""" | |
References: | |
- VectorQuantizer2: | |
- GumbelQuantize: | |
- VQVAE (VQModel): | |
""" | |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
from .basic_vae import Decoder, Encoder | |
from .quant import VectorQuantizer2 | |
class VQVAE(nn.Module): | |
def __init__( | |
self, vocab_size=4096, z_channels=32, ch=128, dropout=0.0, | |
beta=0.25, # commitment loss weight | |
using_znorm=False, # whether to normalize when computing the nearest neighbors | |
quant_conv_ks=3, # quant conv kernel size | |
quant_resi=0.5, # 0.5 means \phi(x) = 0.5conv(x) + (1-0.5)x | |
share_quant_resi=4, # use 4 \phi layers for K scales: partially-shared \phi | |
default_qresi_counts=0, # if is 0: automatically set to len(v_patch_nums) | |
v_patch_nums=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16), # number of patches for each scale, h_{1 to K} = w_{1 to K} = v_patch_nums[k] | |
test_mode=True, | |
): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.test_mode = test_mode | |
self.V, self.Cvae = vocab_size, z_channels | |
# ddconfig is copied from | |
ddconfig = dict( | |
dropout=dropout, ch=ch, z_channels=z_channels, | |
in_channels=3, ch_mult=(1, 1, 2, 2, 4), num_res_blocks=2, # from vq-f16/config.yaml above | |
using_sa=True, using_mid_sa=True, # from vq-f16/config.yaml above | |
# resamp_with_conv=True, # always True, removed. | |
) | |
ddconfig.pop('double_z', None) # only KL-VAE should use double_z=True | |
self.encoder = Encoder(double_z=False, **ddconfig) | |
self.decoder = Decoder(**ddconfig) | |
self.vocab_size = vocab_size | |
self.downsample = 2 ** (len(ddconfig['ch_mult'])-1) | |
self.quantize: VectorQuantizer2 = VectorQuantizer2( | |
vocab_size=vocab_size, Cvae=self.Cvae, using_znorm=using_znorm, beta=beta, | |
default_qresi_counts=default_qresi_counts, v_patch_nums=v_patch_nums, quant_resi=quant_resi, share_quant_resi=share_quant_resi, | |
) | |
self.quant_conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.Cvae, self.Cvae, quant_conv_ks, stride=1, padding=quant_conv_ks//2) | |
self.post_quant_conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.Cvae, self.Cvae, quant_conv_ks, stride=1, padding=quant_conv_ks//2) | |
if self.test_mode: | |
self.eval() | |
[p.requires_grad_(False) for p in self.parameters()] | |
# ===================== `forward` is only used in VAE training ===================== | |
def forward(self, inp, ret_usages=False): # -> rec_B3HW, idx_N, loss | |
VectorQuantizer2.forward | |
f_hat, usages, vq_loss = self.quantize(self.quant_conv(self.encoder(inp)), ret_usages=ret_usages) | |
return self.decoder(self.post_quant_conv(f_hat)), usages, vq_loss | |
# ===================== `forward` is only used in VAE training ===================== | |
def fhat_to_img(self, f_hat: torch.Tensor): | |
return self.decoder(self.post_quant_conv(f_hat)).clamp_(-1, 1) | |
def img_to_idxBl(self, inp_img_no_grad: torch.Tensor, v_patch_nums: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]] = None) -> List[torch.LongTensor]: # return List[Bl] | |
f = self.quant_conv(self.encoder(inp_img_no_grad)) | |
return self.quantize.f_to_idxBl_or_fhat(f, to_fhat=False, v_patch_nums=v_patch_nums) | |
def idxBl_to_img(self, ms_idx_Bl: List[torch.Tensor], same_shape: bool, last_one=False) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: | |
B = ms_idx_Bl[0].shape[0] | |
ms_h_BChw = [] | |
for idx_Bl in ms_idx_Bl: | |
l = idx_Bl.shape[1] | |
pn = round(l ** 0.5) | |
ms_h_BChw.append(self.quantize.embedding(idx_Bl).transpose(1, 2).view(B, self.Cvae, pn, pn)) | |
return self.embed_to_img(ms_h_BChw=ms_h_BChw, all_to_max_scale=same_shape, last_one=last_one) | |
def embed_to_img(self, ms_h_BChw: List[torch.Tensor], all_to_max_scale: bool, last_one=False) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: | |
if last_one: | |
return self.decoder(self.post_quant_conv(self.quantize.embed_to_fhat(ms_h_BChw, all_to_max_scale=all_to_max_scale, last_one=True))).clamp_(-1, 1) | |
else: | |
return [self.decoder(self.post_quant_conv(f_hat)).clamp_(-1, 1) for f_hat in self.quantize.embed_to_fhat(ms_h_BChw, all_to_max_scale=all_to_max_scale, last_one=False)] | |
def img_to_reconstructed_img(self, x, v_patch_nums: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]] = None, last_one=False) -> List[torch.Tensor]: | |
f = self.quant_conv(self.encoder(x)) | |
ls_f_hat_BChw = self.quantize.f_to_idxBl_or_fhat(f, to_fhat=True, v_patch_nums=v_patch_nums) | |
if last_one: | |
return self.decoder(self.post_quant_conv(ls_f_hat_BChw[-1])).clamp_(-1, 1) | |
else: | |
return [self.decoder(self.post_quant_conv(f_hat)).clamp_(-1, 1) for f_hat in ls_f_hat_BChw] | |
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any], strict=True, assign=False): | |
if 'quantize.ema_vocab_hit_SV' in state_dict and state_dict['quantize.ema_vocab_hit_SV'].shape[0] != self.quantize.ema_vocab_hit_SV.shape[0]: | |
state_dict['quantize.ema_vocab_hit_SV'] = self.quantize.ema_vocab_hit_SV | |
return super().load_state_dict(state_dict=state_dict, strict=strict, assign=assign) | |