directory | |
TESSDATA_DIR="/usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata" | |
mkdir -p "$TESSDATA_DIR" | |
# Download traineddata files directly from the official repository | |
echo "Downloading Tesseract traineddata files..." | |
wget -O "$TESSDATA_DIR/eng.traineddata" "" | |
wget -O "$TESSDATA_DIR/osd.traineddata" "" | |
# Set and verify TESSDATA_PREFIX | |
echo "TESSDATA_PREFIX=${TESSDATA_PREFIX}" >> /etc/environment | |
# Verify tesseract installation and data files | |
echo "Verifying Tesseract installation..." | |
if ! command -v tesseract &> /dev/null; then | |
echo "Tesseract installation failed!" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
echo "Tesseract version: $(tesseract --version)" | |
# Verify traineddata files | |
echo "Verifying traineddata files..." | |
if [ ! -f "$TESSDATA_DIR/eng.traineddata" ]; then | |
echo "eng.traineddata is missing!" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
if [ ! -f "$TESSDATA_DIR/osd.traineddata" ]; then | |
echo "osd.traineddata is missing!" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
echo "Traineddata files in $TESSDATA_DIR:" | |
ls -l "$TESSDATA_DIR" | |
# Test Tesseract functionality | |
echo "Testing Tesseract functionality..." | |
echo "Hello World" > test.png | |
if ! tesseract test.png stdout; then | |
echo "Tesseract test failed!" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
rm test.png | |
# Clean and install tesserocr from source | |
echo "Installing tesserocr from source..." | |
pip uninstall -y tesserocr || true | |
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/tesseract" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" pip install --no-binary :all: tesserocr | |
# Verify tesserocr installation | |
echo "Verifying tesserocr installation..." | |
python3 -c " | |
import tesserocr | |
print(f'tesserocr version: {tesserocr.__version__}') | |
print(f'Available languages: {tesserocr.get_languages()}') | |
print(f'TESSDATA_PREFIX: {tesserocr.get_languages()[1]}') | |
" | |
# Install Google Gemini API client | |
echo "Installing Google Gemini API client..." | |
pip install -q -U google-genai | |
echo "Google Gemini API client installed successfully" | |
# Install Python dependencies | |
echo "Installing Python dependencies..." | |
pip install -e . | |
# Create .env file if it doesn't exist | |
if [ ! -f .env ]; then | |
echo "Creating .env file..." | |
cp .env.example .env || echo "Warning: .env.example not found" | |
fi | |
echo "Build process completed successfully!" |