xai-cl / methods.py
Update methods.py
history blame
22.5 kB
import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import torchvision
from PIL import Image
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
def relu_hook_function(module, grad_in, grad_out):
if isinstance(module, nn.ReLU):
return (F.relu(grad_in[0]),)
def blur_sailency(input_image):
return torchvision.transforms.functional.gaussian_blur(input_image, kernel_size=[11, 11], sigma=[5,5])
def occlusion(img1, img2, model, w_size = 64, stride = 8, batch_size = 32):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
output_size = int(((img2.size(-1) - w_size) / stride) + 1)
out1_condition, out2_condition = model(img1), model(img2)
images1 = []
images2 = []
for i in range(output_size):
for j in range(output_size):
start_i, start_j = i * stride, j * stride
image1 = img1.clone().detach()
image2 = img2.clone().detach()
image1[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size] = 0
image2[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size] = 0
images1 = torch.cat(images1, dim=0).to(device)
images2 = torch.cat(images2, dim=0).to(device)
score_map1 = []
score_map2 = []
assert images1.shape[0] == images2.shape[0]
for b in range(0, images2.shape[0], batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
out1 = model(images1[b : b + batch_size, :])
out2 = model(images2[b : b + batch_size, :])
score_map1.append(measure(out1, out2_condition)) # try torch.mm(out2_condition, out1.t())[0]
score_map2.append(measure(out1_condition, out2)) # try torch.mm(out1_condition, out2.t())[0]
score_map1 = torch.cat(score_map1, dim = 0)
score_map2 = torch.cat(score_map2, dim = 0)
assert images2.shape[0] == score_map2.shape[0] == score_map1.shape[0]
heatmap1 = score_map1.view(output_size, output_size).cpu().detach().numpy()
heatmap2 = score_map2.view(output_size, output_size).cpu().detach().numpy()
base_score = measure(out1_condition, out2_condition)
heatmap1 = (heatmap1 - base_score.item()) * -1 # or base_score.item() - heatmap1. The higher the drop, the better
heatmap2 = (heatmap2 - base_score.item()) * -1 # or base_score.item() - heatmap2. The higher the drop, the better
return heatmap1, heatmap2
def occlusion_context_agnositc(img1, img2, model, w_size = 64, stride = 8, batch_size = 32):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
output_size = int(((img2.size(-1) - w_size) / stride) + 1)
out1_condition, out2_condition = model(img1), model(img2)
images1_occlude_mask = []
images2_occlude_mask = []
for i in range(output_size):
for j in range(output_size):
start_i, start_j = i * stride, j * stride
image1 = img1.clone().detach()
image2 = img2.clone().detach()
image1[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size] = 0
image2[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size] = 0
images1_occlude_mask = torch.cat(images1_occlude_mask, dim=0).to(device)
images2_occlude_mask = torch.cat(images2_occlude_mask, dim=0).to(device)
images1_occlude_backround = []
images2_occlude_backround = []
copy_img1 = img1.clone().detach()
copy_img2 = img2.clone().detach()
for i in range(output_size):
for j in range(output_size):
start_i, start_j = i * stride, j * stride
image1 = torch.zeros_like(img1)
image2 = torch.zeros_like(img2)
image1[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size] = copy_img1[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size]
image2[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size] = copy_img2[:, :, start_i : start_i + w_size, start_j : start_j + w_size]
images1_occlude_backround = torch.cat(images1_occlude_backround, dim=0).to(device)
images2_occlude_backround = torch.cat(images2_occlude_backround, dim=0).to(device)
score_map1 = []
score_map2 = []
assert images1_occlude_mask.shape[0] == images2_occlude_mask.shape[0]
for b in range(0, images1_occlude_mask.shape[0], batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
out1_mask = model(images1_occlude_mask[b : b + batch_size, :])
out2_mask = model(images2_occlude_mask[b : b + batch_size, :])
out1_backround = model(images1_occlude_backround[b : b + batch_size, :])
out2_backround = model(images2_occlude_backround[b : b + batch_size, :])
out1 = out1_backround - out1_mask
out2 = out2_backround - out2_mask
score_map1.append(measure(out1, out2_condition)) # or torch.mm(out2_condition, out1.t())[0]
score_map2.append(measure(out1_condition, out2)) # or torch.mm(out1_condition, out2.t())[0]
score_map1 = torch.cat(score_map1, dim = 0)
score_map2 = torch.cat(score_map2, dim = 0)
assert images1_occlude_mask.shape[0] == images2_occlude_mask.shape[0] == score_map2.shape[0] == score_map1.shape[0]
heatmap1 = score_map1.view(output_size, output_size).cpu().detach().numpy()
heatmap2 = score_map2.view(output_size, output_size).cpu().detach().numpy()
heatmap1 = (heatmap1 - heatmap1.min()) / (heatmap1.max() - heatmap1.min())
heatmap2 = (heatmap2 - heatmap2.min()) / (heatmap2.max() - heatmap2.min())
return heatmap1, heatmap2
def pairwise_occlusion(img1, img2, model, batch_size, erase_scale, erase_ratio, num_erases):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
out1_condition, out2_condition = model(img1), model(img2)
baseline = measure(out1_condition, out2_condition).detach()
# a bit sensitive to scale and ratio. erase_scale is from (scale[0] * 100) % to (scale[1] * 100) %
random_erase = transforms.RandomErasing(p=1.0, scale=erase_scale, ratio=erase_ratio)
image1 = img1.clone().detach()
image2 = img2.clone().detach()
images1 = []
images2 = []
for _ in range(num_erases):
images1 = torch.cat(images1, dim=0).to(device)
images2 = torch.cat(images2, dim=0).to(device)
sims = []
weights1 = []
weights2 = []
for b in range(0, images2.shape[0], batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
out1 = model(images1[b : b + batch_size, :])
out2 = model(images2[b : b + batch_size, :])
sims.append(measure(out1, out2))
sims = torch.cat(sims, dim = 0)
weights1, weights2 = torch.cat(weights1, dim = 0).cpu().numpy(), torch.cat(weights2, dim = 0).cpu().numpy()
weights = list(zip(weights1, weights2))
sims = baseline - sims # the higher the drop, the better
sims = F.softmax(sims, dim = -1)
sims = sims.cpu().numpy()
assert sims.shape[0] == images1.shape[0] == images2.shape[0]
A1 = np.zeros((224, 224))
A2 = np.zeros((224, 224))
for n in range(images1.shape[0]):
im1_2d = images1[n].cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)).sum(axis=-1)
im2_2d = images2[n].cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)).sum(axis=-1)
joint_similarity = sims[n]
weight = weights[n]
if weight[0] < weight[1]:
A1[im1_2d == 0] += joint_similarity
A2[im2_2d == 0] += joint_similarity
A1 = A1 / (np.max(A1) + 1e-9)
A2 = A2 / (np.max(A2) + 1e-9)
return A1, A2
def tv_reg(img, l1 = True):
diff_i = (img[:, :, :, 1:] - img[:, :, :, :-1])
diff_j = (img[:, :, 1:, :] - img[:, :, :-1, :])
if l1:
return diff_i.abs().sum() + diff_j.abs().sum()
return diff_i.pow(2).sum() + diff_j.pow(2).sum()
def synthesize(ssl_model, model_type, img1, img_cls_layer, lr, l2_weight, alpha_weight, alpha_power, tv_weight, init_scale, network):
if model_type == 'imagenet':
reduce_lr = False
model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
model = list(model.children())[:img_cls_layer]
model = nn.Sequential(*model).to(device)
reduce_lr = True
shift_layer = 3 if network == 'simclrv2' else 0
equivalent_layer = img_cls_layer - shift_layer
model = list(ssl_model.encoder.net.children())[:equivalent_layer]
model = nn.Sequential(*model).to(device)
opt_img = (init_scale * torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)).to(device).requires_grad_()
target_feats = model(img1).detach()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([opt_img], lr=lr, momentum=0.9)
for i in range(201):
opt_img.data = opt_img.data.clip(0,1)
output = model(opt_img)
l2_loss = l2_weight * ((output - target_feats) ** 2).sum() / (target_feats ** 2).sum()
reg_alpha = alpha_weight * (opt_img ** alpha_power).sum()
reg_total_variation = tv_weight * tv_reg(opt_img, l1 = False)
loss = l2_loss + reg_alpha + reg_total_variation
if reduce_lr and i % 40 == 0:
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] *= 1/10
return opt_img
def get_difference(ssl_model, baseline, image, lr, l2_weight, alpha_weight, alpha_power, tv_weight, init_scale, network):
imagenet_images = []
ssl_images = []
for lay in range(4,7):
image_net_image = synthesize(ssl_model, baseline, image, lay, lr, l2_weight, alpha_weight, alpha_power, tv_weight, init_scale, network).detach().clone()
ssl_image = synthesize(ssl_model, 'ssl', image, lay, lr, l2_weight, alpha_weight, alpha_power, tv_weight, init_scale, network).detach().clone()
return imagenet_images, ssl_images
def create_mixed_images(transform_type, ig_transforms, step, img_path, add_noise):
img = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB') if isinstance(img_path, str) else img_path
img1 = ig_transforms['pure'](img).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
img2 = ig_transforms[transform_type](img).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
lambdas = np.arange(1,0,-step)
mixed_images = []
for l,lam in enumerate(lambdas):
mixed_img = lam * img1 + (1 - lam) * img2
if add_noise:
sigma = 0.15 / (torch.max(img1) - torch.min(img1)).item()
mixed_images = [im + torch.zeros_like(im).normal_(0, sigma) if (n>0) and (n<len(mixed_images)-1) else im for n,im in enumerate(mixed_images)]
return mixed_images
def averaged_transforms(guided, ssl_model, mixed_images, blur_output):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
if guided:
handles = []
for i, module in enumerate(ssl_model.modules()):
if isinstance(module, nn.ReLU):
grads1 = []
grads2 = []
for xbar_image in mixed_images[1:]:
input_image1 = mixed_images[0].clone().requires_grad_()
input_image2 = xbar_image.clone().requires_grad_()
if input_image1.grad is not None:
score = measure(ssl_model(input_image1), ssl_model(input_image2))
grads1 = torch.cat(grads1).mean(0).unsqueeze(0)
grads2 = torch.cat(grads2).mean(0).unsqueeze(0)
sailency1, _ = torch.max((mixed_images[0] * grads1).abs(), dim=1)
sailency2, _ = torch.max((mixed_images[-1] * grads2).abs(), dim=1)
if guided: # remove handles after finishing
for handle in handles:
if blur_output:
sailency1 = blur_sailency(sailency1)
sailency2 = blur_sailency(sailency2)
return sailency1, sailency2
def sailency(guided, ssl_model, img1, img2, blur_output):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
if guided:
handles = []
for i, module in enumerate(ssl_model.modules()):
if isinstance(module, nn.ReLU):
input_image1 = img1.clone().requires_grad_()
input_image2 = img2.clone().requires_grad_()
score = measure(ssl_model(input_image1), ssl_model(input_image2))
grads1 = input_image1.grad.data
grads2 = input_image2.grad.data
sailency1, _ = torch.max((img1 * grads1).abs(), dim=1)
sailency2, _ = torch.max((img2 * grads2).abs(), dim=1)
if guided: # remove handles after finishing
for handle in handles:
if blur_output:
sailency1 = blur_sailency(sailency1)
sailency2 = blur_sailency(sailency2)
return sailency1, sailency2
def smooth_grad(guided, ssl_model, img1, img2, blur_output, steps = 50):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
sigma = 0.15 / (torch.max(img1) - torch.min(img1)).item()
if guided:
handles = []
for i, module in enumerate(ssl_model.modules()):
if isinstance(module, nn.ReLU):
noise_images1 = []
noise_images2 = []
for _ in range(steps):
noise = torch.zeros_like(img1).normal_(0, sigma)
noise_images1.append(img1 + noise)
noise_images2.append(img2 + noise)
grads1 = []
grads2 = []
for n1, n2 in zip(noise_images1, noise_images2):
input_image1 = n1.clone().requires_grad_()
input_image2 = n2.clone().requires_grad_()
if input_image1.grad is not None:
score = measure(ssl_model(input_image1), ssl_model(input_image2))
grads1 = torch.cat(grads1).mean(0).unsqueeze(0)
grads2 = torch.cat(grads2).mean(0).unsqueeze(0)
sailency1, _ = torch.max((img1 * grads1 ).abs(), dim=1)
sailency2, _ = torch.max((img2 * grads2).abs(), dim=1)
if guided: # remove handles after finishing
for handle in handles:
if blur_output:
sailency1 = blur_sailency(sailency1)
sailency2 = blur_sailency(sailency2)
return sailency1, sailency2
def get_sample_dataset(img_path, num_augments, batch_size, no_shift_transforms, ssl_model, n_components):
measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
img = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB') if isinstance(img_path, str) else img_path
no_shift_aug = transforms.Compose([no_shift_transforms['aug'],
transforms.RandomErasing(p=0.5, scale=(0.02, 0.33), ratio=(0.3, 3.3))])
augments2 = [no_shift_aug(img).unsqueeze(0) for _ in range(num_augments)]
data_samples1 = no_shift_transforms['pure'](img).unsqueeze(0).expand(num_augments, -1, -1, -1).to(device)
data_samples2 = torch.cat(augments2).to(device)
labels = []
feats_invariance = []
for b in range(0, data_samples1.shape[0], batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
out1 = ssl_model(data_samples1[b : b + batch_size, :])
out2 = ssl_model(data_samples2[b : b + batch_size, :])
labels.append(measure(out1, out2))
data_labels = torch.cat(labels).unsqueeze(-1).to(device)
feats_invariance = torch.cat(feats_invariance).to(device)
nmf_model = NMF(n_components=n_components, init='random')
# (T, 2048) = W.H = (2048,N) . (N,T), where H is the matrix representing the features of each transform
H = nmf_model.fit_transform(feats_invariance.cpu().numpy())
labels_invariance = torch.from_numpy(H.mean(1)).unsqueeze(-1).to(device)
return data_samples1, data_samples2, data_labels, labels_invariance
def pixel_invariance(data_samples1, data_samples2, data_labels, labels_invariance, resize_transform, size, epochs, learning_rate, l1_weight, zero_small_values, blur_output, nmf_weight):
size: resize the image to that when training the surrogate. Later we upsize
epochs: number of epochs to train the surrogate model
learning_rate: learning rate to train the surrogate model
l1_weight: if not None, enables l1 regularization (sparsity)
x1 = resize_transform((size, size))(data_samples1) # (num_samples, 3, size, size)
x2 = resize_transform((size, size))(data_samples2) # (num_samples, 3, size, size)
x1 = x1.reshape(x1.size(0), -1).to(device)
x2 = x2.reshape(x2.size(0), -1).to(device)
surrogate = nn.Linear(size * size * 3, 1).to(device)
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction = 'sum')
invariance_criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(surrogate.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
for epoch in range(epochs):
pred1, pred2 = surrogate(x1), surrogate(x2)
preds = (pred1 + pred2) / 2
loss = criterion(preds, data_labels)
loss += nmf_weight * invariance_criterion(torch.sigmoid(preds), labels_invariance)
if l1_weight is not None:
loss += l1_weight * sum(p.abs().sum() for p in surrogate.parameters())
heatmap = surrogate.weight.reshape(3, size, size)
heatmap, _ = torch.max(heatmap, 0)
heatmap = (heatmap - heatmap.min()) / (heatmap.max() - heatmap.min())
if zero_small_values:
heatmap[heatmap < 0.5] = 0
if blur_output:
heatmap = blur_sailency(heatmap.unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0)
return heatmap
class GradCAM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, ssl_model):
super(GradCAM, self).__init__()
self.gradients = {}
self.features = {}
self.feature_extractor = ssl_model.encoder.net
self.contrastive_head = ssl_model.contrastive_head
self.measure = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1)
def save_grads(self, img_index):
def hook(grad):
self.gradients[img_index] = grad.detach()
return hook
def save_features(self, img_index, feats):
self.features[img_index] = feats.detach()
def forward(self, img1, img2):
features1 = self.feature_extractor(img1)
features2 = self.feature_extractor(img2)
self.save_features('1', features1)
self.save_features('2', features2)
h1 = features1.register_hook(self.save_grads('1'))
h2 = features2.register_hook(self.save_grads('2'))
out1, out2 = features1.mean(dim=[2, 3]), features2.mean(dim=[2, 3])
out1, out2 = self.contrastive_head(out1), self.contrastive_head(out2)
score = self.measure(out1, out2)
return score
def weight_activation(feats, grads):
cam = feats * F.relu(grads)
cam = torch.sum(cam, dim=1).squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy()
return cam
def get_gradcam(ssl_model, img1, img2):
grad_cam = GradCAM(ssl_model).to(device)
score = grad_cam(img1, img2)
cam1 = weight_activation(grad_cam.features['1'], grad_cam.gradients['1'])
cam2 = weight_activation(grad_cam.features['2'], grad_cam.gradients['2'])
return cam1, cam2
def get_interactioncam(ssl_model, img1, img2, reduction, grad_interact = False):
grad_cam = GradCAM(ssl_model).to(device)
score = grad_cam(img1, img2)
G1 = grad_cam.gradients['1']
G2 = grad_cam.gradients['2']
if grad_interact:
B, D, H, W = G1.size()
G1_ = G1.permute(0,2,3,1).view(B, H * W, D)
G2_ = G2.permute(0,2,3,1).view(B, H * W, D)
G_ = torch.bmm(G1_.permute(0,2,1), G2_) # (B, D, D)
G1, _ = torch.max(G_, dim = -1) # (B, D)
G2, _ = torch.max(G_, dim = 1) # (B, D)
G1 = G1.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
G2 = G2.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
if reduction == 'mean':
joint_weight = grad_cam.features['1'].mean([2,3]) * grad_cam.features['2'].mean([2,3])
elif reduction == 'max':
max_pooled1 = F.max_pool2d(grad_cam.features['1'], kernel_size=grad_cam.features['1'].size()[2:]).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)
max_pooled2 = F.max_pool2d(grad_cam.features['2'], kernel_size=grad_cam.features['2'].size()[2:]).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)
joint_weight = max_pooled1 * max_pooled2
B, D, H, W = grad_cam.features['1'].size()
reshaped1 = grad_cam.features['1'].permute(0,2,3,1).reshape(B, H * W, D)
reshaped2 = grad_cam.features['2'].permute(0,2,3,1).reshape(B, H * W, D)
features1_query, features2_query = reshaped1.mean(1).unsqueeze(1), reshaped2.mean(1).unsqueeze(1)
attn1 = (features1_query @ reshaped1.transpose(-2, -1)).softmax(dim=-1)
attn2 = (features2_query @ reshaped2.transpose(-2, -1)).softmax(dim=-1)
att_reduced1 = (attn1 @ reshaped1).squeeze(1)
att_reduced2 = (attn2 @ reshaped2).squeeze(1)
joint_weight = att_reduced1 * att_reduced2
joint_weight = joint_weight.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(grad_cam.features['1'])
feats1 = grad_cam.features['1'] * joint_weight
feats2 = grad_cam.features['2'] * joint_weight
cam1 = weight_activation(feats1, G1)
cam2 = weight_activation(feats2, G2)
return cam1, cam2