petrel /
AmrGharieb's picture
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from streamlit_ext import download_button as down_btn
def generate_perforations(df,plug_df):
content = "UNITS METRIC\n\n"
# Iterate through unique well names
for well_name in df['well'].unique():
content += f'WELLNAME "{well_name}"\n'
# Filter the dataframe for the current well
well_df = df[df['well'] == well_name]
# Iterate through rows of the filtered dataframe
for index, row in well_df.iterrows():
if row['type'] == 'p':
date = row['date'].strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
top = row['top']
btm = row['btm']
# Write the perforation line to the content
content += f'{date} perforation {top} {btm} 0.1905 0 0 0\n'
if row['type'] == 's':
date = row['date'].strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
top = row['top']
btm = row['btm']
# Write the shut-in line to the content
content += f'{date} squeeze {top} {btm}\n'
# Filter the plug dataframe for the current well
plug_well_df = plug_df[plug_df['well'] == well_name]
# Iterate through rows of the filtered plug dataframe
for index, plug_row in plug_well_df.iterrows():
date = plug_row['date'].strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
depth = plug_row['depth']
# Filter the well dataframe based on the plug depth
filtered_well_df = well_df[(well_df['top'] >= depth) | (well_df['btm'] >= depth)]
# Iterate through rows of the filtered well dataframe
for _, filtered_row in filtered_well_df.iterrows():
top = filtered_row['top']
btm = filtered_row['btm']
if depth > top and depth < btm:
# Write the plug line to the content
content += f'{date} squeeze {depth} {btm}\n'
else :# Write the squeeze line to the content
content += f'{date} squeeze {top} {btm}\n'
content += "\n" # Add a newline between well sections
return content
def generate_tubing(df,tubing=False):
content = "UNITS METRIC\n\n"
# Iterate through unique well names
for well_name in df['well'].unique():
content += f'DATE {df["date"].min().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}\n'
# Filter the dataframe for the current well
well_df = df[df['well'] == well_name]
# Get the deepest perforation depth for the current well
deepest_depth = well_df['btm'].max() + 20
shallowest_depth = well_df['top'].min() - 20
# Write the casing information to the content
content += f'CASING "{well_name}" "Casing 1"\n'
content += '0 "C-API-6.625/J-55/20.00"\n'
content += f'{deepest_depth}\n\n'
if tubing:
# Write the tubing information to the content
content += f'TUBING "Tubing 1" "{well_name}" "{well_name}"\n'
content += '0 "T-API-5.000/J-55/11.50"\n'
content += f'{shallowest_depth}\n'
# Write the packer information to the content
content += f'PACKER "Packer 1" "{well_name}" {shallowest_depth - 30} "PK_ADD_ON1"\n\n'
return content
def main():
#change the page title
st.set_page_config(page_title="Petrel Perforation and Tubing File Generator",layout="wide")
#change the page icon
st.markdown(""" <style>
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}
footer {visibility: hidden;}
</style> """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.title("Petrel Perforation and Tubing File Generator")
# Upload Excel file
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload Perforation Excel file", type=["xlsx", "xls"])
#check box for tubing
tubing = st.sidebar.checkbox("Tubing",value=False)
if uploaded_file is not None:
# Read the Excel file
df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file,sheet_name='perforation')
plug_df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file,sheet_name='plugs')
# Create button to begin the process
if st.sidebar.button("Generate"):
# Prevent page refresh using a callback
st.session_state.generate_clicked = True # Flag for callback
# Use a callback to execute actions only when the button is clicked
if st.session_state.get("generate_clicked", False):
# Generate content for perforations.ev and tubing.tub
perforations_content = generate_perforations(df,plug_df)
tubing_content = generate_tubing(df, tubing=tubing)
# Display perforations.ev content
st.subheader("Click the button below to download perforations.ev and tubing.tub")
# Create buttons to download files
label="Download perforations.ev",
label="Download tubing.tub",
# Reset the flag after execution
st.session_state.generate_clicked = False
if __name__ == "__main__":