Pytorch_clinical_NER / scripts /
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from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, List
from thinc.api import (
from thinc.types import Floats2d
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.util import registry
import torch
from torch import nn
def build_torch_ner_model(
tok2vec: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]],
hidden_width: int,
dropout: Optional[float] = None,
nO: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]:
"""Build a tagger model, using a provided token-to-vector component. The tagger
model simply adds a linear layer with softmax activation to predict scores
given the token vectors.
tok2vec (Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]): The token-to-vector subnetwork.
nO (int or None): The number of tags to output. Inferred from the data if None.
RETURNS (Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]): Initialized Model
##print("Entered build_torch_ner_model - ")
listener = tok2vec.maybe_get_ref("listener")
t2v_width = listener.maybe_get_dim("nO") if listener else None
#print(t2v_width, hidden_width, nO, dropout)
t2v_width = 768
#print(t2v_width, hidden_width, nO, dropout)
torch_model = TorchEntityRecognizer(t2v_width, hidden_width, nO, dropout)
#print("torch_model - ",torch_model)
wrapped_pt_model = PyTorchWrapper(torch_model)
wrapped_pt_model.attrs["set_dropout_rate"] = torch_model.set_dropout_rate
#print("set dropout")
model = chain(tok2vec, with_array(wrapped_pt_model))
model.set_ref("tok2vec", tok2vec)
model.set_ref("torch_model", wrapped_pt_model)
model.init = init
#print("Completed build_torch_ner_model")
return model
def init(
model: Model[List[Doc], Floats2d],
X: Optional[List[Doc]] = None,
Y: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]:
"""Dynamically set PyTorch Output Layer shape based on labels data
model (Model[List[Doc], Floats2d]): Thinc Model wrapping tok2vec and PyTorch model
X (Optional[List[Doc]], optional): Sample of Doc objects.
Y (Optional[List[Ints2d]], optional): Available model labels.
RETURNS (Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]): Initialized Model
#print("Entered init - ")
tok2vec = model.get_ref("tok2vec")
torch_model = model.get_ref("torch_model")
#print("Ref names - ",model.ref_names)
listener = tok2vec.maybe_get_ref("listener")
t2v_width = listener.maybe_get_dim("nO") if listener else None
#print(t2v_width," - ",Y)
if t2v_width:
#print("Searching - ",torch_model.maybe_get_dim("nI"))
torch_model.set_dim("nI", t2v_width)
if Y is not None:
nO = len(Y)
torch_model.set_dim("nO", nO)
tok2vec = model.get_ref("tok2vec")
torch_model = model.get_ref("torch_model")
#print("Found - ",torch_model.get_dim("nI"))
return model
def is_dropout_module(
module: nn.Module,
dropout_modules: List[nn.Module] = [nn.Dropout, nn.Dropout2d, nn.Dropout3d],
) -> bool:
"""Detect if a PyTorch Module is a Dropout layer
module (nn.Module): Module to check
dropout_modules (List[nn.Module], optional): List of Modules that count as Dropout layers.
RETURNS (bool): True if module is a Dropout layer.
#print("Entered is_dropout_module - ")
for m in dropout_modules:
if isinstance(module, m):
return True
return False
class TorchEntityRecognizer(nn.Module):
"""Torch Entity Recognizer Model Head"""
def __init__(self, nI: int, nH: int, nO: int, dropout: float):
"""Initialize TorchEntityRecognizer.
nI (int): Input Dimension
nH (int): Hidden Dimension Width
nO (int): Output Dimension Width
dropout (float): Dropout ratio (0 - 1.0)
super(TorchEntityRecognizer, self).__init__()
# Just for initialization of PyTorch layer. Output shape set during Model.init
#print("Entered TorchEntityRecognizer.__init__ - ")
nI = nI or 1
nO = nO or 1
self.nH = nH
self.model = nn.Sequential(
"input_layer": nn.Linear(nI, nH),
"input_activation": nn.ReLU(),
"input_dropout": nn.Dropout2d(dropout),
"output_layer": nn.Linear(nH, nO),
"output_dropout": nn.Dropout2d(dropout),
"softmax": nn.Softmax(dim=1),
def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Forward pass of the model.
inputs (torch.Tensor): Batch of outputs from spaCy tok2vec layer
RETURNS (torch.Tensor): Batch of results with a score for each tag for each token
#print("Entered TorchEntityRecognizer.forward - ")
return self.model(inputs)
def _set_layer_shape(self, name: str, nI: int, nO: int):
"""Dynamically set the shape of a layer
name (str): Layer name
nI (int): New input shape
nO (int): New output shape
#print("Entered TorchEntityRecognizer._set_layer_shape - ",nO, nI)
with torch.no_grad():
layer = getattr(self.model, name)
layer.out_features = nO
layer.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(nO, nI))
if layer.bias is not None:
layer.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(nO))
def set_input_shape(self, nI: int):
"""Dynamically set the shape of the input layer
nI (int): New input layer shape
#print("Entered TorchEntityRecognizer.set_input_shape - ",nI, self.nH)
self._set_layer_shape("input_layer", nI, self.nH)
def set_output_shape(self, nO: int):
"""Dynamically set the shape of the output layer
nO (int): New output layer shape
#print("Entered TorchEntityRecognizer.set_output_shape - ", self.nH, nO)
self._set_layer_shape("output_layer", self.nH, nO)
def set_dropout_rate(self, dropout: float):
"""Set the dropout rate of all Dropout layers in the model.
dropout (float): Dropout rate to set
#print("Entered TorchEntityRecognizer.set_dropout_rate - ")
dropout_layers = [
module for module in self.modules() if is_dropout_module(module)
for layer in dropout_layers:
layer.p = dropout